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Video Of Me Doing One Hand Static Holds With 285(not Using Hook)


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That's not bad man! Can you move that off the floor one handed as far as you did in the video(as in 2-3")? 285 would be a very good one hand deadlift.

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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That's not bad man! Can you move that off the floor one handed as far as you did in the video(as in 2-3")? 285 would be a very good one hand deadlift.

i can get this off the floor but can get no where near to locking it out. it would be more of a halting deadlift than a full deadlift. i could probably get 230 to lockout though with chalk. i know that my best two handed db overhand deadlift is 410 and i decided that when i got to 420 on deadlifts that id start using mixed as 410 was kind of rough. i plan on going for 440 in a few weeks and i think ill stick with the mixed grip. when i can get 460 easily on mixed grip ill attempt a 440 with db ov.

thanks for watching my videos.

i guess i could attempt 290 off the floor enxt week, but iwas hoping to trey to pinch two 35s, and i dont know how much my back will like me to do that after heavy deadlifts lol.

Edited by sportsstar469
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48 views and 1 reply. i thought i was pretty proud of my pr lols

Good lifting man. You might not be getting as many replies as you'd like because the lift is inbetween a few standardized lifts - the one-hand deadlift and the farmer's hold. Do some 1" vbar action and I'll comment on that. :D

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48 views and 1 reply. i thought i was pretty proud of my pr lols

Good lifting man. You might not be getting as many replies as you'd like because the lift is inbetween a few standardized lifts - the one-hand deadlift and the farmer's hold. Do some 1" vbar action and I'll comment on that. :D

i guess it is a little bit of an odd lift. i originally was in a contest with a friend of mine for who could hold onto 130 pound dumbells the longest. well after doing those igot tired of that, and said we should go heavier. i dont have dbs heavier than that so isaid lets use barebells, well they couldnt even get 185 off the rack and well i got 285(wanted 300 but w/e) the reason i didnt do a full deadlift was because i was doing this for just my grip and because i did these right after my deadlift/militay presses so my back was FRIED. i plan on going for a pinch grip PR on wendsday( 2 35s!!!) maybe ill post the video in here instead of making another thread and see what people think 9of it.

thanks for the reply!

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Yea cool but put it on the floor. Then if you can hold on you can use your legs to lift. If you can't lock it out its probally not worth posting. However Don't be afraid to post your vids, lots of these guys couldn't do that anyway, and lots of peopls just read and not post so don't get bent outa shape if nobody writes to you.


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Yea cool but put it on the floor. Then if you can hold on you can use your legs to lift. If you can't lock it out its probally not worth posting. However Don't be afraid to post your vids, lots of these guys couldn't do that anyway, and lots of peopls just read and not post so don't get bent outa shape if nobody writes to you.


i dont think your trying to be rude because you sounded pretty nice in the latter part of the post, but i think it was worth posting just because it was an accomplishment that i got for myself. i held almost 300 pounds in my hand without using hook. i could have done a deadlift from the floor with say 225 but ifelt that this was a better display of my total grip strength. i have all the usual videos that most people post ( a video of me closing a coc 2.5 no set no closing it with the other hand full width close not even starting from a ccs setup just from the width its supposed to be, i have pinch videos etc, but i think this video is just cooler.) anyway im hoping for a pinch grip pr and ill post it if iget it on wendsay i guess if noone comments on that ill take it as a hint that my videos suck lol.

thanks for the comments man and keep on gripping hahahas.

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I bet farmers walk would be right up your alley. You could gett a set for around $100 I guess. Since you like the holds they may be perfect for you. Their one of my favorite. Good work with the CoC 2.5. Make yourself a youtube page thats what I did.


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I bet farmers walk would be right up your alley. You could gett a set for around $100 I guess. Since you like the holds they may be perfect for you. Their one of my favorite. Good work with the CoC 2.5. Make yourself a youtube page thats what I did.


yeah i have a youtube channel with 90 weightlifting videos on it. i update it three times a week too and post a good four videos a day. ill post the link at the end of this post. whered you think i posted that 285 video too.

but yeah farmers walk does sound pretty cool. i reemember about a year and a half ago i took around 30 pound dumbells and walked around my block with them lol it was pretty tough, but iwas a lot weaker then. thanks for the comment man, i was pretty stoked when igot the coc 2.5 i have videos of the closes. to tell you the truth i dontt rain my grip that often. i have horrible weightlifting genetics when i first started training i couldnt even do a single rep of bench press with the 45 pound bar and i had to use the 35 pound bar, however with grip iom just naturally good at it. i was able to do 25ws on pinch grip my second time trying it and i havent done puinch gripping in amonth but i plan on doing 35s for at least one rep per hand on thursday. i dont know if thats weird that i am naturally good at gripping but not at regular stregtnh. i had to work my ass off to get a 280 bench and 420 deadlift and 315 squat but the grip came naturally.

anyway i do have a question for you. i cant palm a basketball. is that odd given my grip strength? im 6'2 so my hands arent small.


Edited by sportsstar469
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I guess for the basketball try what I'm doing in my avatar, pinching 10lb plates or you can start with 5lb plates then you can go really wide. Or do some blob lifting, the guys here r always selling them.


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I guess for the basketball try what I'm doing in my avatar, pinching 10lb plates or you can start with 5lb plates then you can go really wide. Or do some blob lifting, the guys here r always selling them.


so is flexibility the problem then? is that why you reccomend doing pinches with lighter weights that id have to use some more of?

