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Goody / Bullitt Griporama

Guest Bullitt

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Guest Bullitt

Goody and i had a great day gripping, bending, pinching, and tearing. I just want to say that he is one strong dude and he went out of his way to help me learn how to do a lot of cool stuff. He especially helped me with my set, which I was doing all wrong. After almost 3 hours gripping, pinching, etc. I was actually stronger on the grippers than when I got there. Thanks Goody!

Goody closed all my grippers, including the Elite and my 3.5. He also CCS closed my #3 and closed my #3 lefty.

The highlight for me was the blobs. After a little coaching from Goody I was able to get the 42lb blob with both hands and actually lifted it by the face with my off hand. John Eaton was nice enough to lend me one of his blobs, so i will keep working on these. Goody lent me a tough pony clamp and his HG300 & 350 to train with as well. Thanks Guys!

Three things I learned today:

- I need to get better setting the gripper so I am ready for MM1

- My wrist strength isn't where it needs to be

- I can't bend nails worth a chit :blush

Goody will do a write up on his blog, but here are the highlights:


Goody closing my Elite:


Goody closing and overcrushing my 3.5:


Goody closing #3 with both hands:


Goody #3 CCS close:


Goody double 42lb blob lift With a curl & a press:


Goody 42lb blob by face:


He also ripped a deck of cards in half, bent a couple nails, flipped my 60lb kettlebell and we topped it off by both of us ripping a phonebook.

Me lifting my first 42lb blob:


Me lifting 42lb blob by face with off hand:


One of the funnest days I have had in a while. Thanks to Goody for hosting, John for lending us grippers and blobs, and the park grounds crew for providing background noise by mowing all around us.

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Sounds like a great time :rock

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Guest Bullitt

Apparently the links weren't all working. So here they are again. Sorry Bobby. Technology is not my strongpoint.

Goody closing my Elite:


Goody closing and overcrushing my 3.5:


Goody closing #3 with both hands:


Goody #3 CCS close:


Goody double 42lb blob lift With a curl & a press:


Goody 42lb blob by face:


He also ripped a deck of cards in half, bent a couple nails, flipped my 60lb kettlebell and we topped it off by both of us ripping a phonebook.

Me lifting my first 42lb blob:


Me lifting 42lb blob by face with off hand:

Edited by Bullitt
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Apparently the links weren't all working. So here they are again. Sorry Bobby. Technology is not my strongpoint.

Goody closing my Elite:


Goody closing and overcrushing my 3.5:


Goody closing #3 with both hands:


Goody #3 CCS close:


Goody double 42lb blob lift With a curl & a press:


Goody 42lb blob by face:


He also ripped a deck of cards in half, bent a couple nails, flipped my 60lb kettlebell and we topped it off by both of us ripping a phonebook.

Me lifting my first 42lb blob:


Me lifting 42lb blob by face with off hand:

Awesome work guys!

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Now that's pretty badass and sounds like it was LOADS of fun.

Man, I wish I had someone here to train grip with. I've got a few friends who are interested in it but they always seem to flake out when it's time to do some training. :dry

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Thanks for posting, Mike...and, what a great time! :rock

I had an absolute blast. To keep my fingers from falling off, I'll just copy/paste what I just posted in my blog below (sans the vids). Enjoy...

Mike Rinderle and I got together for a little grip-together today here in DC. Mike is a solid dude with a ton of grip potential. He's one of those guys who is big and strong and doesn't even know it. He just got into grip seriously and when we were finishing up he asked me if I wanted to borrow any of his stuff. Seriously. You're welcome to train with my anytime, bro. Thanks for coming out.

Like I said in my previous post, this was a Gong Show from the word, "GO!". I wasted little time, crushing every gripper Mike brought along. I hit his CoC #3 with my LH and RH and CCS closed it for good measure. I closed his BBE with my RH. I closed his CoC #3.5 for a few reps when it was choked to parallel and I got it for a solid MMS close with my RH. To say I was pleased would be an understatement.

Remember when I said Mike was one of those dudes who doesn't know his own strength? I meant it. Mike just recently got into grippers seriously...and even more recently, he started setting the grippers. Yeah, he's been closing grippers with a terrible set (sorry, Mike) or no set at all. I worked with Mike on his set and he was 1/16" away from closing my hard CoC #3. It took me ages to close that gripper. As the afternoon went on, Mike got stronger. Even though he was smoked from all the antics, his set got better and better and those gripper handles got closer and closer. I loaned a few HG grippers to Mike to help him bridge the gap between his CoC #3 and his BBE. With more set work and continued work on the bigger grippers, the MM1 will be no problem for this guy.

