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My First Trip To Sorinex


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My first trip to Sorinex came as I found I could not go to Hawaii due to some Captain at work saying I would not be well enough to fly on Saturday as I was limping around during the week. So I decided to go ahead and make plans to make the 5 hour drive to Sorinex with my wife and 21 month old daughter. I arrived and meet Richard and talked over some grip stuff and then he showed me some simply awesome history in the world of grip and strength. Then we went to lunch and came back to see Andrew come so unbelieveable close to killing the 3.5. Then the deadlifts, Look you have to see Rich and Tex lift anything its unbelievable. I first seen Rich and Tex at the Arnold this year and Rich cleaned a 140lb inch and pressed it 20 times. He did it again here but it was a 132lb and he did it 25 times ....with out leg drive! Tex was like an inch away from tieing Rich on the Axle deadlift record. All in all I stayed for about 3 hours only because of the daughter getting restless with no nap that day and the wife getting mad that she couldn't control her anymore we had to go. It was great meeting Richard and thank you for having us. Also great to meet Bob even though it was a quick visit as he was getting called out on lifts running back and forth. I have lots of video I will post this week here is the Axle world record....DO hand 2" axle

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  • 3 weeks later...

awesome stuff! I can't wait to visit Sorinex. Soon as I can get over my injury, I'm gonna plan a trip for sure. Alot of good history there. Thanks for sharing

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awesome stuff! I can't wait to visit Sorinex. Soon as I can get over my injury, I'm gonna plan a trip for sure. Alot of good history there. Thanks for sharing

I was recoverying from surgery I had exactly a week earlier so I was unable to lift anything and could barely laugh. But I had a awesome time. Great people.

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