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hey i have the full set of heavy grippers and a captain of crush 2.5 and i have been using them on and off for past 2 months i want to start training them more seriosly... i can close the hg250 but cant close the coc 2.5 any have any advice or training tips so i can reach the 2.5 and hg300??

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still a good inch or so, i ordered a vulcan gripper dont have it yet but im gona try to use it to progress up when i get

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still a good inch or so, i ordered a vulcan gripper dont have it yet but im gona try to use it to progress up when i get

Sounds like you could start doing bounce-forced negs with it now.

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lol what is a bounce forced neg?

like i said ive just played with em on and off i wana start doing them more often now lol

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lol what is a bounce forced neg?

like i said ive just played with em on and off i wana start doing them more often now lol

Close the gripper as far as you can. When you stop, force it the rest of the way with your other hand and hold it till it opens to the same point again. As soon as it gets there, force it back in. Repeat for the amount of reps you want (I like 6-8). This also works good for a gripper you can already rep, to use it to keep forcing out reps once you get fatigued.

They're also great with filed grippers.

BFNs are my favorite gripper-strength builder

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huh that sounds good il try that any suggestions on like a workout schedule?? and BFN??

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I usually start with about 3 attempts on my goal gripper, then move on to doing the BFNs on it (about 2-3 sets of 6-8), then a few sets of parallel reps and overcrushes with a lighter gripper. Sometimes I'll throw in some BFNs on a filed gripper in between my goal gripper and the repping gripper. Normally I train grippers/related on Monday (though I usually end up throwing a few more lighter workouts in during the week), then pinch on Wednesday, and thickbar on Friday. Sometimes I'll do two or all 3 on the same day to mix it up. That's what works for me, though. You'll have to experiment to see what works best for you.

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Ofcourse u could do (BF)negatives on ur goal gripper (in this case the #2.5), but since the HG250 is slightly easier than a #2 in most cases, I would also keep training with the HG250 for reps. :)

In this case u could start doing two kinds of workouts: one(/two) workout(s) in which u increase ur reps on the HG250 every week and one workout in which u do heavy negative singles on the #2.5.

If u can do 20 reps minimum with the HG250, Im sure u can close a #2.5 ;)

Edited by Sigi
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lol alright il try this lol got a vulcan gripper on order and i ordered a rb240, bb master and super master(wanted to try out other brands) anyone know how the rb 240 compares to the hg 250?

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lol alright il try this lol got a vulcan gripper on order and i ordered a rb240, bb master and super master(wanted to try out other brands) anyone know how the rb 240 compares to the hg 250?

Waaaaay harder. This is closer to #3 range.

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lol alright il try this lol got a vulcan gripper on order and i ordered a rb240, bb master and super master(wanted to try out other brands) anyone know how the rb 240 compares to the hg 250?

Here's a little list that ranks different grippers together. It's not going to be perfect since grippers vary but it will give you a general idea of where things fall.

