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Goody/bullitt Griporama Part Deux

Guest Bullitt

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Guest Bullitt

Goody came over to my place today for a some more grip craziness!

He will be doing a full write up on his blog, but here are the hilights:

I can't close grippers in the morning to save my life. So, when Goody suggested 10AM, I thought it would be a good test. If I could get his very hard #3 closed that early in the day, I knew I would be set for the MM1 coming up. It's upper 150's on the scale and I had a narrow miss the last time we got together. After a bad set miss on my first attempt, I ended up closing it 3 times throughout the two hour gripathon. Was extremely happy with that. The last two closes were after we were pretty much toast. I also got 3 TNS reps on Goody's HG300 that has a slightly narrow spread.

TNS HG300 3 reps:

Goody had a good day (no surprise) on the grippers as well. In addition to closing my 3.5 and Elite, he did the following...

He murdered a #3 left handed. This time there was no doubt about the set being too narrow. Overcrushed for a while for good messure:

Goody Left Hand #3 close:

He almost got the #3 closed TNS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcbUmD4lDZM

Then I talked him into doing a penny hold. All part of my master plan to compete with him later in the V-Bar. ;)

Goody 22 second penny hold with COC #3:

My wife Melissa had been running the video for this little get together. She has come close on my HG200 before and ripped some smaller phone books. After much protesting because she didn't want ugly callouses :rolleyes , we talked her into trying Goody's filed HG150, and after he taught her how to set the gripper, she murdered it. We took a video of her next attempt and the handle slipped back for a narrow miss.

Here's the valient attempt:

After that we moved inside for some blob and vbar action. This was the first time Goody or I had ever tried a 1" V-bar. We both lifted 201lbs, but both missed at 216lb. For the first time I ever tried one of these, I was pretty happy.

Here is my 201lb 1" v-bar lift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY0-OdkAx4Y

We both messed around with Eaton's 42.4lb blob, with Goody making me look very bad. :laugh He was curling and pressing it. Got a ring/pinkie lift, etc. I was able to do three finger lifts on both hands and actually got about 10" of air on ring/pinkie offhand lift. Was happy with that as it was the first time I had broken it off the ground that way.

Finally, I gave bending one more run. I had failed miserably at a DO bend of a 60D last time. No luck DU either. We figured I just don't have the flexibility in my shoulders to get the nail up under my chin right. So goody showed me how to do a reverse bend, and I was able to get my first ever 60D nail bend!!!!! I was also able to bend one of his trotter horse shoes that he brought along. Goody murdered the nails and almost got a heart bend on the shoe.

Here are some photos of the bends I did. I think this was the best part of the day for me:



All in all, another freakin blast. I did a little better this time, so it wasn't quite the total Goody Show it was the last time. :laugh He is one strong dude, and is making serious progress on his #4 since I saw him last. Just a great guy, who has really helped me progress. Enjoy the vids & pics!

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Goody came over to my place today for a some more grip craziness!

He will be doing a full write up on his blog, but here are the hilights:

I can't close grippers in the morning to save my life. So, when Goody suggested 10AM, I thought it would be a good test. If I could get his very hard #3 closed that early in the day, I knew I would be set for the MM1 coming up. It's upper 150's on the scale and I had a narrow miss the last time we got together. After a bad set miss on my first attempt, I ended up closing it 3 times throughout the two hour gripathon. Was extremely happy with that. The last two closes were after we were pretty much toast. I also got 3 TNS reps on Goody's HG300 that has a slightly narrow spread.

TNS HG300 3 reps:

Goody had a good day (no surprise) on the grippers as well. In addition to closing my 3.5 and Elite, he did the following...

He murdered a #3 left handed. This time there was no doubt about the set being too narrow. Overcrushed for a while for good messure:

Goody Left Hand #3 close:

He almost got the #3 closed TNS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcbUmD4lDZM

Then I talked him into doing a penny hold. All part of my master plan to compete with him later in the V-Bar. ;)

Goody 22 second penny hold with COC #3:

My wife Melissa had been running the video for this little get together. She has come close on my HG200 before and ripped some smaller phone books. After much protesting because she didn't want ugly callouses :rolleyes , we talked her into trying Goody's filed HG150, and after he taught her how to set the gripper, she murdered it. We took a video of her next attempt and the handle slipped back for a narrow miss.

