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Need Advice For The #3


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I'm getting really frustrated with the #3. I closed it with the right hand once i think for maybe a microsecond but I never did again. I'm trying every idea out there but i cant get it closed. I'm always a few hairs away maybe 1/8'' or so. It's been like that for months and am truly pissed off now. This is what i'm doing for my training:

Thursday is deadlift day so i do light gripper training:

10 tns reps #1 for 1 set

5 tns reps # 2 for 3 sets

1 or 2 singles # 2.5 overcruch

10 reps # 1

imtug #3 pinches and plate curls

I also do wrist curls and levering

Sunday is far from any other grip related exercise so it's heavy gripper day:

10 tns reps #1 for 1 set

5 tns reps # 2 for 1 set

1 or 2 singles # 2.5 overcruch

3 attempts # 3

2 partials #3.5

10 tns reps #1 for 1 set

imtug #3 pinches

On Tuesday i may do about 6-10 good squeezes on the # 3 during the day but I also do wrist curls like crazy that day.

I would really like some advice guys. Anything!!

Another weird thing is that i'm right handed but my left hand feels much stronger that my right and it often is with grip..not wrist curls.

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Drop all the TNS training and focus on the close. I.e, try 1cm BFNs on the #3 and #3.5, and parallel (or smaller, even) reps on the #2.5. Finish up with some overcrushes on the #2.5 when you're done.

Edited by Magnus
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First off, did you originally close the #3 under any "special" conditions (ex. different workout routine, using creatine, high stress levels)? I had closed grippers under stress that never got closed again for months, trust me that matters. If it happened to click during a regular workout and you just aren't making any gains, then the problem I believe lies in your workout schedule and routine. In the old days people got strong from working ALL DAY. Think about that. Squeezing metal handles for 50 reps or so within one week of time is not going to do much to stimulate your body. When starting out with grippers, it is advised that you don't train too often and especially if you train heavy negatives to avoid over training. You have been training a while and chances are you need to increase the volume and not set boundaries for your workouts. If you set out to do 3 attempts on the #3 and come close each time, do more attempts. Do negative holds as well. Work grippers two days in a row before resting. When you get used to doing certain exercises it may take several consecutive workouts to stimulate the muscle tissue enough to promote growth and strength increase. I'm just starting back into grippers after an injury so I only do 3 times per week but I am steadily increasing the volume. When you have not made any gains after 2 weeks on your current training schedule it's time to up the volume, either in the number of days you train or the amount you train in each workout. Or both.

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Drop all the TNS training and focus on the close. I.e, try 1cm BFNs on the #3 and #3.5, and parallel (or smaller, even) reps on the #2.5. Finish up with some overcrushes on the #2.5 when you're done.

Ok i will do that !!! Thanks man!!

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First off, did you originally close the #3 under any "special" conditions (ex. different workout routine, using creatine, high stress levels)? I had closed grippers under stress that never got closed again for months, trust me that matters. If it happened to click during a regular workout and you just aren't making any gains, then the problem I believe lies in your workout schedule and routine. In the old days people got strong from working ALL DAY. Think about that. Squeezing metal handles for 50 reps or so within one week of time is not going to do much to stimulate your body. When starting out with grippers, it is advised that you don't train too often and especially if you train heavy negatives to avoid over training. You have been training a while and chances are you need to increase the volume and not set boundaries for your workouts. If you set out to do 3 attempts on the #3 and come close each time, do more attempts. Do negative holds as well. Work grippers two days in a row before resting. When you get used to doing certain exercises it may take several consecutive workouts to stimulate the muscle tissue enough to promote growth and strength increase. I'm just starting back into grippers after an injury so I only do 3 times per week but I am steadily increasing the volume. When you have not made any gains after 2 weeks on your current training schedule it's time to up the volume, either in the number of days you train or the amount you train in each workout. Or both.

I dont remember anything special that day...no stress, creatine maybe...maybe i do need to up the volume. Good i'll try that along with magnus's advice. thanks man.

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Try to take 1.5 - 2 weeks off. No grip training at all. That usually works for me. I've found out that I'm at my strongest about 1.5 -2 weeks after a hard training period.

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Here is how I would set it up:

Light day

-warm up

-multiple sets 5 reps of credit card closes with the #2 (as many as 10 sets). When you cant get 5, do 4, then 3. Once you cant close it 3 times, go to the #1 and bang out a few sets of 10 and call it good.

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations

Hard day

-Warm up

-5 sets of single overcrushes with each hand with the 2.5. Make sure these are solid overcrush closes and not just "attempts" at the #3.

