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Where Did Everyone Go?


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Just wondering were all the board members have gone, especially the regular steel benders from the last 2 years? It seems that in the last 8-10 months, none of the "regulars" seem to be posting in the bending forum.

Just curious as to why, and if anyone else seems to notice and/or care!

Edited by naturalstrength
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naturalstrength, it took me a while, but I more or less singlehandedly demolished the legitimacy of DO bending as a grip competition event. So what you're seeing here is progress. The 'regulars' are off now doing useful things, like thickbar and pinch training. You should give some thought to joining them. Just an idea. All the best, Rex

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If I'm one of the ones you're talking about, I've lost the bending bug. Well, actually that's a lie. I haven't lost it, it's just flying under the radar for now. I want to focus more on my weaknesses, pinch and thickbar, for now. I suspect it's the same for most others here. I bent one of those hard Edgins you sent me a few months back, but that's pretty much the only thing I've bent in the last year aside from the odd horseshoe for the odd person.

Most folks like to train for what will be in the next contests. Bending hasn't been in many contests recently. It's mob rule and the mob doesn't want bending for now.

BTW Rex, DO bending hasn't been in a contest for awhile. You were hardly a factor in that ;)

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Just wondering were all the board members have gone, especially the regular steel benders from the last 2 years? It seems that in the last 8-10 months, none of the "regulars" seem to be posting in the bending forum.

Just curious as to why, and if anyone else seems to notice and/or care!

The only thing I've bent since February was the 2 reds I did in the Woodall comp and the 60d and 6"x1/4 G5 I did in the AZ comp medley. I found that bending hard even once every couple weeks destroys the rest of my training progress and puts me into overtraining. So I'm just not doing it right now while I focus on bringing up other weak points. I'll likely get back to bending once I'm done, or sooner if a contest I plan on going to has it as an event.

- Aaron

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naturalstrength, it took me a while, but I more or less singlehandedly demolished the legitimacy of DO bending as a grip competition event. So what you're seeing here is progress. The 'regulars' are off now doing useful things, like thickbar and pinch training. You should give some thought to joining them. Just an idea. All the best, Rex

Haha! Classic Rex!

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Death List 5

#4 MMS 3/20

MM5 2/21

385 Axle DL 10/11

6"x5/16 FBBC sq 2/21

Blob +12 +12.8 2/14

Dude, you need a new death list!

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I've wondered the same, Carl. I know about a few of the guys, but there still seems to be a lot unaccounted for.

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Death List 5

#4 MMS 3/20

MM5 2/21

385 Axle DL 10/11

6"x5/16 FBBC sq 2/21

Blob +12 +12.8 2/14

Dude, you need a new death list!

Yay! :mosher

- Aaron

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Good Question Carl. I've only been following the Bending board for a bout a year and it really seems to be cyclical. (nothing to do with Rex, HaHaHa) Personally i've been training for Gripmas so i have not done much bending since the Steel Slayer comp. I think it will come around again.

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naturalstrength, it took me a while, but I more or less singlehandedly demolished the legitimacy of DO bending as a grip competition event. So what you're seeing here is progress. The 'regulars' are off now doing useful things, like thickbar and pinch training. You should give some thought to joining them. Just an idea. All the best, Rex

I am not trying to single out any specific individual, and as much as Rex want's to believe he is responsible for the earth turning and the sunrise/sunset(I think they call that narcissism!wink.gifbiggrin.gif ), I still find the decline odd.

I don't think the decline is because bending(DO in particular) is not featured in contests(or because Rex's superior bending demolished the sport), since I can count on 1 hand the amount of gripboard members that regularly attend these contests(there are supposedly over 10,000 active gripboard members), nor can it be due to the fact that an individual has "outgrown" bending. Also, on May 10, 2006 there was a record 151 members online simultaneously. As I am writing this post, there are 20 members online(1/2 are guestssad.gif ). So, the better question to ask I suppose is this. Are people simply fading away from the sport once the honeymoon phase wears off and the PR's will now only come with hard work, discipline, and dedication?!? Is the snobery(and unfortunately it does exist in this sport and is rampant) putting-off some and alienating others(ie: "quit the bending and start joining the boys that like to grip thick, cylindrical objects club"blink.gif )?!?

