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The Apollon wheels replica will again be in Columbus for the Arnold Classic according to manufacturer Tom Lincir.

In 2002, the schedule of events was literally changed

at the last hour, and Arnold's website does not currently

list a time frame for the Strongman events.

If anyone knows specific times, please let us know. The

wheels will be slightly different this year though I do not

know in what way.

Unfortunately, the Inch bell lifting was done on stage

Saturday night so a ticket to the bodybuilding show was

required to witness it. The wheels were lifted at the Expo,

where $10 gets you in and out all day.

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Do they let the anyone TRY the wheels, just out of curiousity, before the event? I know at the AOBS, each one of us had a go at the Inch that Mark lifted - good fun, and a quick way to quell any doubters. :phone

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At the 2002 event, the wheels were in a storage/shipping

box until ready to be lifted.

There was a lighter, warm-up set of wheels backstage.

And, no, the public was not allowed a try-liability, I suspect.

John Wood and I chatted for a moment with Ed Coan, who

had not yet tried the warm-up set. He was not a competitor, but he appeared to want to at least try


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If I am at the Arnold this year (Weider publications have

been sold, but I should be safe until my contract runs out)

it will be on behalf of FLEX magazine, and I will not be

bringing that monster piece of iron along.

That's why I suggested to Terry Todd that he suggest to

Lorimer that a couple of MB's should be purchased, and

maybe even given away as door prizes after being used

for whatever they need this year. I mentioned this to Terry a few weeks ago. Mobsterone- has anyone contacted you about it?

Whatever happens to my suggestion-and I suspect it will

not be implemented, the only extra weight I'll take to Columbus will be covering my abs. :unsure

The cost of a couple of MBs to Arnold is peanuts, and it

would be a solid publicity stunt to have a couple on hand,

so Mobster, perhaps you should pursue this deal?

A small finder's fee, a luxury suite, and some prime rib

each morning for breakfast is all I ask in return :rolleyes

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What is your turnaround time: If two bells were ordered,

say Jan 1, and were air shipped to Columbus, what time frame?

In other words, what's the most procrastination that can

be tolerated for the bells to be in Columbus by the end

of Feb?

And, in that regard, do you have any extras on hand for

such a situation, or do you cast bells as needed?


If this idea appeals to you, push for it. Imagine the details involved in the Columbus planning!

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Got word this afternoon that I will be going to Columbus.

But my MB will not accompany me (not will it accompany

anyone else), so if there is to be an MB there, other

arrangements should be made.

Plenty of time. At the last ASC the Apollon wheels arrived

either the day of, or the day before, they were needed.

STEVE: deadlift your MB on Jan 18, and offer to demonstrate the lift on stage at the ASC if Arnold will

fly you over for the occasion! They give away HUMMERS,

why not an MB!?

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The lifts will be the Apollon's Wheels, the medicine throw for height or distance (with a large ball of between 70 and 100 pounds), the Farmer's Walk ( with approximately 400 kg), and a deadlift using Hummer tires as plates.

In an email five mins ago from Terry Todd

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I have a price today. I have just emailed it. I suspect, as per, that the events have only just been decided and it will be v tight as to whether or not a) they want one, b) they'll be ready in time.

I'm hoping Steve Pullcinella (sp), Wade Gillingham and Terry Todd/Mark Henry all join forces for the deal.

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Hope you sell 3 or 4 more to the men you mentioned.

If you notify the foundry today that you want 3 more,

what is the time rquired to have them ready to ship?

Or to air freight?

Good luck,

Customer Agent Joe :happy

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Hope you sell 3 or 4 more to the men you mentioned.

If you notify thefoundry today that you want 3 more,

what is the time rquired to have them ready to ship?

Or to air freight?

Good luck,

Customer Agent Joe :happy

3 weeks to cast and 4 more to deliver. But i think I can push that. Joe, I'll do u a deal. If all three are sold I will give u another 6 months free subscription to the mag.

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What kind of incentive is that, Steve?

I already have a lifetime subscription! :laugh

Anyway good luck- and remember you are dealing indirectly with Arnold, so air freight is not impossible.

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Last year they had planned to use the Hummer in a

version of the deadlift, but that fizzled fast when it proved

to be too heavy.

This year, Steve says the tires will be used in a deadlift.

And last year they pushed the Hummer (with lessened air

pressure) as part of the contest. :cool

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What kind of incentive is that, Steve?

I already have a lifetime subscription! :laugh

Anyway good luck- and remember you are dealing indirectly with Arnold, so air freight is not impossible.

actually Joe is runs out with the jan issue :tongue

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This from Mr Todd: 'Svend, Mark, Steve Kirit, Zavickis, with either automatic invites or confirmations, and lots of inquiries. Will send more info as it comes in.'

BTW we are one man down on the possible customers.. :(

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