Today was also a big day for Mike in the pinch department. Mike had never touched a York blob before today. On his first attempt, he pulled Eaton's 42.4lb blob about 10-12" with his RH. He nailed it on his second attempt with a nice full pull.

Mike is one of those dudes who has a stronger pinch with his off-hand. Once he got the feel for it, he pulled Eaton's 42lb blob by the damn face! Keep in mind...this was Mike's first day ever seeing a York blob in person. Yeah...

I gave Mike two 60D nails to bend. Once his wrist strength improves a bit, he'll crush them like coat hangers. I bent 2 of them DO and DU, just to show him the technique. We also trashed some pretty big phonebooks, levered his 8lb sledge, and tossed his 60lb KB around. All-in-all, it was a 3+ hour shindig. I'd do it again tomorrow.

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Looks like a great time guys! I enjoyed the videos too!

I wish I lived closer to you all so I could join the fun next time! :rock

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Great writeup guys! Sounds like a lot of fun. I hope to see you both in a contest soon.

Goody, are you going to try the 2x25 plate curl again?

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Guest Bullitt
Thanks for posting, Mike...and, what a great time! :rock

I had an absolute blast. To keep my fingers from falling off, I'll just copy/paste what I just posted in my blog below (sans the vids). Enjoy...

Mike Rinderle and I got together for a little grip-together today here in DC. Mike is a solid dude with a ton of grip potential. He's one of those guys who is big and strong and doesn't even know it. He just got into grip seriously and when we were finishing up he asked me if I wanted to borrow any of his stuff. Seriously. You're welcome to train with my anytime, bro. Thanks for coming out.

Like I said in my previous post, this was a Gong Show from the word, "GO!". I wasted little time, crushing every gripper Mike brought along. I hit his CoC #3 with my LH and RH and CCS closed it for good measure. I closed his BBE with my RH. I closed his CoC #3.5 for a few reps when it was choked to parallel and I got it for a solid MMS close with my RH. To say I was pleased would be an understatement.

Remember when I said Mike was one of those dudes who doesn't know his own strength? I meant it. Mike just recently got into grippers seriously...and even more recently, he started setting the grippers. Yeah, he's been closing grippers with a terrible set (sorry, Mike) or no set at all. I worked with Mike on his set and he was 1/16" away from closing my hard CoC #3. It took me ages to close that gripper. As the afternoon went on, Mike got stronger. Even though he was smoked from all the antics, his set got better and better and those gripper handles got closer and closer. I loaned a few HG grippers to Mike to help him bridge the gap between his CoC #3 and his BBE. With more set work and continued work on the bigger grippers, the MM1 will be no problem for this guy.

Today was also a big day for Mike in the pinch department. Mike had never touched a York blob before today. On his first attempt, he pulled Eaton's 42.4lb blob about 10-12" with his RH. He nailed it on his second attempt with a nice full pull.

Mike is one of those dudes who has a stronger pinch with his off-hand. Once he got the feel for it, he pulled Eaton's 42lb blob by the damn face! Keep in mind...this was Mike's first day ever seeing a York blob in person. Yeah...

I gave Mike two 60D nails to bend. Once his wrist strength improves a bit, he'll crush them like coat hangers. I bent 2 of them DO and DU, just to show him the technique. We also trashed some pretty big phonebooks, levered his 8lb sledge, and tossed his 60lb KB around. All-in-all, it was a 3+ hour shindig. I'd do it again tomorrow.

:blush Thanks bro, but you were the star of this show. It was a great time and I can't wait until we do it again. Next time we need to get Eaton, Hammy and others together. :rock

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Thanks for posting, Mike...and, what a great time! :rock

I had an absolute blast. To keep my fingers from falling off, I'll just copy/paste what I just posted in my blog below (sans the vids). Enjoy...

Mike Rinderle and I got together for a little grip-together today here in DC. Mike is a solid dude with a ton of grip potential. He's one of those guys who is big and strong and doesn't even know it. He just got into grip seriously and when we were finishing up he asked me if I wanted to borrow any of his stuff. Seriously. You're welcome to train with my anytime, bro. Thanks for coming out.

Like I said in my previous post, this was a Gong Show from the word, "GO!". I wasted little time, crushing every gripper Mike brought along. I hit his CoC #3 with my LH and RH and CCS closed it for good measure. I closed his BBE with my RH. I closed his CoC #3.5 for a few reps when it was choked to parallel and I got it for a solid MMS close with my RH. To say I was pleased would be an understatement.