Here's the valient attempt:

After that we moved inside for some blob and vbar action. This was the first time Goody or I had ever tried a 1" V-bar. We both lifted 201lbs, but both missed at 216lb. For the first time I ever tried one of these, I was pretty happy.

Here is my 201lb 1" v-bar lift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY0-OdkAx4Y

We both messed around with Eaton's 42.4lb blob, with Goody making me look very bad. :laugh He was curling and pressing it. Got a ring/pinkie lift, etc. I was able to do three finger lifts on both hands and actually got about 10" of air on ring/pinkie offhand lift. Was happy with that as it was the first time I had broken it off the ground that way.

Finally, I gave bending one more run. I had failed miserably at a DO bend of a 60D last time. No luck DU either. We figured I just don't have the flexibility in my shoulders to get the nail up under my chin right. So goody showed me how to do a reverse bend, and I was able to get my first ever 60D nail bend!!!!! I was also able to bend one of his trotter horse shoes that he brought along. Goody murdered the nails and almost got a heart bend on the shoe.

Here are some photos of the bends I did. I think this was the best part of the day for me:



All in all, another freakin blast. I did a little better this time, so it wasn't quite the total Goody Show it was the last time. :laugh He is one strong dude, and is making serious progress on his #4 since I saw him last. Just a great guy, who has really helped me progress. Enjoy the vids & pics!

Sounds like a good way to spend a Sunday morning! Good job dudes!

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It looks like you guys had another successful grip outing :rock

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Nice report, good job guys! Pretty good 1" vbar numbers too for your first shot at it. Once the bar seasons you'll go quickly towards 300lbs.

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Mike and I got together again today for our second griptogether. This time I hit the trail on up to his place in MD. It was a nice Sunday drive.

I was greeted by Mike and his wife, Melissa - smiles all around. They're great folks and I look forward to hanging out with them again. Not only did Melissa run the camera for most of our morning antics, she got in on the fun; giving my filed HG150 several solid attempts. We started messing around with her set, talked her into using a little chalk, and BANG! Regrettably, we didn't get Melissa's first official gripper close on video. I know...stain on us. If that gripper wasn't filed she would have crushed it every time.

Mike had a great day on everything. He caveatted the session with something to the effect of, "Blah, blah, blah. I'm lousy on grippers before noon. Blah, blah, blah." Which, literally translated means: "I'm going to say I suck at grippers before noon so I can blame all my failed attempts on the timing of this event." Luckily for Mike, he didn't need to blame any failures on his circadian rhythm and I didn't need to call him a pussy for doing so. Mike was spot-on. His set is greatly improved from the last time we met and the bigger grippers are falling quick. Mike had three solid, very convincing closes on my hard CoC #3. That gripper escaped Mike's crush last time; but, stood no chance today. Rondo missed closes on his BBE and his CoC #3.5 by 1/4" or so. We're wrapping up the grippers and I tossed him my HG300N and he cranked out 3 solid TNS reps with it.

My uncle welded up a 1" v-bar for me a few years ago - I don't have any weights so I've never used it for anything other than wrist work. Mike and I worked up to 2o1lbs total on this bar today.

I hit the grippers pretty well today; closing Eaton's CoC #3 and #3.5, Mike's BBE, CoC #3 and #3.5. I was only really concerned with getting solid vids for a LH #3 close and a RH TNS #3 close. I murdered Mike's CoC #3 lefty; but, unfortunately, I missed the RH TNS close with Mike's CoC #3. I'm pissed I missed this close. I was like a little kid on Christmas; I couldn't help myself and started messing around with the BBE and CoC #3.5 before I realized what I was doing it was too late. The damage was done. HAHA!

