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Ways To Strengthen Wrist?


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my left wrist is pretty good, but my right is not so strong.. when i work out i sometimes hurt my right wrist and im pretty sure it is because it is weak. anyways to strengthen my wrists effectively.

thanks guys!

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ok cool madknight thanks a lot!

what would you recommend me buying sledge hammers or a lever bar, and if i do buy sledge hammers what weight would be fine? thanks!

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I started with a 8lb hammer cuz it is what I had. If that is too heavy choke up on the handle. Once I mastered that, I welded a post to the head so I could load plates on the end. This has seemed to work well and allow me to micro load without having to buy new hammers.

Best of luck

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Levering works well. You can use a sledge hammer or other lever hammer. Here's an example of some exercises you can do http://www.geocities.com/ltgodfrey/lever.html

Very, very informative, superb! :D

Heavy wrist curls are also a great way to strengthen wrists :)

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Levering works well. You can use a sledge hammer or other lever hammer. Here's an example of some exercises you can do http://www.geocities.com/ltgodfrey/lever.html

Very, very informative, superb! :D

Heavy wrist curls are also a great way to strengthen wrists :)

Yeah wrist curls are also great. I like plate wrist curls but you can also do them with barbells and dumbbells. Here's what plate wrist curls are if your not sure http://www.ironmind.com/ironmind/opencms/G...s/GripTip3.html

In fact, check out all thge grip tips and you'll probably find a lot of cool exercises to do. Here's the list of them: http://www.ironmind.com/ironmind/opencms/G...ps/GripTip.html

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This is a little something I made. It should help a little with wrist strength, to say the least.


Is the pipe secured onto the pull up bar or is it just on there loosely so it can spin? If it can spin that must be interesting.

They spin. If you look at it in my profile, I tell a little about them.

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Well, I'll just have to put one together, now wont I.

Yes! A device that well constructed must have an accompanying video.

Everyone, it is uploading right now. :rock I think... The page is still loading. (EDIT) Alright, So I clicked upload, and all it is doing is spinning the loading symbol. Is that about right? It's not a huge video.

Edited by Puller
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puller might i say very interesting concept. if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the pipe around it (noob with constructing things lol).. also how is that video coming along.. if you are having problems i would suggest uploading it onto youtube. cheers!

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puller might i say very interesting concept. if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the pipe around it (noob with constructing things lol).. also how is that video coming along.. if you are having problems i would suggest uploading it onto youtube. cheers!

I'm going to upload it to youtube. It just isn't working on the site. Construction is simple. I've had the bar for a while, so I had to take it apart, but when you first buy it, you have to assemble it, anyway.

Measure the area of your bar, and bring that to a hardware store. You can either have them cut it to length, or have them cut the total amount you need, and cut it to length at home. They are idiots, so you will have to repeat what you actually want, several times. Just be patient.

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for me mace - sword - sabre training,

I liked it when was younger, and now have still strong (but thin) wirst,

never have any wirst problem, and damaged 2 persons wirst during arm wrestling,

althought they was lot stronger than I, but just had weaker wirst.

But first do leverage, knight-like training can be dengerous at begining,

and start with wooden stick to get proper technic,

now i use 5kg, 1 meter long metal bar with max 4kg weight on 1 side - like mace,

works well, fill all hand after it

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Here is the link. It may still be processing. Just a simple hang. Nothing fancy. Hope you all enjoy.


You have the video set to private. No one can watch it.

I want to see this thing in action.

You just have to log in to youtube, to watch it. I have it set to 25 people max view, so it's not floating all over youtube. You can sign in with your gmail. If this becomes an issue, I'll consider something else, so everyone can see it.

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Alright, the video is totally public. Enjoy. And check out my new pics in my profile of me tearing just the corner off a deck of cards. Killed my right arm:/ I should really let it heal.

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Alright, the video is totally public. Enjoy. And check out my new pics in my profile of me tearing just the corner off a deck of cards. Killed my right arm:/ I should really let it heal.

Well done! You should be mass marketing your device.

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Alright, the video is totally public. Enjoy. And check out my new pics in my profile of me tearing just the corner off a deck of cards. Killed my right arm:/ I should really let it heal.

Well done! You should be mass marketing your device.

You think so? Don't temp me.... I think people would notice how easy it is to make, and do it them self! haha.

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very nice contraption indeed. so the pvc pipes are removable right, or do you have to unscrew the pull up bar as well. also, how long have you been working with this device and did you notice changes in your wrist strength?

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