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Anyone Using Powerballs Here?


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Hi all,

I saw some powerballs on the net, but not sure if they are just a toy or a popular item for grippers? Anyone is using them here?

I wouldn't mind trying one but they seem to be expensive.


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Hi all,

I saw some powerballs on the net, but not sure if they are just a toy or a popular item for grippers? Anyone is using them here?

I wouldn't mind trying one but they seem to be expensive.


I have used them before; others may have a different opinion but as far as I am concerned you will get just as good results holding an apple or orange in your hand.

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I've been using one to rehab an injured left wrist and for warmups when I train grippers with my right hand, for me it has worked. It's not going to make you a lot stronger in crushing strength but for over all lower arm health I'd say get one.

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I have a variation of the powerball, different name but basically the same thing. I havent felt any real advantage from it but that could be purely because i don't use it as often as i should. Gives you a good burn in the forearms :)

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Thanks guys. I was purely asking whether to get it if it's gonna make a difference in strength.

What about these ones?

Would using normal grippers like COC makes those unnecessary?


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It could help develop some wrist strength, i'm not sure whether you have ever used a powerball but theres a thing called a gyro inside it and it feels like the ball is moving by itself therefore you have to use strength to control it as well as to move your wrist to keep it going. I think it does strengthen up your wrist and forearm yes. That grip tool in the link looks like it would do the same job as a gripper however it seems to isolate each finger which could be an advantage. Stick with grippers if you have any i'd say.

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Thanks Kormaz.

No I actually never used powerballs and wonder how it feels. Pretty sure it would be weird on my first try.


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When strength is your goal the stainless steel version of the Powerball named "Ironpower" is defenitly more interisting but also even more expensive.

It is heavier (shell and rotor) and requires more power to accelerate it.

Although I have used mine only about 8-10 times since I got it I rank it as a helpful tool, especially as it trains the same movement as stick rotations in my martial art Arnis (Escrima / Kali), improving coordination.

The main reason for having not used it more often is its noise. When training late at night it may be heard through a wall, depending on the revs. Not loud but recognizable, so other exercises will be used if I don't want to wake some.

Hi all,

I saw some powerballs on the net, but not sure if they are just a toy or a popular item for grippers? Anyone is using them here?

I wouldn't mind trying one but they seem to be expensive.


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Good for recovery/warmups/rehab and for flushing blood into the forearms.

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