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Lift At Jedd's

Jedd Johnson

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Lift at Jedd’s is in the books.

We used strongman scoring this time for ease of scoring.

This is how all the events panned out.


Jedd 174.2 (Hard Elite)

John 169.2 (SE Light - MM3 Replica)

Bobby 169.2 (SE Light - MM3 Replica)

Frank 161.74 (Elite)

Brent 154.1 (#3)

Mike 154 (#3)


Jedd 234.2563

John 223.8188

Brent 203.9813

Bobby 184.1188

Frank 184.1188

Mike 173

2” Vbar

Brent 280

Jedd 275

John 240

Mike 240

Frank 230

Bobby 230

Axle 300 for Reps

Jedd 8

Frank 8

John 5

Brent 3

Bobby 2

Mike 1

Medley (17 items)

Jedd 16

John 12

Bobby 12

Brent 11

Frank 9

Mike 7


Jedd 6.5 points

John 13.5 points

Brent 17.3

Bobby 20 points

Frank 20.5 points

Mike 27 points

Bobby (Goody) and Mike (Bullitt) as well as Frank (Magnus) all hit qualifying lifts for Nationals.

Paul, I lifted that half 120 hex after the contest.

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Great work everyone! And congrats to Bobby, Frank and Mike for qualifying for the nationals. Really proud of ya!


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Guest Bullitt

Sorry Jedd. I posted this on the other thread. Didn't see you started a new one. Thanks again! Awesome contest! Here were my clouded memories...

Wow. Left at 3:50AM and just got home. What a day! I'm sure there will be a good write up from somebody who has the final scores. After 11 hours in the car round trip, I'll try and give you a quick run down of how I did and what I can remember of the rest. Everybody there needed to finish top 3 or get 3 qualifying lifts out of the 4 opportunities to qualify for GGC. Qualifiers were: #3 close, 2HP 170#, pull 200# on the 2" vbar, pull 300# on axle.

This was my first contest ever and I had a blast. Jedd was great for getting this all set up.


I think Jedd won this one. Not sure where everyone else placed other than Brent Barbe and I tied for last with a 151lb #3. I made a rookie contest mistake. Not that it would have made a difference in the final standings but I should have closed something bigger here. I closed the 151 right off the bat to make sure I got my qualifying close in. I should have then closed the next gripper in line, which was an easy BBE at 161# but since I had my qualifier, I jumped to a 169# SE adjustable. Set was a bit wide and I barely missed it. Should have then dropped back and got the 161, but no, had to try the 168# Elite. Missed that one as well. On 4th attempt dropped back to 161 and it slipped back in my palm and just missed that. Had I saved an attempt in case of a mishap like that I would have gotten it, but I got my qualifier and I was happy.


Jedd is a beast! Period. His last two lifts were for a new American record at 248# I believe. Just missed them. I think the order after that was Eaton, Barbe, Goody & Frank tied, and I brought up the rear again. However, I was still really happy because I had never done a 2HP in my life before today and I pulled 173#, which was good for my second qualifying lift.

2" vbar:

Another piece of equipment I was trying for my first time. I think Jedd and Brent tied on this with me actually not coming in last and tying Eaton for 3rd. Goody and Frank tied for 4th. Everybody got qualifying lifts, which meant Frank, Goody and I had qualified for GGC!!! I was very happy with my pull of 240#. Thrilled would be more like it.

300# axle for reps: The 3rd piece of equipment I had never touched in my life. :laugh I think Jedd won this with Frank 2nd, Eaton 3rd, Barbe 4th, Goody 5th, and the old man bringing up the rear again with 1 rep. :blush At this point it wasn't so much a grip thing as my back had tightened and I just couldn't pull it. But, I pulled 300 for my first ever attempt on an axle and I was pretty darn happy.


This was a blast. Jedd put together a great medley that ranged in difficulty from a very easy anvil lift up to the inch. There was a little bit of everything in it. Jedd got 16 of the 17 implements, just failing on one of the hubs. I think Goody and Eaton tied for 2nd but not sure. Then I think it was Barbe 4th, Frank 5th and me bringing up the rear with 7 implements lifted. I did pull 5 dimes, which was a first for me. Jedd was the only one to pull the inch. He did it convincingly. :rock

I didn't hear what the final order was, but I know Jedd came first and I came last. There were all kind of great feats done at the end. Goody got a double hub and a double blob as did Brent Barbe. Eaton tore them up as usual. I think Frank got a double blob as well. I had a good time messing with the inch. Pulling it with a finger on the side and holding it for a bit with each hand. The highlight was Jedd pinching half a 120# hex block weight. That thing was HUGE and SLICK.

