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1st Barehand Bending


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Just to share with u guys!

In order to bend steel everyone one of us must have lots of motivation and desire to kill certain piece of steel.

I had some steel so i give it a try.

THANKS Luuc for giving me all the knowledge about this type of bending.

Congrats Gazza for bending the shiny ... i m going to do the same soon ...LOL JK


Edited by ewokhugo
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Mike, thanks for your kind words.

I used tape in the end of the bar(black tape)it certainly helped.

Actually ITS NOT painfull, this may be a surprise for the majority.

Painfull for me was to broke some bars(because i had to open it and crush it + 100 times non-stop).

I strongly recommend u guys to do this(unless u are a begginer).

Edited by ewokhugo
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thanks a lot guys i really appreciated your kind words!

Gazza:i accept the challenge , next time will use gazza's style(dw40!) oh yes !!

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thanks to all my brothers of steel!

Casey: thanks! me big? it must have something to do with 2 weeks of weigh training but only for fun(i think u are talking about my "size").i put eventually 2-5 pounds of muscle during this time.

Doug: I am waiting for your huge bastard cert! come on bro!...

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That looked very easy!! :blink

What is that Gazza's style, DW40? I guess DW doesn't mean Double Wraps :D.

Barehanded on steel sprayed with WD40 to make it slick. :whacked Crazy strong stuff!

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thanks a lot David for your kind words!

Today i did it using dw40:-) will post the video as soon it get uploaded.

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