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Rule #5

Bill Piche

How should rule 5 be written?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. How should rule 5 be written?

    • Leave as it is
    • Get rid of it
    • Modify it like Tom Black suggested - Lock Post
    • Let's whine some more
    • It's all an American Conspiracy

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It was a hard decision, I started to go the conspiracy, but then I remembered there wasn't one.......

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I went with Tom's version so the burden of proof is

still on the poster, but allows for discussion; otherwise

we are discussing what some of us have not even seen,

and we'll go through more roomer rumurs than Miss Kitty.

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Good point mobster, what if this has been a big falsity...... or could it be that Wannagrip is anti-American and is playing this evil trick to get people pissed at American's? Hmm, what if he's actually from Britain. Is it that we are all pawns in his game, drat!

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If there is a better way to build the mousetrap, then build it.

Stop whining, crying and bitching about it. That's why the rule is created... to end constant BS speculation as to whether the feat was performed or not.

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Everyone vote! I don't want to hear anymore wussies whining about a locked post either if that's what we end up going with.

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Everyone vote! I don't want to hear anymore wussies whining about a locked post either if that's what we end up going with.

I feel as if you're hiding something, emotionally. Tell us how you feel........ :ninja :ninja

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That's what I like about you Heath! You're amazing ability to read between the lines!! :laugh

Wanna, are we planting the seeds for the IGC? If so, I like the direction it's going, and yes, it's about time.

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Per Tom's suggestion, I voted to lock the post until pics or videos are provided. I commend Wanna for his patience with this. He did put this up for discussion before implementing the rule and no one said 'boo' then, so take advantage of this topic the second time around and voice your opinions.

I admit that I'm a bit torn on this issue, as I'd hate to see some of the top gripsters here refrain from posting their lifts simply because they didn't get it visually recorded somehow. At the same time, however, no one is beyond reproach. This rule is not about nobility of character, it's about providing visual evidence for top notch grip lifts. The person who is willing to state their top notch lifts on a public forum should also be the kind of person willing to provide visual evidence of that lift. This is an international forum and most of us will never meet one another. It is both helpful and inspiring to see pictures and videos of peoples' top lifts.

Come on people. Does this rule really affect your life that tremendously? The glass is half full.


Edited by bseedot
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Per Tom's suggestion, I voted to lock the post until pics or videos are provided. I commend Wanna for his patience with this. He did put this up for discussion before implementing the rule and no one said 'boo' then, so take advantage of this topic the second time around and voice your opinions.

I admit that I'm a bit torn on this issue, as I'd hate to see some of the top gripsters here refrain from posting their lifts simply because they didn't get it visually recorded somehow. At the same time, however, no one is beyond reproach. This rule is not about nobility of character, it's about providing visual evidence for top notch grip lifts. The person who is willing to state their top notch lifts on a public forum should also be the kind of person willing to provide visual evidence of that lift. This is an international forum and most of us will never meet one another. It is both helpful and inspiring to see pictures and videos of peoples' top lifts.

Come on people. Does this rule really affect your life that tremendously? The glass is half full.


Right on!

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I can understand the need for some evidence of certain feats of strength. But the big problem occurs when we are talking about certain lifts that we or others have done in training, at present or in the past. Because I do not train with a camera at hand! So this presents us with a problem. Do we now self-censor what we put on here, or even if I'm asked what I may have done on a particular lift in the past, as Joe Roark has asked me on a few occasions, do we not reply? I don't know the answer. I have been captured on video and photos performing feats of strength in the past quite a few times, and many people have seen me do various things. I suppose we just need clarification. Also, I haven't even seen Chris's post so how can I answer to it. I have the photo (which incidentally, I only took the camera along to photograph Chris's training apparatus) so it's lucky we have a photo.

Anyway, all for now, David

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Get rid of it. Let's just filter the information like we do in real life: Take whatever is said with a grain of salt. I think we all know who is full of BS and who isn't. If you get some newbie coming to the board claiming to close a #4, we know what to think. But, if Health claims to close a #4, people will listen and consider what he has to say. Let us decide what is true and what isn't! :angry:

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I proposed an alternative on the discussion of this and regret that it was not presented as an option for people to vote on. I have copied and pasted part of that message below for anyone interested:

Perhaps someone on this forum (Roark or David Horne would probably be my first two picks) could put together some sort of record list on a variety of grip feats. To break a record on that list, one must submit photographic or videotape evidence of the feat. No post would be deleted but without verification, it would not replace an existing record. Obviously not every grip feat could be listed. Those that were not listed would always be considered as unofficial and posts regarding those would go to the Goerner Reborn forum.

The actual compilation of the records might take some work, but I have a feeling Joe and/or Dave already have some sort of database for such feats. Maintaining the list would be relatively easy, I think.

By no means is this suggestion perfect but I do feel it is better than just arbitrarily deleting posts from the more advanced men because of their nearness to a record, especially since they may already be the one with the record.

I am serious about the suggestion and think it could work. Does anyone else have an opinion on this.


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Mark, no disrespect intended, but this whole thing really isn't about records, or providing proof of records, it's to stop the fighting regarding undocumented claims. Look at the rest of the rules, that's what this is all about. BTW, the poll seems to be favoring locking of threads now, so deletion of posts may not happen.

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I have the photo (which incidentally, I only took the camera along to photograph Chris's training apparatus) so it's lucky we have a photo.

David, how about posting it?

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I did not get a feeling of disrespect from you so no problem there. I do disagree however as to the relevance of my suggestion. You say this is all about unsubstabntiated claims, not records. Well, the way I phrased my proposal, those feats recognized as records required corroboration for it to be a record. Anything else, in other words - unsubstantiated, would be just that and discussed only on the Goerner Reborn forum. So, I agree with you as to the goal of stopping fighting and unsubstantiated claims. But I disagree that my suggestion was not relevant to this issue.


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The issue under discussion is the very reason I think I have only ever once made a lifting "claim" on this board. Some of my lifts are/were laughable, some are/were substantial but I have no "proof" for any of them - they are just pages out of my training diary now.

I do feel somewhat saddened that this has all taken off in this way. I personally felt that things were OK as they were, that this was, by-and-large, a rubbish-free board - a view obviously not shared by others. I was quite happy that in most cases claims for elite feats did get photographic /video proof before they were widely accepted.

Take two weeks away from here and it's amazing what can "kick-off" in your absence....(can't find the right emoticon, so (':muchperplexed'))

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I don't see the need for such a rule. If someone posts a new record of theirs (world record or not) you either believe them or you don't. Maybe rule #5 should state "If you want people to believe your record you should post a picture."

Like David said, I don't workout with a camera in hand. Not only that but I usually train alone. Furthermore, I don't workout for the respect of this forum. Absolutely no disrespect is intended whatsoever, I love to come here and "talk" about grip training, but if I need a picture for my claims to be considered, accepted and even discussed, than thats ridiculous IMO. How about the feats that cannot be repeated at will?

I vote for "lets whine some more."

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