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Bending Growth


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I need to get my feelings out about the Bending Game in public. I do not agree with the Just Stop on the Nailman's lists. We have spent our Hearts on this type of bending and have it to just stop is emotionally overwhelming and counterproductive for what we have been working towards the past several years. I believe this Stoppage stifles growth.

I do however, like the Idea of keeping the Nailman's lists as an Unlimited Division with what we now do and keep the Steel Slayers lists as a Limited 1 1/4 Division.

We would have something like

Steel Slayers Lists

Bending Unlimited Class

Bending Limited 1 1/4 Class

I believe this will stimulate Growth and Add a New Welcome Dimension and challenge to all of us :rock

We will be able to know who the Top Phat Wrappers and Top Thinner wrappers are, as well as seeing how high the metal can go. This excites Me!!! :rock

Come ON!!!! What will it Hurt. Lets do it!!!!!! :rock:rock:rock Booyah!!!

I offer to help with the work/pleasure of keeping lists updated :)

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I do however, like the Idea of keeping the Nailman's lists as an Unlimited Division with what we now do and keep the Steel Slayers lists as a Limited 1 1/4 Division.

We would have something like

Steel Slayers Lists

Bending Unlimited Class

Bending Limited 1 1/4 Class

I believe this will stimulate Growth and Add a New Welcome Dimension and challenge to all of us :rock

We will be able to know who the Top Phat Wrappers and Top Thinner wrappers are, as well as seeing how high the metal can go. This excites Me!!! :rock

I agree completely with this :rock:rock:rock !

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I agree with Mike!

Mike always gave everything to create motivation to young...average...good benders:-)


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I don't even follow the lists or even have an understanding of them (hopefully I'm not misunderstanding you here). Maybe because I've lost a lot of interest in certification. Not sure why. Maybe because it's become something of a personal quest more than who I compare to. That might also have something to do with everyone using different wraps, i.e. IMPs, Doubles, Triples, bare hand(!). We simply can't compare triple wraps to double wraps, doubles to singles, singles to bare hand, or apples to oranges for that matter. I don't think there's any disagreement there with anyone. So I definitely agree with the legitimacy of the wrap dilemma, but DON'T see any problem with any of the wrap sizes someone chooses to use. So I say you may be on to something here with those lists. However, I'd love to see each sized wrap get separate recognition and the honest notability each deserves, i.e. lessor wrapping being more 'elite' (obviously). However, that's not to say one can't perform an elite bend in fat wraps, but that might lead to another dilemma of discerning where one sized wrap overcomes the other(s). Clearly, a Bastard in fat wraps is harder than 1/4 round in IMPs, but there must be an intersection somewhere in between. That could become a very subjective argument, however.

Edited by easyWeight
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Clearly, a Bastard in fat wraps is harder than 1/4 round in IMPs,

You may be surprised to find out that some bending the bastard in fat wraps may have great difficulty, if not able, to bend a 1/4 round in IMP ;)

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Clearly, a Bastard in fat wraps is harder than 1/4 round in IMPs,

You may be surprised to find out that some bending the bastard in fat wraps may have great difficulty, if not able, to bend a 1/4 round in IMP ;)

I could reverse bend 1/4" round in a single washcloth, long before I could DO bend a bastard in "fat wraps".

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Booyah, I need to clarify a couple of things. Part of the reason I've frozen the Nailmans is the fact that, even though much of the specific stocks used for certification on those lists were calibrated, no small portion of it was not. This is because I chose to assign equal weight to, for example, all Bastards. We know how just how much these can vary. Even Triangle Edgins, as you yourself have discovered, can vary by at least 35 pounds. With this in mind, I want to start a list that is as accurate as practically possible in terms of calibration ratings. It will be a tedious and labor intensive endeavor, but knowing that the list gives a very realistic representation of what exactly was bent will make it well worth the trouble for me. It also disturbed me knowing that some of the bends on Nailmans were done with very minimal padding, while others were done with optimal padding in terms of leverage advantage. For these reasons, I feel compelled to freeze those lists. Right now I'm trying to spark some interest in the new list, and hopefully interest in calibrating one's own steel. A couple of you have already shown an interest in this. Now this does not necessarily mean that I am not open to starting a new "Open Division" list for those who like to bend with the most advantageous wraps. If I did this all other rules of the Steel Slayers list would probably apply, though.

Also, the Steel Slayers list is not just for contest results, it's for all bends performed according to the rules. So, the Steel Slayers list and the "1 1/4" limit list" would be one and the same. So, we'd have a total of two, not three, lists.

And I really do appreciate you voicing your viewpoint. In general, I do agree with your concerns. And I still value you as one of the great ambassadors for bending!

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Some great points and views in this thread.

I think the nailmans lists should be kept open purely for those that want to bend with whatever but with some reasonable standards applied this has worked upto now and i think shutting these down will hinder and chase some away as some dont want the hassle of things being to strict they just like to get on with it but be able to compare themselves to others in a reasonable way and also have targets to aim for with reasonable standards.

For the steel slayers you could have multiple lists:-


Ironmind wrap/s

Single leather 0-3/4"

Single leather 3/4"-1 1/4"

Double wraps or thicker leathers 1 1/4" and above

This will cater for everyone.

Ive thought about this ALOT :D standardisation is great for competitions but how many comps are now froowning on including bending in there comps so why bother standardising it for that environment it will never work.

Ive bent and competed in comps were rules have been changed on the day so the standardisation went out the window ive also seen various comp standards be allowed for certain individuals and not others.

Example 3 people bend a certain bar we will call it a 7" x 5/16" all fail in the alloted time:-

Bender A gets it to 60degrees

Bender B gets it to 45degrees

Bender C gets it to 30degrees

On countback bender A should win as he has bent it further especially as this was stated before comp then changed dureing comp to allow a 3 way tie :blush Wot a load of :D

The above and the likes is what killed bending in comps plus the ELITE benders that attend comps are few and far between alot of the others who are great at grippers,v-bar,pinch etx are crap at bending so dont want it contested.

We do have a few people like Paul,Chad,Ben,Eric etc who are great at everything so they are cool with bending as a comp event.

The bending standards need to be addressed by you ERIC for the masses as i feel you have been here from the beginning trying to do just that you are also an ELITE bender so that again speaks for itself.

The rules were originally penned by Pat and David Horne Pat is Pat hes been there done it his bends and standards are second to none.

David Horne a LEGEND in grip strength yes an ELITE bender far from it as a short bar unbraced bender alot of beginners can bend atleast what he can as a braced bender hes up there but this board more the bending forum and its lists are mainly for the short unbraced bending and i personally think a bender of atleast ELITE status should be penning the rules.

From the beginning the rules should have been penned by Pat and you ERIC but despite that you have gone on to do a FANTASTIC job both as an ELITE bender and an Ambassador for this neash sport/hobby of ours.

Now onto the steel slayer rules:-

I personally like the idea of a single wrap applied around a 5/16" bar nice and tight how BOOYAH would apply his wraps and then the bar and wrap passed through the hole :D

I would like to see an improvement in the crush part as well say put the bar to under 1 3/4" or 1 1/2" this will set the standards higher for those that want to aim at a list with higher standards as keeping open the nailmans lists would allow the others to carry on with how they bend so your catering for everyone.

Steel slayers list is chalk,rubber bands and crush pads going to be allowed if yes or no this needs to be sorted from the off.

Does the bend have to be started and finished in the same single wrap again this needs to be addressed from the off.

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