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My Thoughts On The New York Barbell Grip Machine


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Hey, everyone! This is my first day as member and first post on this board. I've checked out this scene and feel right at home. I'm a newbie to training the hands specifically but not in general when it comes to lifting weights. I'm a competitive powerlifter just looking for other areas to improve on and shock the hell out of the common man.

Now that I got that brief intro out the way, onwards to the main topic about the New York Barbell grip machine. Don't get me wrong, it would suffice for the average gripster who wants to improve crushing strength. But In my own opinion though, it would not be optimal for the man who seeks to join the CoC# 3 Elite Club. Why you might ask? It would be because the handles of the NYB grip machine are 1" in diameter and there is still about a 1/4" gap between the handles when fully closed. Not only do these measurements exist with this device but with other grip machines as well that I have found. You even got to watch out with the range of motion on these devices as well b/c they can also cut you short by being less than the CoC. The CoC handles are just a hair under from being 3/4" in diameter. To think that some of you were probably dumbfounded too as why you couldn't cut that last 1/2" or less on that gripper to take that walk to the promised land. You do the math people. I'm just trying to point this out for all the other future enthusiastic gripsters to come looking for a QUALITY grip machine. If by chance my theory is flawed, by all means school my newbie ass veterans?

As of right now I'm waiting on the measurements for the BB grip machine II to find out if that's the machine for me. If I had a choice I'd pick Sorinex's latest grip machine, but for a college student on a low budget that just isn't going to happen. But then again I could live off the "Ramen noodle diet" for awhile.(Not going to happen)

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Welcome to The GripBoard. Good observations about the grip machine, as I noticed this myself when I was interested in buying a similar machine a couple of years ago. When I purchased mine, I went to the "Grip Man" himself, Richard Sorin of Sorinex (who by the way posts on this board as 1stCoC) and asked him to make me this standard grip machine, but with the handles made to 3/4" in diameter rather than the standard 1" in diameter. It will cost you much less than the G-Rex does, but if you are on limited funds, it would be a great machine to get. Good luck with your training.

Steve Weiner

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I don't own a grip machine, but I have messed with a G-REX for a little bit. All I can say is it is a very fine peice of machinery. If I were to buy a grip machine it would be that one.

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I was wondering if you knew what the approximate waiting time was for a gripinator now. I was hearing like 4-5 months wait a while back. Is it still so long? I'm about to the top of my change jug and I'm getting revved up to order one. Thanx.


Edited by dyoder16
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Guest rockblaster

I have a NYB grip machine that I use from time to time. It is good for the price. I do wish that the handles were a bit thinner, however. I have found that you really have to go very heavy on it in order to get any results. :cool

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I echo rockblaster's statements. :)

Usually, when newbies start out - they want a grip machine that's cheap and easy to use. The grip machine at NYBB does just that. That is the perfect machine for the raw beginner new to training the grip. Machines like the G-Rex and the Gripinator are more expensive; I have the G-Rex and it's great! :yikes

When you work with the grip machine from NYBB, put as much weight on it as possible. You'll get the full benefit of the machine doing this.

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