1 IM Guide 60 lbs

2 RB70

3 IM Sport 80 lbs

4 HG100

5 .225 BB Beginner 100 lbs

6 HG150

7 .225 COC T 100 lbs

8 RB130N

9 RB100

10 RB160N

11 RB130

12 RB180N

13 .235 BB Advanced 140 lbs

14 .235 COC #1 140 lbs

15 HG200

16 .241 COC 2004 #1 153 lbs

17 PDA243

18 .250 COC 2006 #1.5 168 lbs

19 .250 BB Super Advanced 173 lbs

20 GM1 cert gripper

21 RB210N

22 HG250

23 RB160

24 .260 BB Master 195 lbs

25 .260 COC #2 195 lbs

26 RB180

27 RB240N

28 PDA262

29 RB260N

30 .273 COC 2006 #2.5 238 lbs

31 HG300

32 .275 BB Super Master 255 lbs

33 GM2 cert Gripper

34 RB210

35 HG400

36 .281 BB Grand Master 280 lbs

37 .281 COC #3 280 lbs

38 .277 RB240

39 .283 COC 2005 #3 290 lbs

40 GM3 cert gripper

41 RB300N

42 HG350

43 .277 RB260

44 .295 spring, 1/4" mount, 2.75 width MMG1 * 306 lbs

45 .295 spring, 3/16" mount, 2.75 width MMG2 * 315 lbs

46 .295 BB Elite 320 lbs

47 .294 COC 2006 #3.5 323 lbs

48 RB330N

49 .306 spring, 1/4" mount, 2.75 width MMG3 * 335 lbs

50 .295 RB300

51 .306 spring, 3/16” mount, 2.75 width MMG4 * 345 lbs

52 .306 BB Super Elite 345 lbs

53 .312 BB Grand Elite 365 lbs

54 RB330

55 .312 COC #4 365 lbs

56 .353 HG500

57 RB365

58 .331 BB Pro 430 lbs

59 .345 BB World Class 470 lbs

60 .353? BB Galaxy 565 lbs

61 .362 BB Super Galaxy

62 .375 BB Grand Galaxy


If you have the 240N it seems to be fairly close (probably a good step up) but if you have the regular 240, it's a lot harder (according to the list).

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lol nice and im under half an inch from the 2.5 hope to close it next week

and wow the rb240 is that hard hmmm wont b closing that for a while

oh and also u think if i tried the kta program i could close the #3 by january?? want it to be my goal to close it by the time im 18 lol.. regardless whether or not il b able to im gona try it lol

Edited by glen
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lol nice and im under half an inch from the 2.5 hope to close it next week

and wow the rb240 is that hard hmmm wont b closing that for a while

oh and also u think if i tried the kta program i could close the #3 by january?? want it to be my goal to close it by the time im 18 lol.. regardless whether or not il b able to im gona try it lol

glen i belive in u

i bet u will close the #4(not 3) by january

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I have a CoC#2 if you want to trade.

lol sounds interesting however i will be getting one shortly... its becoming addicting and well im spending alota money on it lol over the past week and a half i have ordered a vulcan gripper, kta program, 2 beef builders and an rb gripper and tommorow i will be ordering a titans telegraph, and the coc 2,3 and 3.5 lol

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I've had good luck doing sets of 5-7 reps and then a set of strapholds and set of BFN's with a harder griper then my goal gripper. If you're still 1/2" away from the #2.5 IMO that would be your gripper for BFN's. How a far are you from getting the HG300? RB240n/260n might be a good gripper to help with the #2.5. GL with your training...

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well ya just got my bb master and super master and an rb260(Siginificantly more difficult them expected), i got a coc 3 ttk and some chalk on order(ironmind is crazy on shipping costs!!!) can close my master my 250 but still the 2.5 eludes me... im doing negatives with a 300 but damn that thing instantly springs out so idk if i should use an easier gripper or what

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well ya just got my bb master and super master and an rb260(Siginificantly more difficult them expected), i got a coc 3 ttk and some chalk on order(ironmind is crazy on shipping costs!!!) can close my master my 250 but still the 2.5 eludes me... im doing negatives with a 300 but damn that thing instantly springs out so idk if i should use an easier gripper or what

Ironmind shipping costs are more expensive because they use a more secure way to deliver I think (UPS). Try Gripper Superstore.

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Just a question I don't think anyone has asked but are you setting the gripper correctly? With my #2.5. because it's my peak gripper at the moment I find it really important to get it positioned "just so" or I bomb out on the last few mm. It may be that re-assessing or really concentrating on the "set" you actually achieve the #2.5, but that's something only you can determine :D

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lol what is a bounce forced neg?

like i said ive just played with em on and off i wana start doing them more often now lol

Close the gripper as far as you can. When you stop, force it the rest of the way with your other hand and hold it till it opens to the same point again. As soon as it gets there, force it back in. Repeat for the amount of reps you want (I like 6-8). This also works good for a gripper you can already rep, to use it to keep forcing out reps once you get fatigued.

They're also great with filed grippers.

BFNs are my favorite gripper-strength builder

I did that. After my forearm training I wanted to max out with the HG150.. Got up to about 86 reps, then doing 4 BFR for 90. The burn starts early, so you really must fight it. I was suprised how much my left was lacking. Could only do 74. I started 31 days ago. With my right hand I could max out at 40-50 reps, so I'm making good progress, even though I'm sore every day. Even when driving clutching the steering wheel, I can feel my palm and fingers burn.

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lol ya i am setting it the way described in the kta program (which im gona start when i get my ttk).... ahh and i had my 100 at school the other day and after trying most people thought they could hold it for a while so i get a timer out and had them squeze a 2$ coin between the ends of the handles... i said if n e one can keep the toonie their for over a minute they can keep it, needless to say i still had my 2 dollars by the end of the day lol, i managed to get 62 seconds:( i wana bring it to 2 minutes

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