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Guest Bullitt

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Guest Bullitt

I got my bastards from FBBC yesterday. I have been doing this experimental grip program that Bill Piche developed (huge volume!!!), and my hands are sore as heck, and my forearms are fried. Even so I had to give one a try.

It basically turned into an isometric workout. :( Couldn't budge it. I was very dissapointed as I have been murdering 5/16" drill stock from 6" - 7" and 6" G8 bolts. Could all the gripper work over the last two weeks have affected my bending, or are the bastards just that much harder? The biggest difference I detected was that I couldn't sustain my hits quite as long, basically due to grip fatigue and pain. I double wrapped them, but I have 10" tandy leather wraps that aren't super thick double wrapped.

I have a GGC qualifying contest at Jedd's this weekend, so I'm probably going to let them sit until after that. But once that is done, I plan on giving them another go. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated. I will beat these things! :rock

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dont give bastards to much credit ...its just one "punny" piece of steel like Darin said once)

Bastards vary a lot thats the true; i believe some may vary as much as +60lbs betwen diferent stocks.

now sure about the calibration of the new bastards. Its good u failed because u will improve from what u have now. For me was the same; g8 , red nail and failed one bastard under 5mn..by luck finished it in the same workout.

U are probably "overtrained" with the Kta progrfam ...u need to kill one bastard after a couple of days off from grip/bending. Good luck!

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Guest Bullitt

dont give bastards to much credit ...its just one "punny" piece of steel like Darin said once)

Bastards vary a lot thats the true; i believe some may vary as much as +60lbs betwen diferent stocks.

now sure about the calibration of the new bastards. Its good u failed because u will improve from what u have now. For me was the same; g8 , red nail and failed one bastard under 5mn..by luck finished it in the same workout.

U are probably "overtrained" with the Kta progrfam ...u need to kill one bastard after a couple of days off from grip/bending. Good luck!

Thanks Hugo. I'll give it another run soon and let you know.

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Glad your stuff made it in. Maybe mine will be soon.... As for the other, in my completely newbie opinion. I would say don't touch them anymore until after Jedd's this weekend. I think I am kind of like you in that I get very gung-ho and want to progress as fast as possible. But, then I have to slow down and listen to the advice of some of the others on the board. Some of these guys have been bending for years. It takes time.....and Mike, in not much time at all, I know you'll be killing the bastards.

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Bring them to the contest and the aftershow will have guys showing you all you could ever hope to learn about bending.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally wobbled a bastard last night!

I wasn't going to bend until after GGC, but then I changed my mind. ;)

Warmed up with a 60D and then I killed a G8 from Fastenal in under a minute so i thought I would give these bastards one more try. I have tried twice before and couldn't move them at all. I gave it 5 good hits and wobbled it. It only bent about 4 degrees but I'll take it. These things are tough! After I'm done with GGC on Saturday, I will come back and try and finish this thing off.

Also, after my bending session, my wife and I went out to eat. Afterward she said, "what is that under your chin?" I have a big ol lump under my chin with a bruise. Has anyone else ever done that to themselves before? I guess the good news is I am finally getting the steel up under my chin solidly. :laugh

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Also, after my bending session, my wife and I went out to eat. Afterward she said, "what is that under your chin?" I have a big ol lump under my chin with a bruise. Has anyone else ever done that to themselves before? I guess the good news is I am finally getting the steel up under my chin solidly. :laugh

Yep... and a slight burn on my neck from a short piece of 1/4" CRS that got so bloody hot from bending and accidentally touched my neck during a crush down. :laugh

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Never got a bruise under my chin, but i punched myself in the face plenty of times until i learned to use more chalk and wrap tighter. I got plenty of bruises on my legs from horse shoes & braced bending. They are kind of like an award for pushing it to your max. Keep going, you'll get that bastard. :rock

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Has anyone else ever done that to themselves before?

Not a lump and bruise but I often get a black smear from some crusty HRS bars. Congrats on getting a wobble on a bastard...I'm right there with you.

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Congrats on your wobble Mike :rock It is going to be giving up soon :)

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Mike, its more a mental thing now. With your strenght there's any bastard in the world u cant bend.

Use fat wraps if necessary but be sure to kill it badly(up to 2").

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Thanks Mike, Hugo & Gazza!

I am taking a few bastards with me to the US Grip Championships this weekend. After we get done competing, I plan on doing my best to kill one. :rock

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