One of the best times I have had in a long time. Big thanks again to Jedd and big thanks to everyone who gave me advice and help before the contest. Climber, Ryan, Sam, Mobster, and Ben (may have forgotten someone, but I'm old and tired). Everyone at the contest was willing to help this newbie too, which was awesome!

Jedd killed it.

Eaton, for being up 36 hours straight did incredible

I met Brent for the first time today and was blown away by how strong this guys pinch grip is. I am a little P.O.d that he tied me in grippers... :angry:;)

Goody made a few tactical errors on some of the events, but learned a ton from his first contest and will be a force going forward.

Frank is, well... a tank. Very strong. If he could just keep himself from gripping and lifting and doing RT pullups before every event, he will improve rapidly.

Me: Last but very satisfied!

Edited by Bullitt
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AWESOME PERFORMANCE BY ALL :rock :rock See everyone at GGC!

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Mike, Frank, and Goody did a fine job today for it being their first contest. Nice work fellas.

Thanks to everyone for coming down and pushing me.

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Had a blast today, as usual

Grippers - Incredibly bad day for me. Best I got was a 161lb Elite. That's down 17lb from my best...oh, well. It happens.

2hp - Set a PR of 184, and almost got 193. Gave 223 a shot just for the heck of it after John pulled it. Heh. Yeah right.

V-bar - I ended up with 230 as my qualifier lift, and pulled 240 after that.

Axle - Tied Jedd for 1st w/ 300lb x 8.

Misc. highlights for me today were rowing 5-10s with 2 fingers x 4, double blob lift, 1st righty pull on the blob, and few high pulls with the blob, 3-25s, and tying Jedd on the axle. I found a love for that thing :D

Mike was really impressive. Got 5-10s easily, 2-35s, 173 2HP, and 300lb axle, air under the blob and Inch, all on his first time trying them. Back was the limiting factor in his axle. His grip itself looked good for more.

Brent was maniacal on V-bar and hubs again. Dang good pinch, too. He also got the double blob lift.

Bobby was all-around darn good at everything. And he beat me by a 0.5 point. Jerk.

John...blob curls, blob lifts, 2hp over 220lb...all that jazz.

Jedd was ridiculous. Owned the inch (HIGH pull), crazy 2hp, 1 item (*cough, cough* the easy hubs *cough, cough*) shy of the entire medley, AND lifted that psycho 120lb hex. Whoa.

Edited by Magnus
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Awesome job guys! Great showing by all!!! :rock :rock :rock

Jedd - That half a 120 is sick man. Huge and slick doesn't even begin to describe that thing. Saw the sister to it today at Paul's. That thing is INSANE!!!

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sooooo what's harder, your 115er or Brent's 120?

awesome job on that! farted around w/it today and nothing

any video of the lift?

congrats everyone!


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sooooo what's harder, your 115er or Brent's 120?

awesome job on that! farted around w/it today and nothing

any video of the lift?

Jedd got video of just about everything.

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sooooo what's harder, your 115er or Brent's 120?

awesome job on that! farted around w/it today and nothing

any video of the lift?

congrats everyone!


The 115 is way harder. It is slicker and the angles are longer. I can actually get a good bite with my thumb on the flat side and two of my fingers on the other flat side of the 120. The 120's paint job felt slightly grainier.

Anybody lift yours Paul?


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sooooo what's harder, your 115er or Brent's 120?

awesome job on that! farted around w/it today and nothing

any video of the lift?

congrats everyone!


The 115 is way harder. It is slicker and the angles are longer. I can actually get a good bite with my thumb on the flat side and two of my fingers on the other flat side of the 120. The 120's paint job felt slightly grainier.

Anybody lift yours Paul?


it remained on the floor all day ........ I visualized lifting it though ..... does that count?

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Ryan Klein. I know you are reading this. You should get back into this, brother.

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You'll feel better son, Mike. Do some contrast bathing and you'll be good in no time. You'd be 100% already if you could have stayed for some Shiatsu massage Eaton-style.

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Guest Bullitt
You'll feel better son, Mike. Do some contrast bathing and you'll be good in no time. You'd be 100% already if you could have stayed for some Shiatsu massage Eaton-style.


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I have to start by thanking Mike for carting my sorry ass up to PA and back at 4:30AM! A big thanks to Jedd for hosting this comp at his place and for his family’s hospitality.

Here’s my take (with a healthy dose of Monday Morning Quarterbacking):

Grippers – Stupid mistake #1: I should have done much better here. I made a stupid mistake by blowing a little strength off on a lighter BBE (to play it safe) and it took too much off me on the back end. I ended up missing the 174.2lb Hard BBE by pinching my skin between the handles TWICE. I’ll tell you this, that gripper went right down, but it wasn’t meant to be. If I was able to get that dang gripper closed I would have tied Jedd for first in grippers.

