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How About...

the swiss

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don't worry, this has nothing to do with the recent debates on feat validation.

I just thought it would be interesting to have some sort of "medical" section, where people could put up injuries they might have encountered, and share opinions on rehab.

I'd be interested as I've had injuries which I've had a hard time finding the cause of (believe it or not). They both appeared the next day or the day after, and I had been doing many exercises that could possibly have caused them.

any comments? any people interested?

train hard


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I don't like the idea. That's all we need is a bunch of grip guys playing doctor and prescribing treatments! :D

Liability? Nah! :ohmy

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i think it would be quite clear that advice shouldn't be taken as that of a doctor; I was thinking of something like:

- my hand hurts when its holding a weight palm up and open!

- hey I've had that too it came from a sore elbow.

I've found that i can still train my pinch but that my crushing is not as strong. It turned out to be CPS.

- ah ok I'll try crushing to see and hope its not that


i can understand your worrying about liability. I think it would be quite easy to take that factor out.

anyway just a suggestion.


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Actually, I like the idea. I hurt the knuckle of my middle finger about a year ago trying to close my #3 gripper. It's still painfull. Anyone else blow-out a finger using a gripper?

mike m.

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I have various pains in fingers, knuckles, arms, and elbows that I didn't have before grip training. I will work through it as best I can. Treat it like any other pain. Warm up, stretch, cool down, use your common sense. Knowing when to stop has been my biggest lesson so far.


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Speaking of injuries....is there anything you can do besides ice after a work out and ibuprofin q-6-h for tendonitis??

There are 3 of us experienceing pain just below the elbow..a doc at the gym said tennis elbow(yep Josh and i get out on the courts everyday)

I've had the problem-of and on-throughout the last few years but in the last few months-after starting actual grip work- I have experience it more...and its 'deeper'.

Josh said he had it last year when he ran a jack hammer and was useing a sledge -when the jack hammer couldn't do the job.. ;)

Quite seriously-any other remedies?tips?ideas?

Is ice and ant-inflamatories effective?

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Tendons have a very low blood flow and heal slowly. Besides ultrasound there isn't much you can do for it besides anti-inflamatories and heat. Heat will help to increase the blood flow a bit and help to speed up recovery. Ice will calm down any swelling but not do much else. Laying off whatever is aggrevating it is always good too.

FYI, this is info that I recieved while I was being treated for a torn pec tendon earlier this year. It's not my opinion. It's what my doc and physical therapist told me.

Best of luck on your recovery.

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Tom- I don't know if this will help you but I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone that they should be working their finger extensors regularly. I discovered that I can't barbell curl without my elbows flaring up but doing rubber band finger extensions helped clear the problem up pronto.


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both my wrists were bothering me for a while and it felt like i had shin splints in there. i went to see a chiro and he said that i had tendonitis in both of them. he told me to ice 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes each, anti-inflammatories, and rest. it was working well so i decided to start up earlier than he said to, i just aggravated it again.

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I'm not a doctor, but I play one on the GripBoard! :cool

I had tendonitis in my elbows and my sports physician prescribed CELEBREX...and it worked great for me! But remember PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT and what worked for me might just make your problem worse (or kill ya)! :cry See a real doctor and not a Doctor Wannabee on some forum somewhere!

My 2 cents (pence?) worth!

Edited by Strongman
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The section on "hand health" in Brookfields new book is interesting. BC brought up a good point w/the extension exercises. Rolling up the towel, pinching w/the weak fingers, rolling the steel balls in the hand, etc. The best I found for increasing the blood flow to the hand was the exercise of making a fist then extending the hand. Do it as fast as you can for as long as you can. The exercise seemed stupid at first, but after about 30secs the hand was moving slow. The next day my hands felt better than ever. Give them a shot.

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There's some great info here guys!!!

My post is in topic and yet out of topic. I'd like to see a links section of the site...some of the websites put together by gripboard members are chock full of good stuff.


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maybe we won't have a medical section, but at least we'll have a medical thread ;) !

As you've probably guessed, I've injured myself recently, and at first I thought it was because of plate curls for reps, but now I believe it comes from kettlebell overtraining. Anyway the pain in the wrist just below the pinky, but I think it comes from the inner elbow. Hard to tell. I seem to able to train (haven't tried ballistic kettlebells but I think I'll give them a break for now) so its probably not too bad.

Anyway I'll try the extensor exercises.

rest hard


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