Remember when I said Mike was one of those dudes who doesn't know his own strength? I meant it. Mike just recently got into grippers seriously...and even more recently, he started setting the grippers. Yeah, he's been closing grippers with a terrible set (sorry, Mike) or no set at all. I worked with Mike on his set and he was 1/16" away from closing my hard CoC #3. It took me ages to close that gripper. As the afternoon went on, Mike got stronger. Even though he was smoked from all the antics, his set got better and better and those gripper handles got closer and closer. I loaned a few HG grippers to Mike to help him bridge the gap between his CoC #3 and his BBE. With more set work and continued work on the bigger grippers, the MM1 will be no problem for this guy.

Today was also a big day for Mike in the pinch department. Mike had never touched a York blob before today. On his first attempt, he pulled Eaton's 42.4lb blob about 10-12" with his RH. He nailed it on his second attempt with a nice full pull.

Mike is one of those dudes who has a stronger pinch with his off-hand. Once he got the feel for it, he pulled Eaton's 42lb blob by the damn face! Keep in mind...this was Mike's first day ever seeing a York blob in person. Yeah...

I gave Mike two 60D nails to bend. Once his wrist strength improves a bit, he'll crush them like coat hangers. I bent 2 of them DO and DU, just to show him the technique. We also trashed some pretty big phonebooks, levered his 8lb sledge, and tossed his 60lb KB around. All-in-all, it was a 3+ hour shindig. I'd do it again tomorrow.

:blush Thanks bro, but you were the star of this show. It was a great time and I can't wait until we do it again. Next time we need to get Eaton, Hammy and others together. :rock

IF the stars aligned just right that would be sweet!

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Great writeup guys! Sounds like a lot of fun. I hope to see you both in a contest soon.

Goody, are you going to try the 2x25 plate curl again?

Thanks, Bob! The next time I get together with Eaton or Jedd I'll try that lift again. I have very limited access to good plates...by, "very limited access" I actually mean, no access. Unless I hook up with the big boys.

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Wow that sounds like it must have been loads of fun! I'm jealous of you guys :ohmy I've got one of my friends into grip, he's just closed the #1 after i showed him how to set properly etc so it's fun to watch his progress :D

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Guest Bullitt
Now that's pretty badass and sounds like it was LOADS of fun.

Man, I wish I had someone here to train grip with. I've got a few friends who are interested in it but they always seem to flake out when it's time to do some training. :dry

You're from Canada. Tell them it will help them with their hockey. ;) That's how I got my 13yo son interested. :D

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Awesome work, both of ya. Mike, a 42 blob...by the face...with your off-hand...on your first try? :blink:rock:cool

Edited by Magnus
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crazy strong guys! training at the park is cool :cool

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Edited by Paul Knight
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ignore again :rolleyes

Edited by Paul Knight
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Guest Bullitt
Awesome work, both of ya. Mike, a 42 blob...by the face...with your off-hand...on your first try? :blink:rock:cool

Thanks Frank! Nobody was more surprised than me when it went up that easy. :blush Not bad for an old guy. :D

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Yeah, TRIPLE strong :D

:laugh I knew you would be right on my tail Frank :laugh

I hate when you click "Add Reply" and nothing happens, so you press it again .. and again, and when it finally goes through, you look like a dufus in the thread :laugh

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Guest Bullitt
Yeah, TRIPLE strong :D

:laugh I knew you would be right on my tail Frank :laugh

I hate when you click "Add Reply" and nothing happens, so you press it again .. and again, and when it finally goes through, you look like a dufus in the thread :laugh

I'm just glad i'm not the only one technology challenged around here. :laugh Thanks 3 times Paul!

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Guest Bullitt

After all the gripping we did yesterday my hands were pretty fried, but I wanted to try out the new setting technique. I figured I would practice my sets on the HG300 and 350 that Goody lent me. I had my beautiful wife video them, because I was going to send them to Goody and John Eaton to critique me. Figured I would never close them after all the gripping we did yesterday, plus I couldn't get his 300 at the end of yesterday when I was beat down. The set felt pretty good so I thought I would give it a shot. I think I might have had a bit of improvement. :D

Check them out, and thank you Goody, John, Teemu, Hammy, Frank, and everyone else that has given me help on this journey. I think I might actually be figuring this stuff out. Sometimes it takes us old dogs a while. :blush

Reps with Goody's HG300

Overcrush and 2nd rep with Goody's HG350

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Both of those grippers are well in CoC #3 territory. Great stuff...especially after all the crap we did yesterday! You're going to crush the MM1, bro.

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