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Grip Rendezvous In Purgatory Ii


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OK guys, September is almost here! Last year was great, and it would be fun to do it again. Although, if anyone has other ideas on where to get together, that would be welcome. I just love climbing the rocks! In Vibrams! (Last year's thread is in Goerner Reborn forum. Oops.)

A few other ideas would be the USS Massachusetts in Fall River, MA, or Plimouth Plantation near Brendan's (south of Boston), or Mount Monadnock (the most climbed mountain in the world, meaning anyone can do it and most everyone has!) in southern NH.

This is not a competition, just a grip gathering. A fun time with no stress. I'll leave the promoting to Brendan and the Pilgrim Grip Comp, which I promise not to miss next time.

I should have an idea about work scheduling next week. This isn't MY thing, its for all of us, so lets work together on a date. Actually, October in New Hampshire with the changing foliage makes a great trip for anyone!

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Wish you were closer Alan because my wife and I would love to visit the great state of Massachusetts again! And New York (don't want Eaton to brain me with his ham hands!).

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Purgatory was fun last year, but I'd be up for anything. Just need 2 weeks notice so I can get time off work. I'll bring my bro again.

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Monadnock would be great! I've been there at least ten times in my life. Always a good time. I don't remember the picnic situation, probably down by the parking area. Time for a little research.

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So... No one else is interested? C'mon guys! Who doesn't want to squeeze grippers, eat burgers, and climb a mountain all before bedtime?

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Just got my work schedule, and I am off every other Saturday through middle October. For Monadnock and foliage purposes, October 10th looks like the day!

It looks like there is picnicking available, so the "eat burgers" part definitely applies! And to correct what I said previously, Mt Monadnock is the second most-climbed mountain in the world, behind Mt Fuji.

"Life is not what you do in the gym but what the gym preparation allows you to do in your life." - climber511. On October 10th, we're going to enjoy a bit of life. Join us!

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Just got my work schedule, and I am off every other Saturday through middle October. For Monadnock and foliage purposes, October 10th looks like the day!

It looks like there is picnicking available, so the "eat burgers" part definitely applies! And to correct what I said previously, Mt Monadnock is the second most-climbed mountain in the world, behind Mt Fuji.

"Life is not what you do in the gym but what the gym preparation allows you to do in your life." - climber511. On October 10th, we're going to enjoy a bit of life. Join us!

It is likely that I will be unable to attend anytime from now till the end of October unfourtunatley.If anything changes I will certainly update.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After double-checking with some others, it looks like Saturday the 10th is it. Forecast says mostly cloudy, high of 60*, low of 43*. 20% chance of showers. Sounds like a great day to participate in the New Hampshire Fall Spectacular Show of Colors!

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A strange day for us. We never heard from or saw Josh and his brother. The line of cars waiting to get into the park was over a quarter mile long. The rangers told us there were at least a couple thousand people climbinh on the mountain yesterday. The base was warm, the top was 30+mph winds and cloud-covered. Very cold. But the views were spectacular. We had some minor asthma issues, and some knee issues (two of which were mine), but still had fun.

Just one example of how the day went: After pulling up to the park entrance, they were charging four dollars per person. There were five of us, so it was twenty bucks. Not what we had anticipated. We were able to scrape together $19.21.

Since it was just me and family, no gripping took place. I was glad just to get away from work, get out of the house, and do something different. My sons were glad there was an australian young hot one they could show off in front of.

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