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Since I last posted I have accomplished the following:

Closed my #2.5 w/ both hands

TNS closed my #2 (rt hand only)

Last Saturday I finally closed my choked #3. I measured the opening and it is 7/8"

I gave it a few squeezes last night in an attempt to video the close but I couldn't get it. Following a deadlift workout probably didn't help.

So, here's a few questions:

1) How consistent should I be on the choked #3 before I move it out some?

2) On an unchoked #3 on a good day I can get it down to about 1/2". I think my set sucks. Would this be a clear indication of that?

The funny/interesting thing to me is that I haven't really been concentrating on grip at all. I keep my #1.5 and #2 at work and occasionally mess with them and I'll occasionally throw in some #3 attempts during workouts but I haven't done anything structured. To be honest when I closed the choked #3 last weekend it surprised me. I didn't expect it to go. That being said, I have really concentrated on my deadlift and rowing lately so that probably helped a ton.

I've been itching to get a slightly harder than a #3 gripper to play with but not sure which way to go.

I've also been itching to get a new blob since I can consistently lift the 30# and 35# blobs that I bought from a gripboard member. The blobs I've found on eBay have been real expensive. Are any of the simulators worth it?

Anyway, glad to be back and looking forward to responses :)

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Guest Bullitt

I would watch the youtube video on setting by Paul Knight and practice it a lot. A 1/2" is still a ways to go. If you are closing it in a choker, you should be within 1/4" without - IMHO. Learning how to properly set a gripper increased my gripper closes by 15 lbs or more. I wouldn't move the choker out until you can regularly get 3 - 4 good singles on it where it is now.

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I can't answer your questions but I'm also curious if a blob simulator is worth it. RB offers 100mm Pinch blocks for example. How thick is a blob?

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I would watch the youtube video on setting by Paul Knight and practice it a lot. A 1/2" is still a ways to go. If you are closing it in a choker, you should be within 1/4" without - IMHO. Learning how to properly set a gripper increased my gripper closes by 15 lbs or more. I wouldn't move the choker out until you can regularly get 3 - 4 good singles on it where it is now.

I remember watching John Hick's set video a good while back. I'll look Paul's up. Thanks for the tips.

I can't answer your questions but I'm also curious if a blob simulator is worth it. RB offers 100mm Pinch blocks for example. How thick is a blob?

Maybe even a plate loadable 4x4 sanded down a little.

I guess I could also do the wire over the top technique to hang more weight from my 35#.

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So, Saturday I decided to give the choked #3 some more love between squat sets.

Here's what happened:




#2.5xF (?!?)




Clear indication to me that my set sucks.

Has anyone noticed a choked gripper weakening over time being choked? I seem to remember a discussion on this before but I'm not sure of the general consensus on it.

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So, Saturday I decided to give the choked #3 some more love between squat sets.

Here's what happened:




#2.5xF (?!?)




Clear indication to me that my set sucks.

Has anyone noticed a choked gripper weakening over time being choked? I seem to remember a discussion on this before but I'm not sure of the general consensus on it.

Hi there,

Well, the same goes for me, i closed the #3 with a choker a few times, but without the choker i'm still missing a millimeter. Still, my feeling is that the lesser I train my grip and the more i take my rest in between (grip)workouts, the better my results are. The same for my regular strength training like deadlifts, squats, chins, etc. When i take a few days off, than suddenly i notice in the mirror that my muscles have grown, a result that i'not getting when i'm training for instance every other day, even when training with a variety of excersices...Maybe it has something to do with passing the 30's? I know now that i have the strength to get that last gap of the #3, the same for you i guess, so i would say try to focus on a good starting strength for the first part of the close. I do that by BFN's with a #4. Can't say by the way how my #3 rates, for me it's heavy and it's stamped #3, so that's all i need to know. You'll see we will be closing the #3 in no-time. By the way the reason my training is a mess at this moment is because of some less sleep i'm getting since the birth of my second daughter, for me a good night sleep is really important for good recovery, so i'm cutting back my training now, guess that training is fun, but not my reason of excistance you know... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

Well, the same goes for me, i closed the #3 with a choker a few times, but without the choker i'm still missing a millimeter. Still, my feeling is that the lesser I train my grip and the more i take my rest in between (grip)workouts, the better my results are. The same for my regular strength training like deadlifts, squats, chins, etc. When i take a few days off, than suddenly i notice in the mirror that my muscles have grown, a result that i'not getting when i'm training for instance every other day, even when training with a variety of excersices...Maybe it has something to do with passing the 30's? I know now that i have the strength to get that last gap of the #3, the same for you i guess, so i would say try to focus on a good starting strength for the first part of the close. I do that by BFN's with a #4. Can't say by the way how my #3 rates, for me it's heavy and it's stamped #3, so that's all i need to know. You'll see we will be closing the #3 in no-time. By the way the reason my training is a mess at this moment is because of some less sleep i'm getting since the birth of my second daughter, for me a good night sleep is really important for good recovery, so i'm cutting back my training now, guess that training is fun, but not my reason of excistance you know... ;)

Thanks for the input. I'm might need to rethink my approach. I just retooled my workout setup so I can have a day for PT stuff and a day for conditioning. I'd like to get rid of some creakiness and lose a little fat. Not sure where I need to try and fit in some grip work.

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