-strap holds, 3 sets of singles with the #2 or #2.5 and at least 5 pounds

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations.

Do this 6 days a week.

If you have tugs, throw in some last 2 finger work on both days as well. On deadlift days use straps, you arent strengthening your hands when you deadlift, you are strengthening your back, legs, etc.

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Here is how I would set it up:

Light day

-warm up

-multiple sets 5 reps of credit card closes with the #2 (as many as 10 sets). When you cant get 5, do 4, then 3. Once you cant close it 3 times, go to the #1 and bang out a few sets of 10 and call it good.

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations

Hard day

-Warm up

-5 sets of single overcrushes with each hand with the 2.5. Make sure these are solid overcrush closes and not just "attempts" at the #3.

-strap holds, 3 sets of singles with the #2 or #2.5 and at least 5 pounds

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations.

Do this 6 days a week.

If you have tugs, throw in some last 2 finger work on both days as well. On deadlift days use straps, you arent strengthening your hands when you deadlift, you are strengthening your back, legs, etc.

Most of you guys are telling me to increase the volume and concentrate on more on the final crush range. It makes sense. I'll start today. I was worried about overtraining. I guess i should push more.

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Everybody responds differently to training protocalls, so no idea what would work best for you there, but here is a sure fire way to add 5 pounds to your close. At least it works for me every time and I know Sam Solomi swears by it too.

30 - 45 minutes before close drink a bunch of caffeine (coffee or energy drink).

5 minutes before attempt do a couple good sets of squats. Fairly heavey in the 10 - 15 rep range.

Wait 5 minutes and then grind the handles into dust! :rock

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Try to take 1.5 - 2 weeks off. No grip training at all. That usually works for me. I've found out that I'm at my strongest about 1.5 -2 weeks after a hard training period.

Tried that, did not work.

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File a #2 as well. That will really help that final crush down...smash the handles together create a spike in force.

Most of you guys are telling me to increase the volume

I am about 2 weeks back into serious grippin' again. Yesterday I did 100 reps with each hand with the #2.5 and #2.

That is high volume.

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Everybody responds differently to training protocalls, so no idea what would work best for you there, but here is a sure fire way to add 5 pounds to your close. At least it works for me every time and I know Sam Solomi swears by it too.

30 - 45 minutes before close drink a bunch of caffeine (coffee or energy drink).

5 minutes before attempt do a couple good sets of squats. Fairly heavey in the 10 - 15 rep range.

Wait 5 minutes and then grind the handles into dust! :rock


I like high volume (ok myabe not 'Rick Walker high' , ha ha). Before my #3 cert every day i would do 15 singles CCS with an easy #3. Then 3 days rest and then smash come cert day. The same would work for MMS if you goal is to get consistent with an MMS #3 close. I'd suggest doing a bunch of #2.5 closes every other day to start with, say 10 singles per session after warmups and see how that goes. Don't touch the #3 for a while. In a week's time see how you are, if your hands are ok up the volume to maybe 12-15 singles on the #2.5. Then another week. Then 2-3 days rest then smash the #3, you'll get it easily.

Rick Walker's advice looks good aswell maybe do a phase of his workouts then a phase of mine and see how you do. Both will get you stronger. Remember the hands can't fall off, so they will have no choice but to toughen up and get better at closing heavy grippers.

Edited by CoC#3
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Here is how I would set it up:

Light day

-warm up

-multiple sets 5 reps of credit card closes with the #2 (as many as 10 sets). When you cant get 5, do 4, then 3. Once you cant close it 3 times, go to the #1 and bang out a few sets of 10 and call it good.

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations

Hard day

-Warm up

-5 sets of single overcrushes with each hand with the 2.5. Make sure these are solid overcrush closes and not just "attempts" at the #3.

-strap holds, 3 sets of singles with the #2 or #2.5 and at least 5 pounds

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations.

Do this 6 days a week.

If you have tugs, throw in some last 2 finger work on both days as well. On deadlift days use straps, you arent strengthening your hands when you deadlift, you are strengthening your back, legs, etc.

The strap holds are good for pushing the limit. Having a weight to hold in the gripper handles "tricks" your mind into recruiting more muscle fibers to get the job done. I did penny holds and found those more effective than just squeezing the gripper.

Here is how I would set it up:

Light day

-warm up

-multiple sets 5 reps of credit card closes with the #2 (as many as 10 sets). When you cant get 5, do 4, then 3. Once you cant close it 3 times, go to the #1 and bang out a few sets of 10 and call it good.