Pinch – Rookie mistake #1: I’ve only ever touched a Euro Pinch once before this contest. I pulled like 160lbs on it real easy with no advice. That’s it. Jedd pulls out the pinch and puts around 140-150lbs on it for folks to warm-up and get a feel. It felt amazing. Everyone started right at 173lbs. No problems all around. The next jump was to 184lbs and change and I pulled it very easily. 193lbs and change on the bar and I take a warm-up lift – easy (it felt just as solid as 184lbs). So I pass on the lift (Stupid). I felt so confident that I passed on 198lbs and change too (also stupid)! We get the pinch loaded up with 203lbs and change and I couldn’t budge it. Rookie move! I should have pulled 193lbs and change for an easy attempt and made a run at 198lbs and change.

2” V-Bar – I never train this event and to be quite honest, I’m happy I got what I did! HAHA! I was utterly amazed at the weight Brent and Jedd were able to get off the ground! I toyed around with my grip and tried to take in advice from everyone; it obviously didn’t help much. I tied for last. Ehh…

300lb Axle for Reps – WOW! It was brutal. WOW! I suck at thick bar. I don’t have access to a thick bar to train and it really, really showed here. I wanted to pull that weight, but my hands simply couldn’t hold on to that bar. I got 5th with a measly 2 reps. I need to work on my thick bar somehow. Jeez.

Medley – Rookie mistake #2: I should have pulled the 3-25’s FIRST! Jedd laid out a sweet medley for the contest finisher with 17 items. I took a look around and knew there were a few items I wasn’t going to be able to lift – Inch, 180lb RT, maybe the Euro Pinch, and maybe that 153lb thick handle loadable. I was pretty confident on everything else. HAHA! Wrong again. I tried to utilize my LH as much as possible in this medley, pulling more with it than I ever thought possible. I was very pleased in that respect. I pulled the 50lb Blob with my LH about 6” but, couldn’t get it to the platform so I had to re-grip and get it with my RH. I got to the 3-25’s (which I’ve done before) up a few inches several times, but I couldn’t get it on the platform. I was beyond frustrated. I ended up tying for second with Eaton on this event with 12 total items lifted.

I finished 4th. Not real bad. I wish I would have done better, regardless of where that would have put me in the final standings.

My impressions of the competition:

Jedd Johnson – Jedd is looking bigger and leaner than the last time we met. He’s been putting the time in the gym and it’s really showing. He’s strong all around and it’s reflected in his contest performance. He was solid in every aspect of the contest; not only as a competitor, but as an organizer and judge as well.

John Eaton – What can you say about Eaton? He’s nasty all around and he was up for like 2 days straight! HAHA! The guy drives in from work, kicks some tail and rolls out. John was on point with the jokes and grip advice per usual. He brought his daughter Kelly down who totally rocks the speed bag like it’s nobody’s business. She also clicked off a billion reps on Mike’s HG200. Hilarious.

Brent Barbe – “Who the hell is Brent Barbe?” is what I was thinking before this contest. The guy rolls up in a Toyota Echo smoking a pipe and wearing tourist Teva sandals and I immediately knew I was going to love him! HAHA! He was really strong and gave some great tips to everyone who needed them (mostly me). Brent had some killer lifts and notices every aspect of everyone’s technique. He also helped Jedd judge several events. Real good dude. I hope to see more of Brent in the future.

Frank Snyder – This kid has some serious potential. He’s big and strong with giant hands to match. Really solid guy and well rounded in the grip game and so young!

Mike Rinderle – Mike is a strong dude. You know…the kind of strong dude who doesn’t realize his strength potential. Mike did very well considering the field and VERY well considering he’s only be playing around with grip for like 6 months. Every lift he made was a qualifier lift for the GGC. Not to mention, he had about 11 hours of wheel time on this trip. Great guy all around and really did well in his first contest.

Post Contest Lifts:

-Jedd hit that slick half 120lb hex;

-Frank got a double Blob lift and a load of 5 dimes craziness (index and middle finger crazy stuff);

-Eaton cleaned and curled 5 dimes and pulled the Inch to about knee height;

-Mike got a solid 5 dimes lift;

-Barbe nailed a double blob lift and a shallow double hub lift;

-I hit the double blob and shallow hubs as well.

I'm still a little sore - back to training tomorrow.

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Was that 174lb Elite one of the Eaton Elites that are floating around the country?

No, that was one of Jedd's grippers. It had a nastier than normal sweep for a BB gripper.

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Was that 174lb Elite one of the Eaton Elites that are floating around the country?

No, that was one of Jedd's grippers. It had a nastier than normal sweep for a BB gripper.

Thanks John. I figured if you didn't close it then it was very nasty and harder than the rating suggested.

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