I got few good attempts on my CoC #4; but, they were also after I had been messing around with everything else. I knew they weren't going to be great attempts; but, my set is getting stronger and I'm getting more confident with that gripper. Every millimeter is a success with that gripper. I also came within 1/16" of closing Eaton's CoC #3 lefty at the end of the day.

After the grippers and the v-bar we hit the Eaton's 42.4lb York blob for lift after lift after lift. Mike is really gaining pinch strength! He pulled that sucker almost a foot with his ring and pinky fingers! Great stuff, buddy!

I gave Mike some bench pointers and a piece of a foam roller to help train his arch. Once he gains some hip mobility and general flexibility through his back his bench is going to go way up too.

Speaking of flexibility, or a lack thereof, Mike failed miserably at bending a 60D nail DO. Please allow me to point out the comedy here; Mike fails to bend a 60D nail in the easiest style, listens to 2.7 seconds of coaching, and bends the same nail in the much more difficult reverse style. I also taught Mike to brace bend a horse shoe. I had some light trotter shoes that Geo gave me a few years ago laying around and after showing Mike how to do it, he bent it to 180 degrees easily. I tried to heart one; but, I couldn't get one leg to crush all the way in. I have no idea what these shoes are; but, they're fun.

Thanks again for having me over, Mike. My best regards to the fam!

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Guest Bullitt
Mike and I got together again today for our second griptogether. This time I hit the trail on up to his place in MD. It was a nice Sunday drive.

I was greeted by Mike and his wife, Melissa - smiles all around. They're great folks and I look forward to hanging out with them again. Not only did Melissa run the camera for most of our morning antics, she got in on the fun; giving my filed HG150 several solid attempts. We started messing around with her set, talked her into using a little chalk, and BANG! Regrettably, we didn't get Melissa's first official gripper close on video. I know...stain on us. If that gripper wasn't filed she would have crushed it every time.

Mike had a great day on everything. He caveatted the session with something to the effect of, "Blah, blah, blah. I'm lousy on grippers before noon. Blah, blah, blah." Which, literally translated means: "I'm going to say I suck at grippers before noon so I can blame all my failed attempts on the timing of this event." Luckily for Mike, he didn't need to blame any failures on his circadian rhythm and I didn't need to call him a pussy for doing so. Mike was spot-on. His set is greatly improved from the last time we met and the bigger grippers are falling quick. Mike had three solid, very convincing closes on my hard CoC #3. That gripper escaped Mike's crush last time; but, stood no chance today. Rondo missed closes on his BBE and his CoC #3.5 by 1/4" or so. We're wrapping up the grippers and I tossed him my HG300N and he cranked out 3 solid TNS reps with it.

My uncle welded up a 1" v-bar for me a few years ago - I don't have any weights so I've never used it for anything other than wrist work. Mike and I worked up to 2o1lbs total on this bar today.

I hit the grippers pretty well today; closing Eaton's CoC #3 and #3.5, Mike's BBE, CoC #3 and #3.5. I was only really concerned with getting solid vids for a LH #3 close and a RH TNS #3 close. I murdered Mike's CoC #3 lefty; but, unfortunately, I missed the RH TNS close with Mike's CoC #3. I'm pissed I missed this close. I was like a little kid on Christmas; I couldn't help myself and started messing around with the BBE and CoC #3.5 before I realized what I was doing it was too late. The damage was done. HAHA!

I got few good attempts on my CoC #4; but, they were also after I had been messing around with everything else. I knew they weren't going to be great attempts; but, my set is getting stronger and I'm getting more confident with that gripper. Every millimeter is a success with that gripper. I also came within 1/16" of closing Eaton's CoC #3 lefty at the end of the day.

After the grippers and the v-bar we hit the Eaton's 42.4lb York blob for lift after lift after lift. Mike is really gaining pinch strength! He pulled that sucker almost a foot with his ring and pinky fingers! Great stuff, buddy!

I gave Mike some bench pointers and a piece of a foam roller to help train his arch. Once he gains some hip mobility and general flexibility through his back his bench is going to go way up too.

