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Partials Deadlift...

The Mac

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In the seemingly never-ending quest to build my partial deadlift, I would appreciate a few answers to the following questions:

1) How high do you pull the bar from (in inches or cm if poss)


2) Approximately how far does the bar travel??

Answers can be either what you use/have used or what you prefer/would prefer (or indeed any other tips at all...).

Sorry for the somewhat abrupt question, but I am rather pushed for time whilst typing this. :(

Thanks in advance

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I take the bar just above the knees so, for me, the initial height is 19 inches. I pull the bar to full deadlift. The bar goes up 10-12 inches.

Start with moderate weight and add weight whenever you can . Partial dead is one of my favorite exercise overall.

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When I do lockouts, I start the pull from between the middle and top of my knees. The bar moves about 8-10 inches. I love performing them because this movement is such an ego booster.

Edited by HandsofStone
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A partial deadlift is any lift started above floor level the height of the bar being governed by 45 lb plates. Any starting height above that and the lift taken to lockout is a partial. A good way to train is in a rack and with a heavy weight, and week by week lower the bar until you reach the floor. whiloe you are at it why not also do timed holds in the lockout position?

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We train from 18 inches exactly as this seems to be the height at most strongman contests..as it was at the 'snowman' and there is actually an IFSA record(1062.5lbs from that height).We train them on monday with traps and lower lats and high pulls.

Distance traveled/Depends on the height and arm length.I'm a little less than 6'2"and have normal length arms Josh is 'about'5'11"with long arms so he has less of a pull...I'm still ahead of him on poundage but i'd say he surpasses me in 7 to 8 weeks....

Long legs coupled with a short torso is the ideal structure from a leverage stand point.Add long arms to that and.....thats the perfect deadlifter or partial deadlifter.

We also-occasioanlly do 'overloads'...partials from 21 inches.

You can pile on an extra 150 lbs and it seems to hit more traps than anything.

It (partials)is an ego booster BUT1.it does really build up the traps,erectors and even lower lats.2.it is arecognized 'event'-popularized by the sport of strongman.

We don't do much work off the floor with deads-we do em once in a while as a test..we aren't really powerlifters...BUT we do trap bar-off the floor- every Thursday before squats.Heavy.Ithink the trapbar is a more sports relevant form of the deadlift and also will prepare us to do heavier farmers walk(all i have now are pre-loaded 250lb oxy tanks that i use..this is NOT heavy but it's enough for me at this time)Josh does not do farmers walk yet...in his words"I'll worry about that when I'm strong"........

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Thank you for your replies Gentlemen.

Tou - 19 inches is just above the knees, and you are around 5'7", is that right??

Edited by The Mac
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Long legs coupled with a short torso is the ideal structure from a leverage stand point.

Oh well, I have short legs and a long torso. I am not sure any lifts favor my proportions. Long arms don't help my bench, and a long torso don't do much for my deadlift and squat.

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You maybe able to parlay your big trunk or torso into other forms of brute strength.Pfister despite his long arms has very short legs and a huge torso.Schoonvled has a huge Torso..relatively short legs and longer and thicker than average


Neither of them can really deadlift very much(although neither have reached their peaks on the lift either)My point is they are doing just fine as strongmen....(understatement) :blink

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I don't have any concrete evidence but it would seem that a long torso and long arms coupled with short legs would be ideal for the Atlas stones.

Mike M.

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I did think you must have very short calves (or else I should stop doing partial deads in high heels..... :D:D ) as the top of my knees is about 59.5mm (231/2 inches) at 5'11"....

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