Whatever the case, I was just wondering why and if anyone else had some useful input(Rex need not applytongue.gif ) as to why the decline not only in the bending forum but in the gripboard in general. And if you feel like bending is beneath you(ie: leave it to the peons mentality!), than bend a Huge Edgine in IMP ONLY. Until then, stay in the "grip" forum and bugger off the "bending" forumtongue.gifwink.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.giftongue.gif

-Carl Ansara

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Oh my. Now you've done it, Carl. I see Rex is running off to bawl in the corner like Big Baby Huey. :laugh


But get ready, once he recovers from his crying fit he's gonna come after you like a raging bull of sarcastic wit and malicious spite. :ohmy

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Grip numbers are down at contests as well. Hard to tell exactly what is causing all of it.

It is hard to get people to post sometimes about why they aren't interested and/or participating.

I'd love to know though that's for sure.

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naturalstrength, it took me a while, but I more or less singlehandedly demolished the legitimacy of DO bending as a grip competition event. So what you're seeing here is progress. The 'regulars' are off now doing useful things, like thickbar and pinch training. You should give some thought to joining them. Just an idea. All the best, Rex

now that makes me want to puke, oh darn forgot my tape measure :flame:D

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I've talked with a few people about this very subject Carl. There are a large number of factors. I used to be a posting fiend, as evidenced by my huge post count, but I kind of got bored constantly hopping on the net. Now school is a big focus for me. The truth is, you can only focus on so much at a time and only do really well in something when you can give your full attention. For now, people seem to be quietly training under the radar while other life-foci take up their energy. The gripboard is hardly the only forum experiencing a slump. I'm quite the forum-hopper and post in places regularly, and every one of them is slower than I remember them being a few years ago. Everything will pick up again, it'll just take time. Unless, of course, people are just leaving the internet strength/bodybuilding/MMA forums for good... but I wouldn't count on that.

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I've talked with a few people about this very subject Carl. There are a large number of factors. I used to be a posting fiend, as evidenced by my huge post count, but I kind of got bored constantly hopping on the net. Now school is a big focus for me. The truth is, you can only focus on so much at a time and only do really well in something when you can give your full attention. For now, people seem to be quietly training under the radar while other life-foci take up their energy. The gripboard is hardly the only forum experiencing a slump. I'm quite the forum-hopper and post in places regularly, and every one of them is slower than I remember them being a few years ago. Everything will pick up again, it'll just take time. Unless, of course, people are just leaving the internet strength/bodybuilding/MMA forums for good... but I wouldn't count on that.


I hear you about other forums being slow and going through slumps, ive also noticed a trend on other forums where people who have hardly done any conventional training yet want to work on insane feats.. IMHO the barbell comes first... everything else after!

I'm new to bending and just hope I have not missed the boat, as there seem to be many good people who've really helped me in only a short amount of time.

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IMHO the barbell comes first... everything else after!

You're going to make a lot of friends here, Mitch.


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IMHO the barbell comes first... everything else after!

You're going to make a lot of friends here, Mitch.


Rex Im Sorry if I offended you but I was speaking to Zach in reference to another popular forum we both check out regularly..


Edited by MitchSA
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Just my theories on the subject...:

1. Bending is relatively hard to combine with other grip endeavors. It really wears and tears on hands, fingers and wrists, especially if the path of smaller wraps is chosen. Personally I worked up to a shiny in IMPs and were overtrained for several weeks.

2. Bending (especially) isn't recognised as a typical grip contest.

=> #1 and #2 has the consequence that guys who are competing doesn't focus on bending.

3. It's relatively achievable to reach the level of red nail/bastard, but after that progress becomes more difficult. So after the first year or so, most "benders" fade away and lose interest, since it's farther between PRs, less videos to show etc. In most cases the "new guys" lose interest and leave the bending...