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I just ment with 5lb plates you'll be able to work your pinch ata wider position and maby it won't be to heavy for you to lift when yur starting out. I would streach as much as possible as with any exercising.


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I just ment with 5lb plates you'll be able to work your pinch ata wider position and maby it won't be to heavy for you to lift when yur starting out. I would streach as much as possible as with any exercising.


im not new to pinching. i have videos on my channel of me doing easy timed rps with 25s, and im doing 35s on wendsay and expect to hit 45s by my 20th birthday in october. heres an old pinch gripping video.

i was told im not supposed to hold them at the top is that true ifk it sounds like shitty advice. what do you thinks.


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I just ment with 5lb plates you'll be able to work your pinch ata wider position and maby it won't be to heavy for you to lift when yur starting out. I would streach as much as possible as with any exercising.


im not new to pinching. i have videos on my channel of me doing easy timed rps with 25s, and im doing 35s on wendsay and expect to hit 45s by my 20th birthday in october. heres an old pinch gripping video.

i was told im not supposed to hold them at the top is that true ifk it sounds like shitty advice. what do you thinks.


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I just ment with 5lb plates you'll be able to work your pinch ata wider position and maby it won't be to heavy for you to lift when yur starting out. I would streach as much as possible as with any exercising.


btw do you know how to delete a post? i double posted by accident. i dont even see the edit button!

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I just ment with 5lb plates you'll be able to work your pinch ata wider position and maby it won't be to heavy for you to lift when yur starting out. I would streach as much as possible as with any exercising.


QUOTE (rico300zx @ Jun 27 2009, 10:14 PM) *

I just ment with 5lb plates you'll be able to work your pinch ata wider position and maby it won't be to heavy for you to lift when yur starting out. I would streach as much as possible as with any exercising.


im not new to pinching. i have videos on my channel of me doing easy timed rps with 25s, and im doing 35s on wendsay and expect to hit 45s by my 20th birthday in october. heres an old pinch gripping video.

i was told im not supposed to hold them at the top is that true ifk it sounds like shitty advice. what do you thinks.


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kind of sloppy form, but i got it without chalk before however i deleted the video by accident -_-


well i failed at my 35 inch grip but i did some assistance i picked them up with 2 hands and then held it for a little with one hand for reps does anybody think this will helo.

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The one hand lift is a similar setup (allowing use of the thighs to aid the lift but using a handle and chain instead) and was contested in the british grip championships in 2007 and 2008. Weights over 300kg (660lbs) were used. A setup like this and the one you are using counteracts nearly all the rotation that you get when trying a one hand deadlift with a barbell from the floor.

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The one hand lift is a similar setup (allowing use of the thighs to aid the lift but using a handle and chain instead) and was contested in the british grip championships in 2007 and 2008. Weights over 300kg (660lbs) were used. A setup like this and the one you are using counteracts nearly all the rotation that you get when trying a one hand deadlift with a barbell from the floor.

are you trying to discredit my lift? lets see you do it bud. ive done one haded deadlifts before, but i do these after doing my regular sets of deadlifts. i was doing a high rack pull for focus purely on the gripping hands.

and in all of the rolling thunder videos the lift starts about the same height as mine and they barely even hold it and they use their other hand to push off. not to mentipn how hard stabilizing a barbell is i actually found doing the same weight with my friends rolling thunder was easier for me even with the thicker grip handles rofl.

Edited by sportsstar469
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Yeah i can do it, but only after a subway. :flame

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You know, I may just be in a generally bad mood. But, this thread has really pissed me off. I am not trying to start a flame war or argument.

You posted a video that not alot of people have said anything about. Big deal. You don't have to get on the defensive and start calling people out. Show some respect! Or, at least a little common courtesy.

Seems to me like you are just trying to boost your ego. I'll Give you what I think you are looking for.

:bow:bow:bow:ohmy THAT'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!! :ohmy:bow:bow:bow

Edited by huntca
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You know, I may just be in a generally bad mood. But, this thread has really pissed me off. I am not trying to start a flame war or argument.

You posted a video that not alot of people have said anything about. Big deal. You don't have to get on the defensive and start calling people out. Show some respect! Or, at least a little common courtesy.

Seems to me like you are just trying to boost your ego. I'll Give you what I think you are looking for.

:bow:bow:bow:ohmy THAT'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!! :ohmy:bow:bow:bow

well i didnt mean to be an ass or a dick either, but iwas wondering why not a lot of people had any comments on it. i mean this is a grip forum and i thought it was a pretty good feat of strength. afterall rico said that theres alot of guys here who couldnt do it so idk.

sorry for pissing you off though that was not my intention.

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i don't want to sound like a dick, but i don't get what's the big fuss over this?

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Man, you don't have to apologize. Like I said, I am probably just in a bad mood. Now, not trying to cut you down or anything, but just go back and read some of your threads or threads you have posted in. It is like you have an attitude or chip on your shoulder. Just keep an open mind to what I am saying. And read them as if someone else was reading them. I know it is hard to get across what you are actually feeling or meaning by just using words typed on a computer. People can't see your facial expressions or hear the tone of your voice. I honestly think that what you are trying to say is getting misunderstood. Or, if you really mean it that way, you are an ass. :D And, that's fine too.

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