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Question About Do Grip On Dl


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Hi, guys, I'm just wondering if anyone might have some pointers for me. I've been stuck at 405x3 DO grip forever. This isn't a problem with my deadlift, just my grip. Well, my grip strength overall has improved, but my DO on DL is going down. I've been struggling to even pull one rep DO at 405 lately :( The weird thing is that I haven't really been doing any grip specific work lately and still struggling. Another strange aspect here is that pulling sumo I've easily pulled 405x5 DO and on a reverse band DL, zero off the top, I've held 495 with no problem. Any suggestions are appreciated

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Hi, guys, I'm just wondering if anyone might have some pointers for me. I've been stuck at 405x3 DO grip forever. This isn't a problem with my deadlift, just my grip. Well, my grip strength overall has improved, but my DO on DL is going down. I've been struggling to even pull one rep DO at 405 lately :( The weird thing is that I haven't really been doing any grip specific work lately and still struggling. Another strange aspect here is that pulling sumo I've easily pulled 405x5 DO and on a reverse band DL, zero off the top, I've held 495 with no problem. Any suggestions are appreciated

It may just be CNS tiredness due to overtraining. Whenever I find that there is something like that that I should be able to do but suddenly can't I try to back off for a bit to let my CNS recover some and Boom! the strength is back. Of course it could be something else too I guess if your not in the middle of a hard training stage.

- Aaron

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On of the best things I ever did in training was for one full year to do any and all my deadlifts on a 2" bar. My weights went down drastically at the start but, my form improved, grip strength(without too much extra work) was at my top level and in the end equalled all my regular bar lifts on the 2" bar. I did a lot of combinations of hand position and many reverse grip reps using one through three fingers(al la Goerner). RS

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Darin from my personal experience I have to say that there are periods that the body boosts up and periods that the body slows down "automatically" without changing something at your training, your nutrition, your supplementation and your resting time.

I've noticed that a lot of times hiting PRs one after another at diferrent exercises, suddenly and without changing anything of the above factors, something like loss of strength and then again the lost strength comes back.

I don't know if someone else too ever noticed such a thing but if its not overtraining - like you said you don't do much grip training lately - I can't explain the loss of strength with any other way.

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Maybe the lack of grip training is the problem? It's not uncommon for one area of grip to be down while the rest are up.

I like heavy dumbbell rows (strapless, of coarse) for DL grip strength, btw.

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Hi, guys, I'm just wondering if anyone might have some pointers for me. I've been stuck at 405x3 DO grip forever. This isn't a problem with my deadlift, just my grip. Well, my grip strength overall has improved, but my DO on DL is going down. I've been struggling to even pull one rep DO at 405 lately :( The weird thing is that I haven't really been doing any grip specific work lately and still struggling. Another strange aspect here is that pulling sumo I've easily pulled 405x5 DO and on a reverse band DL, zero off the top, I've held 495 with no problem. Any suggestions are appreciated

It may just be CNS tiredness due to overtraining. Whenever I find that there is something like that that I should be able to do but suddenly can't I try to back off for a bit to let my CNS recover some and Boom! the strength is back. Of course it could be something else too I guess if your not in the middle of a hard training stage.

- Aaron

Thanks for your reply Aaron.

The thing is I've been stuck at a 405x3 DO for well over a year, which I think is strange all around. My recent struggles I was thinking could be due to over training, especially since I tweaked my wrists pretty good on a reverse bend about a month ago. But I've really laid off and have only been lifting twice a week due to school and some other RL junk and I still struggled for a single rep on Wednesday at 405.

On of the best things I ever did in training was for one full year to do any and all my deadlifts on a 2" bar. My weights went down drastically at the start but, my form improved, grip strength(without too much extra work) was at my top level and in the end equalled all my regular bar lifts on the 2" bar. I did a lot of combinations of hand position and many reverse grip reps using one through three fingers(al la Goerner). RS

Thanks for your response.

Yes, I do need to get some work in on a 2" bar. I bought a chunk of 2" tubing last spring that I planned on turning into an axle and haven't gotten around to it yet, unfortunately. Maybe I'll get off my butt after all my exams next week and get to work on it.

Those reverse grip reps you're talking about are for curls, right? Or are you deadlifting with a supinated grip?

Darin from my personal experience I have to say that there are periods that the body boosts up and periods that the body slows down "automatically" without changing something at your training, your nutrition, your supplementation and your resting time.

I've noticed that a lot of times hiting PRs one after another at diferrent exercises, suddenly and without changing anything of the above factors, something like loss of strength and then again the lost strength comes back.

I don't know if someone else too ever noticed such a thing but if its not overtraining - like you said you don't do much grip training lately - I can't explain the loss of strength with any other way.

Thanks for your response Manthos.

I know what you mean, I have those sometimes also. More often than I'd like < < But my grip thing with DO seems a little more extreme. Maybe with luck I'll come out of this slump, though.

Maybe the lack of grip training is the problem? It's not uncommon for one area of grip to be down while the rest are up.

I like heavy dumbbell rows (strapless, of coarse) for DL grip strength, btw.

Thanks for your response Magnus.

I don't think it's the lack of grip training, because I needed to take some time off due to a rough reverse bending session. That could explain my slump, but it's been a month ago now and my wrists are feeling fine now. Plus I've not improved on DO on DL for a long time. I feel I should be pulling 455+ DO by now.

I always do everything strapless as heavy as I can. I actually wonder if straps might not be part of the problem. I've been pulling DO as much as I can then switching over to straps thinking I train grip enough. When I pull singles I use a hook grip. Perhaps I should start using alt grip for heavy multi rep sets instead of straps? I suppose that couldn't hurt.

Has your deadlift form changed much recently? If you are dragging the bar up your body more that could effect the DO quite drastically.

Thanks for your response Mac.

My form hasn't changed, but I've often wondered if the dragging of the bar up my shins isn't what's causing me to lose the bar. One thing I did change a little over a year ago is wearing Rehband calf sleeves - otherwise I tear up my shins and bleed everywhere :blush Those do catch on the knurling a little bit. Maybe I'll try to pull with out them once and see how big of a difference it makes.

Lately, however, I've been struggling just to get the bar off the ground. That's my immediate concern.

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