Speaking of flexibility, or a lack thereof, Mike failed miserably at bending a 60D nail DO. Please allow me to point out the comedy here; Mike fails to bend a 60D nail in the easiest style, listens to 2.7 seconds of coaching, and bends the same nail in the much more difficult reverse style. I also taught Mike to brace bend a horse shoe. I had some light trotter shoes that Geo gave me a few years ago laying around and after showing Mike how to do it, he bent it to 180 degrees easily. I tried to heart one; but, I couldn't get one leg to crush all the way in. I have no idea what these shoes are; but, they're fun.

Thanks again for having me over, Mike. My best regards to the fam!

Any time buddy. You are always welcome. Next time we need to get up to NewYork and include Eaton in these Shenanigans. :D

Melissa had a blast too. After you left, she said she wanted to try the HG200. Damned if she didn't close it twice! I think she is hooked. :laugh Love that girl. Here are her closes...

I think you will love her commentary at the end of this one. :laugh

Here's the 2nd close:

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Great stuff, guys! :rock

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Mike and I got together again today for our second griptogether. This time I hit the trail on up to his place in MD. It was a nice Sunday drive.

I was greeted by Mike and his wife, Melissa - smiles all around. They're great folks and I look forward to hanging out with them again. Not only did Melissa run the camera for most of our morning antics, she got in on the fun; giving my filed HG150 several solid attempts. We started messing around with her set, talked her into using a little chalk, and BANG! Regrettably, we didn't get Melissa's first official gripper close on video. I know...stain on us. If that gripper wasn't filed she would have crushed it every time.

Mike had a great day on everything. He caveatted the session with something to the effect of, "Blah, blah, blah. I'm lousy on grippers before noon. Blah, blah, blah." Which, literally translated means: "I'm going to say I suck at grippers before noon so I can blame all my failed attempts on the timing of this event." Luckily for Mike, he didn't need to blame any failures on his circadian rhythm and I didn't need to call him a pussy for doing so. Mike was spot-on. His set is greatly improved from the last time we met and the bigger grippers are falling quick. Mike had three solid, very convincing closes on my hard CoC #3. That gripper escaped Mike's crush last time; but, stood no chance today. Rondo missed closes on his BBE and his CoC #3.5 by 1/4" or so. We're wrapping up the grippers and I tossed him my HG300N and he cranked out 3 solid TNS reps with it.

My uncle welded up a 1" v-bar for me a few years ago - I don't have any weights so I've never used it for anything other than wrist work. Mike and I worked up to 2o1lbs total on this bar today.

I hit the grippers pretty well today; closing Eaton's CoC #3 and #3.5, Mike's BBE, CoC #3 and #3.5. I was only really concerned with getting solid vids for a LH #3 close and a RH TNS #3 close. I murdered Mike's CoC #3 lefty; but, unfortunately, I missed the RH TNS close with Mike's CoC #3. I'm pissed I missed this close. I was like a little kid on Christmas; I couldn't help myself and started messing around with the BBE and CoC #3.5 before I realized what I was doing it was too late. The damage was done. HAHA!

I got few good attempts on my CoC #4; but, they were also after I had been messing around with everything else. I knew they weren't going to be great attempts; but, my set is getting stronger and I'm getting more confident with that gripper. Every millimeter is a success with that gripper. I also came within 1/16" of closing Eaton's CoC #3 lefty at the end of the day.

After the grippers and the v-bar we hit the Eaton's 42.4lb York blob for lift after lift after lift. Mike is really gaining pinch strength! He pulled that sucker almost a foot with his ring and pinky fingers! Great stuff, buddy!

I gave Mike some bench pointers and a piece of a foam roller to help train his arch. Once he gains some hip mobility and general flexibility through his back his bench is going to go way up too.

