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Great Night!


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So, tonight I decide to go for my Bastard cert video. I got everything ready, chalked my wraps, laid some rubber bands out, got the ruler, etc. Found a decent spot to put the camera to self-video. So, I go for it. Killed it in plenty of time. Watched the vid on the camera, decent quality, not great, but I think it is passable.

About the time I get done watching, the wife comes into me and my son's "man cave". So, I tell her I got the bastard on vid. She is as excited as probably most everyone else's wife is about bending. But I am feeling great, I have laid off the grippers for a while just for such a night as this. I tell her, "Come over and film me CLOSING this #3 right quick."

We get into position. She is filming, doesn't say anything. So, I ask if she has the #3 on film. Yea, she does, I thought she was trying to focus on it. Alright, feeling great! Best set of my life! Good and tight, perfectly parallel. Plenty of time on cam. So, I squeeze! I feel the handles some together. I grind them! I can actually feel them and hear them grinding! I piss my pants just a little bit!

Alright!! Finally on film!!! "Let me see, I wanna watch it!"......A crappy look comes across her face. "I know you got that on film?!?!?"

"I'm sorry baby. You can just do it again."

"It doesn't work like that."

"What do you mean? You just did it. Do it again."

Long story short, I have tried 5 more times tonight and I can't seem to "just do it again." Not tonight anyway.

Then on top of that I used a digital camera (picture camera) to record my Bastard video on. And now I can't seem to make the format the camera records in work on my computer.

But, I know in my heart and mind that I can close a #3 and bend a Bastard. I did both tonight. I don't care if anyone else believes me or not. I will show you guys soon enough. ;)

I was really wondering how many times something similar has happened to you guys? Also, I have a wife up for trade. Be sure the one you want to trade can at least run a video camera. :D

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Oh yeah...it's happened. That's okay, though. It seems like after the the first close, the following closes feel easier.

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So, tonight I decide to go for my Bastard cert video. I got everything ready, chalked my wraps, laid some rubber bands out, got the ruler, etc. Found a decent spot to put the camera to self-video. So, I go for it. Killed it in plenty of time. Watched the vid on the camera, decent quality, not great, but I think it is passable.

About the time I get done watching, the wife comes into me and my son's "man cave". So, I tell her I got the bastard on vid. She is as excited as probably most everyone else's wife is about bending. But I am feeling great, I have laid off the grippers for a while just for such a night as this. I tell her, "Come over and film me CLOSING this #3 right quick."

We get into position. She is filming, doesn't say anything. So, I ask if she has the #3 on film. Yea, she does, I thought she was trying to focus on it. Alright, feeling great! Best set of my life! Good and tight, perfectly parallel. Plenty of time on cam. So, I squeeze! I feel the handles some together. I grind them! I can actually feel them and hear them grinding! I piss my pants just a little bit!

Alright!! Finally on film!!! "Let me see, I wanna watch it!"......A crappy look comes across her face. "I know you got that on film?!?!?"

"I'm sorry baby. You can just do it again."

"It doesn't work like that."

"What do you mean? You just did it. Do it again."

Long story short, I have tried 5 more times tonight and I can't seem to "just do it again." Not tonight anyway.

Then on top of that I used a digital camera (picture camera) to record my Bastard video on. And now I can't seem to make the format the camera records in work on my computer.

But, I know in my heart and mind that I can close a #3 and bend a Bastard. I did both tonight. I don't care if anyone else believes me or not. I will show you guys soon enough. wink.gif

I was really wondering how many times something similar has happened to you guys? Also, I have a wife up for trade. Be sure the one you want to trade can at least run a video camera. biggrin.gif

I don't believe a word of it-sounds proposterous!!!

Just kidding, well done!!!mosher.gif

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Thanks guys. I was more psyched about the #3. I know the wife felt bad. I can't help but laugh about the whole thing. The look on her face was priceless. That's what I really want on video. I can close a #3 again. That look may never come around again. :)

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Haha dang man I know that feeling. My dad missed my #3 close the first time he tried to record it. He tried to put the blame on me: "I pushed the damn button!!! You're the one who didn't have the camera set up right!!" is what he says to me haha. Luckily, I was able to do it again a bit later. You know you can close it so its just a matter of doing it again. Nice job on the bastard and the #3 close dude!!

Edited by BigJan85
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Congratulations, Chris! At least you have the bend on vid and it's just a matter of finding a way to upload it. That #3 will happen for the camera soon enough. As she said, just do it again! :laugh:rock

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Well done ! Nobody doubts it was closed. Plenty of closes will come soon. :mosher

Keep this sentence in mind : "Amateurs train until they succeed; Professionals train until they can not fail" (from Teemu Ilvesniemi I think).

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Guest Bullitt

Probably happened to me a dozen times. My wife has gotten several good videos of me walking away triumphantly. Thought it was recording but wasn't and then turns it on when she thought she turned it off. It happens bro. To everyone. We know you got it, but more importantly, you know you got it. You will close that thing so many times in the future, this will just be a funny story.

"you can just do it again" :laugh:laugh:laugh Classic.

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Congrats on the Bastard Chris. :mosher Youll film a 3 close soon enough bro.

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Congrats Chris, i believe you, the video will come in time. Thats a great job on the #3, can't wait to do that myself. And the bastard is only the first step for you, you'll be killing big steel real soon.

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Thanks again everyone.

Jan, yea I can see it happens to the best of us now. Thought maybe it was just my dumb luck.

Sherrie, how's that #1 coming? I will honestly be more proud to see that than my #3. You will get it! I KNOW it!

Joefrey, Thanks for that. I have a new favorite quote now. That is awesome.

Lol, it almost was.....but, it's cheaper to keep her! :whacked

Rindo, I am ready to be to the point where I can "just do it again" for reps! I was really starting to doubt that I would ever close the darn thing. But now I know I can.

Casey, thanks man. At least you have seen me close Eric's #3.

Mike, you will be smashing the #3 in no time. I can't wait to be bending like you! ;)

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