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How To Improve Grip Training With "regular" Strenght Training?

Six Barrel Shotgun

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I was thinking of how to train strenght training with focus on how to improve grip training. So I have a couple of questions to you guys! :)

Which muscles trains these exercises, secondary? I mean besides forearms and hands.



Two Hand Pinch

One handed deadlift

Double Overhand Style Bending

Reverse Bending

Rolling Thunder


I was thinking of which musclegroups or regular strenght training exercises, that would help to specific grip training exercises, examples as any of those above.

More questions:

Which secondary strenght training exercises do you think help good to a improve in a specific grip training exercises, examples as any of those above.

Which musclegroups except the forearms do you think helps to improve in a specific grip training exercises, examples as any of those above.


I personally thinks that deadlift helps in a lot of exercises.

Do you think biceps and/or triceps training is good for the grip? What else?

I'm going to bed now, would be cool with some responses when I read this first thing tomorrow! :upsidedwn

thankful for replies. Griplove!

Oh, and if this already has been discussed in some other thread - please link me there.


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Guest Bullitt

DO deadlifts, heavy rows and pullups, reverse grip curls, hammer curls, wrist curls. Also, I think overall strength translates to a stronger grip. So any exercise that promotes overall strength should in theory help your grip. Squats, bench press, overhead press, etc.

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Mike hit the nail on the head with his post. Also, aside from improving your grip, squats give you big arms, cure cancer, magically reduce your blood pressure and make you look 10 years younger.

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Guest Bullitt

Mike hit the nail on the head with his post. Also, aside from improving your grip, squats give you big arms, cure cancer, magically reduce your blood pressure and make you look 10 years younger.

HAHAHAHA You guys have to check out the video on the Diesel Crew site: http://www.dieselcrew.com/grip-strength-feat-trainingroducts/

"can squats cure cancer?"

"yes. There is nothing heavy squats can't cure. You just gotta focus on proper form and driving with the hips."

"But women love big muscles and bodybuilders."

"Listen, kid, women love money, and this thing between your thighs, and of course an impressive back squat."

"Anyone who says full squats are bad for the knees has with that statement, demonstrated conclusively that they are not entitled to an opinion about the matter."

"If lifting heavy weights for partial squats were of any benefit for sports, Gold's Gym would be fielding the majority of the 2010 Olympic team."

"There is simply no other excercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than a correctly performed full squat."

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Effin A, I been sayin it all along. Now there's proof. You want a stronger (insert word here) then all you got to do is SQUAT.

Any one ever see the t-shirt



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Down this road, in a gym far away,

a young man was heard to say,

"no matter what i do, my legs won't grow"

he tried leg extensions, leg curls, and leg presses , too

trying to cheat, these sissy workouts he'd do.

from the corner of the gym where the big men train,

through a cloud of chalk and the midst of pain

where the noise is made with big forty fives,

a deep voice bellowed as he wrapped his knees.

a very big man with legs like trees.

laughing as he snatched another plate from the stack

chalking his hands and monstrous back,

said, "boy, stop lying and don't say you've forgotten,

the trouble with you is you ain't been SQUATTIN'. "

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Down this road, in a gym far away,

a young man was heard to say,

"no matter what i do, my legs won't grow"

he tried leg extensions, leg curls, and leg presses , too

trying to cheat, these sissy workouts he'd do.

from the corner of the gym where the big men train,

through a cloud of chalk and the midst of pain

where the noise is made with big forty fives,

a deep voice bellowed as he wrapped his knees.

a very big man with legs like trees.

laughing as he snatched another plate from the stack

chalking his hands and monstrous back,

said, "boy, stop lying and don't say you've forgotten,

the trouble with you is you ain't been SQUATTIN'. "

You're such a poet ! :laugh

Well written. I've printed it as a reminder !!

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