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The Newest Mash Monster Level 0

Bill Piche

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Great work. A ton of potential there Ted !!!!!! :rock

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Nice job!

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Great work! Congrats!

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You know the story of the guy who closed a #3 the first time he tried one? Well ....

Ted works with me in Louisiana, I brought some grip stuff up to the office and immediately Ted was interested. I handed him an RB 240 and to my suprise he closed it ....... and then he proceeded to TNS it! (it's not a narrow) we measured his hands cause I thought he must have huge hands, but they are a little smaller than mine - 8" exactly. I went home that weekend and brought a #3 back so Ted could give that a whirl .... he closed it on his first try and with a crappy set of course. Watch this guy cause he has alot of potential.

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I want a job with you paul

Good job ted!

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Great job Ted! That's phenomenal that you closed the #3 on your first try! Very jealous of that achievement.

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So..what exactly are you boys doing for work out in Louisiana? I've heard quit a few of these "closed the #3 on the first try" tales, but when it comes from Paul Knight...i'm all ears.

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was the link working for everyone? it wasn't for me.

here's another one:

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I had the pleasure of meeting Ted yesterday and he's certainly all he's reported to be. Unnaturally strong!

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The Rookie is killing sh*t. Paul always seems to find the people with Badass grip strength. I'm beginning to think PKS stands for Paul Knight School? Garage Crew

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