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10 Year Old Chris Tolbert's Knock Out Session


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First off, a big thanks to Eric for starting the Junior list. Chris loves being on David's list with the big boys but having this list with other kids has just really inspired him, little brother and me as well.

Normally, I've been sending the DVDs and waiting for the official results before I say anything but after tonights PRs I can't wait (especially since tomorrow's a holiday) to discuss it.

I'll link the gallery pic but if the link doesn't work you can check my gallery. For some reason I've been having problems with my links since the new server switch.

First off, I knew Chris had more to give after the last bending session with the two different 60ds so I plotted out his path tonight and it worked out great. First off, I cheat kinked one of the griprite #235 60ds to probably 30 degrees and let him finish it off with my thin unbraced pads which he did but tested his pain tollerance. He can bend this nail from start to finish but I wanted to carefully warm him up tonight. Next up I let him bend a griprite timber tie that cal'd at 195 lbs. This was also done in my thin pads for a warm up.

Next up is the PR attempt. I've had a batch of griprite galvanized 60ds since I first started bending that calibrated at 280 lbs a couple years ago. You can see they are visibly thicker than the #235 ones in the photo but I suspected he could get this nail after last session. YEEEEESSSSS! He got it on video to about 1.5 inches and under the 3 minutes. I've always suspected the kid is strong but I'm steadily getting more convinced of it. I believe I was more stoked than when I bend.

Next up is a mystery nail that I've had for a while but after testing them I think they are a good step up from the 280 griprite but probably not quite at Keystone 315 level either. Probably right in the middle at least that's how they feel. Boy he had a rough time of this nail and I stopped him right at the 3 minute buzzer and it's right at 2 inches. He agrees as well it's significantly tougher than the 280 nail. Boy when I told him he had 20 seconds or so left he flew into crushing that nail.

I'm 99% sure that bend was legal but since it was cutting it close and Eric will have the official word on it Chris and I decided to try the same nail again, only a little more fired up. He worked up until 2:55 and when I measured the nail it was under 1.5 inches and WAY off center which you can see in the pic. Great way to back up what is probably his PR and top off a great, great night.

The two nails at the bottom I guess you'd call cool off nails. He was sorta testing these nails for me as well for future use with little brother. The twist nail is a really soft timber tie that calibrated at I think 130 lbs. I'd hate to drive this batch into actual timbers; I think they'd just fold. The next nail is a the toughest pole barn nail I've ever had. Eric calibrated one of these for me a while back but I really can't remember the number. I think just under 200 lbs and both of these were bent again in my thinner unbraced pads.

Here's link (hopefully):

My link

6 year old Eric missed his PR attempt by 1/4 inch which in itself is a PR. I know he's got good natural strength as well. As a matter of fact, when my wife was pregnant with Eric she always exclaimed how unusually hard he kicked.

My bending tonight was basically killing some routine stuff in thin pads just to condition my hands after a layoff. Felt really good killing JH G5 bolts in such small pads and crushing them down way below what required so I'm feeling good.

Chris's bends were all caught on video and I've already dupped a DVD to send to Eric on Thursday. There will be a bonus feat of bending strength on there that only one person ever has seen but I'll hold off commenting on that until Eric has seen the DVD.

All in all though it was definately Chris's night and I'm proud. After it was all done I saw him doing some levers with the little sledge I bought him ha ha!

Later guys and look for a package about Saturday Eric!


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Let's try the link again.

My link

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Link worked this time. Thats a nice little collection they have going. And it sounds like your more excited about bending now through your kids, thats great. I wish my daughter would do more, keep up the great work with them.

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Link worked this time. Thats a nice little collection they have going. And it sounds like your more excited about bending now through your kids, thats great. I wish my daughter would do more, keep up the great work with them.

It's obvious Chris and Eric are chips of the ol' block! Congratulations, gentlemen!

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Kids are the greatest! Well - grandkids aren't bad either :blush . Tell them congrats for me please! :mosher :mosher

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