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I Now Understand


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Well I spent the last week on a little vacation to Winnipeg to see some friends. During this vacation I got together with Caolan Berg aka cberg for a bending tutorial. He showed me the styles and we bent some steel in them, the first day we got together I did my bending in double wraps and bent some nails with the heads cut off (I believe they were 5/16" x 6.5" but not sure what "penny"), some stock, I believe the first day I melted an IM blue nail as well but it was in double wraps so it was nothing really. We also did a little bit of gripper closing, Caolan got my #2 and a few others, he also two hand crushed my FBBC Hard, which until that point was rather hard for me, funny enough when I got home I was able to do it, I guess it was all the crushpads steel work I did in winnipeg that helped me get strong enough for it. We did some pinch on my FBBC pinch block and he hit my 3" dumbbell quite a bit, he kinda fell in love with the thing so I let him borrow it until he orders his own from John. We recorded a video of both of us closing the FBBC 2x gripper so once I get that uploaded on my shite connection we'll get our names added to the cert list, it was easy for the both of us, we just did it for the hell of it.

On the second day we got together I had my own suede wraps (picked some up in the city and cut it at Caolans) and we bent more steel, this time we went to a Home Depot and I got some 3/16" stainless for me to work on strengthening my wrists in DU and Reverse as I want to bend in all three styles along with some 1/4" cold rolled steel that was cut down to various lengths. I don't know how much of the 1/4" I bent the second get together, in single wraps but it was enough for Caolan to give me the nickname Machine. I believe the shortest length I got to was 4" but failed on the crush down because it was so bloody short and I was already tired from all the other stuff I bent before that, the next night at the friend of mines house I was staying with, I finished it off easily.

The third day me and Caolan got together we played around with the two 50lb Kettlebells I bought while in the city. Mostly bottoms up presses, I did some swings and snatches in Bruce's front yard and Caolan made attempts at snatches and some swings but almost fell down on the swings, I suggested he get a 35lb bell to get the form down as his snatches were more muscle snatches and he banged his forearms up a bit. He fell in love with the bells though so maybe I've created a moster with KB's the same way he helped create the monster inside of me for steel bending. I had so many different pieces of steel cut at Caolans place that I took home with me and just randomly bent through two days, whenever I felt bored I just took out a 1/4" piece of steel at whatever length and bent it.

I think bending is even more addictive than any other form of Grip work I've done. I have no stock right now as my FBBC beginners bag, wraps, and crush pads haven't gotten here yet... so I snuck into my fathers garage workshop and snagged a few 4.5" and 6" bolts and just finished bending them before I started writing up this post.. I think this new addiction is going to break me... I gotta find a local steel supplier and FAST.

All in all I had an AMAZING time bending with Caolan, he's a great guy and his family is very hospitable, there was a nice big dinner there the first day I showed up. I'll definitely be trying to convince him to come up north here to stay at my place sometime for more bending, grip, and kettlebell fun. By then I will hopefully be bending bigger and stronger pieces of steel, closing the #3, and snatching 50lbs for high reps.

I Love Steel Bending :rock

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Great report, glad you guys had a terrific time! Bending is just like you said...addictive!

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Oh I know it is Ben, I've got a FBBC beginners bag on it's way (hopefully it's in today, I'm getting stir crazy) and am already ordering another 160 pieces of stock from John :laugh That should set me for a month or two at least. I am set on totally destroying a bastard!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh I know it is Ben, I've got a FBBC beginners bag on it's way (hopefully it's in today, I'm getting stir crazy) and am already ordering another 160 pieces of stock from John :laugh That should set me for a month or two at least. I am set on totally destroying a bastard!

Set your goals much higher a Bastard is just the beginning :D you want it bad enough dont stop till you get there!

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another perfectly rational person, that enjoys bending steel with his hands :)

awesome work bro :rock , thanks for sharing

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