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New Guy, Need Advice...

Guest malis

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I`m quite new to grip training, and I was really happy to find this site! (thanks to Cunny :D )

I`ve tried to check out the old posts for some basic training programs, but either my temper is too short :yikes or they weren`t there.

Now, with all the living legends here, it would be great to get a plain and basic program, because I`m doing a little this and a little of that now, and I would like to know stuff like which exercises are the Squat, Bench and Deadlift of gripping and which ones are the Decline Inverted Reverse Preacher Kickbacks ;)

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Malis


I like to do thick bar work, pinch grip, wrist curls and COC.But remember to include work for the extensors.

Have a look at the workout section for some more ideas

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First of all, welcome to the GripBoard... THE source for grip strength and grip training on the Internet!! :yikes

O.K., define your goals and what you want to accomplish for your grip. Also, please tell us what kind of equipment you already have, what you are willing to get, and what kind of a program you are doing now. And if you could include your age/height/weight, etc., that would also help.

You're a beginner, so my first suggestion is to go over to the IronMind site and get the grippers, starting with the Trainer and #1 to start. If you can get the catalog, so much the better (it's free). Then formulate a program to add to what you're already doing.

We're always here to help ya. Just ask! :D

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I`m 26 years, about 95kg`s, 187cm.

I just received the COC #1 from Ironmind last week, I have some dumbbells and plates, and I go to a nearby gym, but I like to do grip work at home on off-days.

So far I`ve been doing wrist curls with the DB`s, lever bar with weights only on other end of a DB, pinch gripping a 10kg for time, extensors with rubberbands and now lately squuezing the #1, I can`t close it, it`s about 1cm away.

As for my goals; they are the #3 and a gigantic pinch grip. I`ll probably order the Hub-style Pinch grip device from IM as I get the money. And I`ll also get the #2. 45 pounds on the hub sounds like a distant enough goal.

I`ve been trying to figure out how to convert my regular DB`s to thick bar ones. I was thinking that if I could find thick walled rubber or plastic tube with a inner diameter of 1", and then tape lenghts of that over the handles and tape it, that`ll do the trick. But what am I supposed to do with the thick bar DB`s? Is a DB deadlift just simply lifting it from the ground and standing up?

Your humble student :bow


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Try looking up on google "thick handled dumbells" and you'll come across a couple sites on how to convert your olympic dumbell to a thicker dumbell. As a matter a fact, go to this site for starters http://www.bigsteel.iwarp.com/Articles/BuildingDB.html

You can make any grip tool you want for a LOT LESS than what you'd pay anywhere else comercially just by using a search engine. Just a half an hour ago I found out how to make from scratch an anvil, rolling thunder, farmer's walk implements that's identical to the Atomic Athletic Farmer's Walk handles that run for over $200 for only $10!!!

Edited by HandsofStone
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