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations

Hard day

-Warm up

-5 sets of single overcrushes with each hand with the 2.5. Make sure these are solid overcrush closes and not just "attempts" at the #3.

-strap holds, 3 sets of singles with the #2 or #2.5 and at least 5 pounds

-finish with thumb, wrist, and rotations.

Do this 6 days a week.

If you have tugs, throw in some last 2 finger work on both days as well. On deadlift days use straps, you arent strengthening your hands when you deadlift, you are strengthening your back, legs, etc.

Most of you guys are telling me to increase the volume and concentrate on more on the final crush range. It makes sense. I'll start today. I was worried about overtraining. I guess i should push more.

In my opinion, the way to tell if you're overtraining is if your hands are often tired on workout days or you don't feel up to it and you aren't making gains on your workouts. The way to tell if you're undertraining is if you're giving lots of rest and aren't making gains. You have to find your "groove" to maximize gains.

Everybody responds differently to training protocalls, so no idea what would work best for you there, but here is a sure fire way to add 5 pounds to your close. At least it works for me every time and I know Sam Solomi swears by it too.

30 - 45 minutes before close drink a bunch of caffeine (coffee or energy drink).

5 minutes before attempt do a couple good sets of squats. Fairly heavey in the 10 - 15 rep range.

Wait 5 minutes and then grind the handles into dust! :rock

Getting warmed up, amping up the CNS and increasing bloodflow is always gonna work. My gripping strength was always considerably better when warm. I think someone here actually measured the difference with one of those digital scales and I remember it was pretty significant.

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Everybody responds differently to training protocalls, so no idea what would work best for you there, but here is a sure fire way to add 5 pounds to your close. At least it works for me every time and I know Sam Solomi swears by it too.

30 - 45 minutes before close drink a bunch of caffeine (coffee or energy drink).

5 minutes before attempt do a couple good sets of squats. Fairly heavey in the 10 - 15 rep range.

Wait 5 minutes and then grind the handles into dust! :rock


I like high volume (ok myabe not 'Rick Walker high' , ha ha). Before my #3 cert every day i would do 15 singles CCS with an easy #3. Then 3 days rest and then smash come cert day. The same would work for MMS if you goal is to get consistent with an MMS #3 close. I'd suggest doing a bunch of #2.5 closes every other day to start with, say 10 singles per session after warmups and see how that goes. Don't touch the #3 for a while. In a week's time see how you are, if your hands are ok up the volume to maybe 12-15 singles on the #2.5. Then another week. Then 2-3 days rest then smash the #3, you'll get it easily.

Rick Walker's advice looks good aswell maybe do a phase of his workouts then a phase of mine and see how you do. Both will get you stronger. Remember the hands can't fall off, so they will have no choice but to toughen up and get better at closing heavy grippers.

Thanks for all the great advice guys.

I like you're workout COC#3 and Rick Walker's too, it really involves some intense volume. I like magnus's BFN suggestion though, I feel i just must try to incorporate it there somehow.

:rock :rock

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  • 1 month later...

Ohhhhh yeahhhhh!! I got it this morning...the handles just touched again on the #3 with my RH!!! i was expecting my left to get it first but i guess not..Man this feel good!! I dont know how i will record this though i dont have a recorder...maybe my camera has a video option..I'm a long way of from a cert but who cares it still feels good!!!

Thanks for the advice guys!! I lost some strength at first from doing higher volume but i rested and got stronger.

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Ohhhhh yeahhhhh!! I got it this morning...the handles just touched again on the #3 with my RH!!! i was expecting my left to get it first but i guess not..Man this feel good!! I dont know how i will record this though i dont have a recorder...maybe my camera has a video option..I'm a long way of from a cert but who cares it still feels good!!!

Thanks for the advice guys!! I lost some strength at first from doing higher volume but i rested and got stronger.

If you lost strength for a while then that means you inflicted tissue damage which had to be repaired. This is good as it is the only way to get stronger. The same thing happens to me.

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Ohhhhh yeahhhhh!! I got it this morning...the handles just touched again on the #3 with my RH!!! i was expecting my left to get it first but i guess not..Man this feel good!! I dont know how i will record this though i dont have a recorder...maybe my camera has a video option..I'm a long way of from a cert but who cares it still feels good!!!

Thanks for the advice guys!! I lost some strength at first from doing higher volume but i rested and got stronger.

If you lost strength for a while then that means you inflicted tissue damage which had to be repaired. This is good as it is the only way to get stronger. The same thing happens to me.

Yeah i guess thats true...but man..grip takes awhile to devellop though. i guess it's the same for most isolation exercises.

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