4. The freeze of the previous "nail-man-lists" probably "alienated" some of the guys who frequented those lists. I'm not saying it was a bad move, but some of them perhaps didn't appreciate it too much ;)

5. Of course, the wrapping issue. I won't dwell on that point, since I don't make too much friends discussing the topic here ;), but in my opinion, it's a reason. Let me also clarify 2 things here:

1. The biggest problem with the wrapping issue isn't what size of wraps that's ok, the biggest problem is the historical reluctance to some kind of standard

2. The current version of the steel slayer's list and its rules is a great effort to set a standard in this area.

Just my own theories/speculations on the subject, Henrik

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I'm not bending currently so there's not much to report. I decided to reduce volume in the summer as other grip stuff was not progressing and there was some pain in the other shoulder. The idea was kind of maintenance/slow progress for a while. Then I injured the index finger of my left hand playing around with a G8 reverse in loose wraps. Bolt somehow flipped and I hit the finger against the other hand so hard that something went wrong. This was 1-2 months ago and it's still not recovered. Plan is to get back next year if the finger's alright.

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IMHO the barbell comes first... everything else after!

You're going to make a lot of friends here, Mitch.


Rex Im Sorry if I offended you

No need to apologize Mitch, your only stating your opinion!

Just my theories on the subject...:

1. Bending is relatively hard to combine with other grip endeavors. It really wears and tears on hands, fingers and wrists, especially if the path of smaller wraps is chosen. Personally I worked up to a shiny in IMPs and were overtrained for several weeks.

2. Bending (especially) isn't recognised as a typical grip contest.

=> #1 and #2 has the consequence that guys who are competing doesn't focus on bending.

3. It's relatively achievable to reach the level of red nail/bastard, but after that progress becomes more difficult. So after the first year or so, most "benders" fade away and lose interest, since it's farther between PRs, less videos to show etc. In most cases the "new guys" lose interest and leave the bending...

4. The freeze of the previous "nail-man-lists" probably "alienated" some of the guys who frequented those lists. I'm not saying it was a bad move, but some of them perhaps didn't appreciate it too much wink.gif

5. Of course, the wrapping issue. I won't dwell on that point, since I don't make too much friends discussing the topic here wink.gif, but in my opinion, it's a reason. Let me also clarify 2 things here:

1. The biggest problem with the wrapping issue isn't what size of wraps that's ok, the biggest problem is the historical reluctance to some kind of standard

2. The current version of the steel slayer's list and its rules is a great effort to set a standard in this area.

Just my own theories/speculations on the subject, Henrik

Thanks for the reply Henrik! I do agree with you on some of these points, but I still don't see point #2 as a factor. Once again, it is the EXTREME minority of members who partcipate in these contests in the first place. Also, it is a crying shame that the "grip mob" has eliminated bending in contests. Fair play if you want to demonize DO(since many argue it's not a true "test of grip"), but what about DU, reverse, heslep, slim style bending, horseshoe bending, long-mid/shortbar bending, etc.... I guess if the "grip mob" feels that all these facets of bending are not worthy of contest status, than maybe we should just change the name of this forum from the "gripboard" to the "plate-pinching/levering/and thickbar board". So, the consensus, as I understand it, is that the decline in steel bending is because the "grip mob" doesn't want it to affect the "true" tests of grip as found in these grip contests(ie: platepinch/levering/thickbar), so lets just eliminate them right!?! What ever happened to the proverbial "well rounded" athlete, you know, the one who can perform well at all aspects of the athletes given discipline?!? Imagine a "World's Strongest Man" competition where the events of barell tossing, farmer's walk's, overhead log press, etc. is removed from the competition because Maurize Pujinowski(sp??) doesn't want those events to affect his Atlas stone lifting!!!

I think the "grip mob" should maybe re-prioritize their thinking and get a more balanced approach. Just my 2 cents.


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That's a really good point carl. You should sponser a local contest and pick your own events. So start planning.


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