Speaking of flexibility, or a lack thereof, Mike failed miserably at bending a 60D nail DO. Please allow me to point out the comedy here; Mike fails to bend a 60D nail in the easiest style, listens to 2.7 seconds of coaching, and bends the same nail in the much more difficult reverse style. I also taught Mike to brace bend a horse shoe. I had some light trotter shoes that Geo gave me a few years ago laying around and after showing Mike how to do it, he bent it to 180 degrees easily. I tried to heart one; but, I couldn't get one leg to crush all the way in. I have no idea what these shoes are; but, they're fun.

Thanks again for having me over, Mike. My best regards to the fam!

Any time buddy. You are always welcome. Next time we need to get up to NewYork and include Eaton in these Shenanigans. :D

Melissa had a blast too. After you left, she said she wanted to try the HG200. Damned if she didn't close it twice! I think she is hooked. :laugh Love that girl. Here are her closes...

I think you will love her commentary at the end of this one. :laugh

Here's the 2nd close:

Nice work Melissa :rock

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Sounds like y'all had a great get-together. :)

And, congratulations to Melissa! An HG200 close is amazing! I have one I'm working with and it's still way too hard for me... By chance, have you ever calibrated it?

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Melissa had a blast too. After you left, she said she wanted to try the HG200. Damned if she didn't close it twice! I think she is hooked. :laugh Love that girl. Here are her closes...

I think you will love her commentary at the end of this one. :laugh

Here's the 2nd close:

Thats hilarious.

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Guest Bullitt
Sounds like y'all had a great get-together. :)

And, congratulations to Melissa! An HG200 close is amazing! I have one I'm working with and it's still way too hard for me... By chance, have you ever calibrated it?

No, I haven't calibrated it, but I've had it for several months and while it started as a pretty tough HG200, the HG's season so much it is easier now. It's probably right around a COC#1. Keep plugging away on your 200, I'm sure you will get it. :rock

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Looks like a fun time was had by all!

Congrats on the PR's, and a special congrats to Melissa for her HG200 close!

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I'm really, really impressed with those HG200 closes. They were very wide sets, too. I've had guys that couldn't move the 200 past parallel on their first attempt

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Guest Bullitt
Looks like a fun time was had by all!

Congrats on the PR's, and a special congrats to Melissa for her HG200 close!

I'm really, really impressed with those HG200 closes. They were very wide sets, too. I've had guys that couldn't move the 200 past parallel on their first attempt

I told her if she got my 250 closed, i'd buy her a #2 and she rolled her eyes and said, please, I'm not a griptard like you boys. :laugh

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Looks like a fun time was had by all!

Congrats on the PR's, and a special congrats to Melissa for her HG200 close!

I'm really, really impressed with those HG200 closes. They were very wide sets, too. I've had guys that couldn't move the 200 past parallel on their first attempt

I told her if she got my 250 closed, i'd buy her a #2 and she rolled her eyes and said, please, I'm not a griptard like you boys. :laugh

Not yet!... ;):laugh

Nice work! :rock

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Guest Bullitt
Looks like a fun time was had by all!

Congrats on the PR's, and a special congrats to Melissa for her HG200 close!

I'm really, really impressed with those HG200 closes. They were very wide sets, too. I've had guys that couldn't move the 200 past parallel on their first attempt

I told her if she got my 250 closed, i'd buy her a #2 and she rolled her eyes and said, please, I'm not a griptard like you boys. :laugh

Not yet!... ;):laugh

Nice work! :rock

HAHA yea, I'll keep working on her. I think she was more pumped than she let on.

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Sounds like y'all had a great get-together. :)

And, congratulations to Melissa! An HG200 close is amazing! I have one I'm working with and it's still way too hard for me... By chance, have you ever calibrated it?

No, I haven't calibrated it, but I've had it for several months and while it started as a pretty tough HG200, the HG's season so much it is easier now. It's probably right around a COC#1. Keep plugging away on your 200, I'm sure you will get it. :rock

Cool. Thanks! :)

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I told her if she got my 250 closed, i'd buy her a #2 and she rolled her eyes and said, please, I'm not a griptard like you boys. :laugh

Funny stuff! :laugh She has coined a new phrase in the grip world. Sounds like you guys had a great day.

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