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A few weeks ago a co-worker and I were playing with my 1/2" CRS. He would close it, I would open it. Back and forth. He just stopped by to tell me he has a torn rotator cuff, and has been slamming ibuprofen since then.

Just a friendly reminder to everyone:

First, be careful in your own training. Most of us know the pain of injury and some long recovery times. Train smart.

Second, be careful about who tries your stuff. If they are inexperienced, do your best to warn them about the dangers involved.

Thanks, Alan

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Good post topic!

I have a twin brother who is trying to keep up with my bending poundages. Last night he "f***ed-up his shoulder" trying to bend the IronMind Blue nail. I warned him about pushing himself too hard and learning good-form first... :(

Train safe, guys, and always err on the side of caution.

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Going to the MD tomorrow for a killer case of tendonitus in my right elbow. It really sucks! The only thing that doesnt seem to affect it is wrist rolling. Man this sucks. No grip stuff, no pressing, no rowing, etc, etc.

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I just got over tendonitus. I was crushed. I pray hard for an answer to this pain which I had for about two months. Went to my MD and the doors to the answer and fix flung wide open. Thank God for answered prayers. I took six off and about 6 or 7 treatments of ultra sound. I also took some anti-inflamitories 2 times a day for about 4 weeks. Strongman talked some sense into me about taking time off. Thanks again Strongman. After reading John's new book, I message my arms and hands for 30 mins. after my very strong workouts. Most of them are PR workouts. Thanks John! Hand heath is very important to me now. I use "The Rub" by Natrabio it has arnica montana (Leopard's Bane). There was a bonus side to the time off. My left hand is only about 10% weaker now. It was about 30%. Yes, I worked it to death every day. Oh yea, you can purchase "The Rub" at Vitamin World. They also sell the tablets. I hope this helps. One more thing the MD give me a tennis elbow brace. I first doubted it but it does keep the tension off the elbow. There is a thead where Rick Walker talks about the micro fibers getting ripped by negatives and need more time to heal than other forms of lifting this helped in the way I train now. Thanks Rick! I hope you heal well mg6680!

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Thanks for the response...If you dont mind I'd like some more details on how the doc treated you...This is a serious problem for me and I'm concerned it'll come back...Have you had any reoccurances? Thanks again man...


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The utra sound breaks down the fibers that have been ripped. My DR. was a strong lifter so he knows want I put my body through. I was sore after each treatment but it went away and felt better. The medicine I took was naproxen 375mg tablet (anti-inflamitories) 2 times a day. I also iced down a lot. I found out wearing long sleeve sweatshirt keeps it warm I even wore them to sleep in. I started back very slow maybe 1 day a week with the brace on (gripping) and now I am lifting and bending 3 to 4 days a week. I listened to my body. I went slow for two months and it all worked out. I am now 20% stronger than when I was at my best before I was in all that pain. Two days ago with my right hand (the one that was hurt) I did 157# on 2'' bar for 5 reps on bent over rows no pain what so every. Praise God! Oh yea, I read how to stretch on the UKgrip.info site.

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Are any of you doing serious shoulder work?... overhead presses, DB or barbell - this might help; helps prepare for bending work. John Brookfield said every part of your arm comes into play when steel bending - if you're weak in any part it just won't happen.

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I do a lot of back delt work for pulling apart things. I started back on dips and man those things hit everthing nicely. I weigh 337 1/2# it will be awhile before I go to weighed dips.

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Are any of you doing serious shoulder work?... overhead presses, DB or barbell - this might help
I used to have all sorts of shoulder problems to the point where I would have to take time off shoulder work just to get through my other exercises. Six months ago I started doing Clean and Press and some heavy heavy shoulder presses (more like a negative since I cheat a bit to get the bar up). I realised recently that I haven't been having ANY shoulder problems. I'm now a big believer in these "compound movement" exercises for strengthening the whole body. Edited by gollan
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Well, I went to the MD today...Gave me some motrin and told me to lay off for a while (tell me something I didnt already know). He did mention to me that a lot of the elbow tendonitus cases he has seen are caused from a pronation/supination of the wrist (ala nautilus forearm machine). I dont do those movements much (but benders do) so I suspect my injury was caused by doing too much too soon. I do have some naproxen from a previous back injury so I'll try that. Thanks for the responses.


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