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Where To After 1/4 6" Grd8 Reverse


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Hello Brothers in grip

Im very very new to bending but I have indeed been training my wrists intensely for almost 2 years, my favourite exe's being hammer levering and plate curls with a 33-35lb. I live in South Africa so ive never know where my bending stock stood in relation to that of other countries so I decided it would be wise to order some bending stock from FBBC.

Well my bag of steel arrived yesterday and i immediately went for one of the golden grade 8's ( 1/4 6") in reverse. I'd never ever tried reverse but have watched many clips of strong reverse benders..

Oh well long story short I managed to take the bolt to 35 degs in one hit in single leathers, Funny enough reverse feels very comfortable... obviously my DO is way more powerful but i don't like it much because it bothers my left shoulder.

I guess what im asking, is this a respectable bend? and what should a few realistic goals be from here?

Thanks for reading my post and sharing your thoughts

BTW here is some hammer levering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmqjgZzphm8

and plate curling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlGkAJYvRug

Edited by MitchSA
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First of all many congrats for your g8 reverse!

U are ready to try one bastard/red nail in this style(should be your next steep), u will feel a litlle difference because the size of the bards(7").

20 lbs for 3 its incredible!

Realistic goals? dont set ANY ... get as many fbcc cert as u can:-)

Good luck.

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Hello Brothers in grip

Im very very new to bending but I have indeed been training my wrists intensely for almost 2 years, my favourite exe's being hammer levering and plate curls with a 33-35lb. I live in South Africa so ive never know where my bending stock stood in relation to that of other countries so I decided it would be wise to order some bending stock from FBBC.

Well my bag of steel arrived yesterday and i immediately went for one of the golden grade 8's ( 1/4 6") in reverse. I'd never ever tried reverse but have watched many clips of strong reverse benders..

Oh well long story short I managed to take the bolt to 35 degs in one hit in single leathers, Funny enough reverse feels very comfortable... obviously my DO is way more powerful but i don't like it much because it bothers my left shoulder.

I guess what im asking, is this a respectable bend? and what should a few realistic goals be from here?

Thanks for reading my post and sharing your thoughts

BTW here is some hammer levering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmqjgZzphm8

and plate curling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlGkAJYvRug

Very impressive levering, and a grade 8 reverse is definitely a respectable bend. A red nail or bastard would probably be a good short term goal, and any 5/16" crs would be good steel to work with as you go forward.

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Hey man! A RED nail is definitely the next step up from a G8. The REDs are easier than bastards and I hear this newest bastard batch is one of the hardest ever.

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Hello Brothers in grip

Im very very new to bending but I have indeed been training my wrists intensely for almost 2 years, my favourite exe's being hammer levering and plate curls with a 33-35lb. I live in South Africa so ive never know where my bending stock stood in relation to that of other countries so I decided it would be wise to order some bending stock from FBBC.

Well my bag of steel arrived yesterday and i immediately went for one of the golden grade 8's ( 1/4 6") in reverse. I'd never ever tried reverse but have watched many clips of strong reverse benders..

Oh well long story short I managed to take the bolt to 35 degs in one hit in single leathers, Funny enough reverse feels very comfortable... obviously my DO is way more powerful but i don't like it much because it bothers my left shoulder.

I guess what im asking, is this a respectable bend? and what should a few realistic goals be from here?

Thanks for reading my post and sharing your thoughts

BTW here is some hammer levering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmqjgZzphm8

and plate curling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlGkAJYvRug

Mitch, many have gone right from Grade 8 to Red within a couple of weeks over the years. Most of them have been using the DO style, BUT you may be strong enough to hit one reverse because you have been doing so much wrist work. Most people miss a couple grade 8's before getting them and you got one of your first try, so I wouldn't be surprised a bit.

Do you have access to drill rod?

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Congrats on both your grade 8 reverse and also the 3 reps with the 20 lb hammer.

We are close to being in the same strength with the reverse. i just got a Grade 8 about a month ago. And i plan on trying the Red Nail next. The 7" changes things a little so i'm messing around with where to put my wraps. I wobbled a 7" red, but i really want to kill one soon. And i just hit 1 rep with the 20 lb sledge, time fo me to go for more reps

So i agree with the others, go for the Red, i just got a batch about 2 months ago and they calibrate at 420 lbs, and my bastards are at 475 lbs, but they are a couple of month old. Go kill a Red Nail :mosher

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Thank all for your kinds words and Advice!

Jed: I can get drill rod, but it freaks me out a bit because of its inconsistency, I once had a 5/16 6" piece snap mid DO bend and it speared my chin and needed 2 stiches ( imagine trying to explain that one to the doc ha ha)

Mike: yes I stil have not worked out the best wrap placement for reverse yet.

It would be pretty cool to be the first South African to be on the RED list!

I will keep you all posted on this weeks progress

Thanks once again!

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Thank all for your kinds words and Advice!

Jed: I can get drill rod, but it freaks me out a bit because of its inconsistency, I once had a 5/16 6" piece snap mid DO bend and it speared my chin and needed 2 stiches ( imagine trying to explain that one to the doc ha ha)

Mike: yes I stil have not worked out the best wrap placement for reverse yet.

It would be pretty cool to be the first South African to be on the RED list!

I will keep you all posted on this weeks progress

Thanks once again!

Was it O-1(Oil hardened)? I have never heard of 0-1 snapping, never had it snap on me either. I've bent hundreds of pieces by now.

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Congratulations - a Grade 8 reverse is a heck of a bend. It puts you into a select group for sure. Next comes the Red and Bastard at 7" and there are several things at 6" that will be harder than the G8. Depending on the batch of steel - 1/4" square at 6" can be substantial and the drill rod comes in enough sizes to offer progression also. With reverse - changing length doesn't seem to be as big a deal as with DO. Strong stuff - keep it up!

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