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25lb Plate Hula

Jeff Parker

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How about a new contest to keep everyone motivated? This has always been a favorite of mine to finish off a pinch or blob workout, the 25lb plate hula.


1. Deadlift two 25lb plates smooth side out.

2. Start passing them around your body either in clockwise or counter-clockwise formation.

3. Each time the plates return to center 1 rep is completed.

4. No resting of the plates on any object or body part.

Not sure that video proof is going to be feasable here as someone getting 50,60 100 etc reps would be a long video. We'll see.

I'll start. Had a new PR today of 40

I can't pinch two 45's so I know someone will be getting around 100.

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Be careful with these. They can heat up the thumb big time. I did these when I first started gripping and got huuuuuuuuge blisters on both thumbs.

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I've done 63 before, just started playing again recently. Heed Jedd's words, they'll chew you up.

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They'll heat up your achilles tendon too if you drop them. I experienced this first-hand, at the first BBB.

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I have some faint blisters on both thumbs. Its usually just a once a week thing for me and only for one try.

Not related to the hula, but I hear you on the achilles Josh. I dropped a 10lb right there tonight while loading my crusher and it split the skin open big time. Doesn't help that I usually train in flip-flops in the summer.

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I have some faint blisters on both thumbs. Its usually just a once a week thing for me and only for one try.

Not related to the hula, but I hear you on the achilles Josh. I dropped a 10lb right there tonight while loading my crusher and it split the skin open big time. Doesn't help that I usually train in flip-flops in the summer.

Shoes suck.

I've done these but never counted the reps, just the time and I only ever timed them by songs. If I remember right, this is an event for the next BBB and I've been training it as such. I think it was a few weeks before MGC that I managed to pass them round and round almost for the full duration of Eiffel 65's "Living in a Bubble". It's a 5 minute song and I dropped them at 4:20ish thanks to my sharp-edged plates digging into my thumb webs.

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Jedd would you experience the same blisters if you increased the weight and did less revolutions .......... say with 35's?

This is a great challenge - seems it would help your pinch alot (minus blisters). It would be cool to have 3 lists: One for most turns w/25's and another w/35's and last w/45's. Great idea! all these challenge thread are why the GB is cool

Edited by Paul Knight
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Maybe the pinned section should be cleaned up and all the real old pinned subject should be replaced with the challenge threads - hub challenge, blob + weight, this one, etc....

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Jedd would you experience the same blisters if you increased the weight and did less revolutions .......... say with 35's?

This is a great challenge - seems it would help your pinch alot (minus blisters). It would be cool to have 3 lists: One for most turns w/25's and another w/35's and last w/45's. Great idea! all these challenge thread are why the GB is cool

I think 3 lists is a great idea paul, and doing more weight for less reps would bring down the blister factor for sure. Ive done it with 35s, not sure of my rep count, maybe just 5 or so and there was no heat from friction at all.

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Jedd would you experience the same blisters if you increased the weight and did less revolutions .......... say with 35's?

This is a great challenge - seems it would help your pinch alot (minus blisters). It would be cool to have 3 lists: One for most turns w/25's and another w/35's and last w/45's. Great idea! all these challenge thread are why the GB is cool

I think 3 lists is a great idea paul, and doing more weight for less reps would bring down the blister factor for sure. Ive done it with 35s, not sure of my rep count, maybe just 5 or so and there was no heat from friction at all.

This is a dumb question probably but are you holding one 25 in each hand to start or are you basically pinch lifting 2-25s smooth out and then going from there?

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pinch lifting 2 25's smoth side out. I do the initial lift with one hand, but I don't think it would matter if you started with 2 hands and then started going around your body.

Here is Wade doing 2-45s for 12 reps

Edited by Strongmantobe
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i remember trash talking a friend of mine who was a non gripster about this with 25's, and he promptly whipped me by like 20 something reps. I have since stopped trash talking of any kind.

i do like this lift though, exposes any weakness of one hand over another. You really try to hurry on that hand

Edited by dubthewonderscot
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I don't know if this guy is on the board but I just stumbled across this video of him doing 35s for 23 reps. Very impressive! :rock

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did 60 reps with the 25's yesterday after benching. I wanted to get 64 for a PR, but both forearms cramped. Perhaps a bit of warmup next time.

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Did 60 reps with the 25's yesterday after benching. I wanted to get 64 for a PR, but both forearms cramped. Perhaps a bit of warmup next time.

Damn nice performance John! :rock

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I found it works your coordination, too. Like, if you accidentally let go with one hand before you actually grab it with the other, you'll tend to drop it on your foot :D

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Big PR today. John I'm comin for ya!

51 on the last 2 my left dropped past me knee and my right had to shoot out to catch it. My imbalance was very evident here as when I finished I carried them with my right around my garage for almost a minute.

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Ready for this guys? I got...

... NINE!!!!!... :erm time to get my arse cracking and work more pinch. I almost didn't even want to post it but in the spirit of the forum, I thought I'd show how weak I am now to show how much stronger I will get later.

Edited by JAU85
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Ready for this guys? I got...

... NINE!!!!!... :erm time to get my arse cracking and work more pinch. I almost didn't even want to post it but in the spirit of the forum, I thought I'd show how weak I am now to show how much stronger I will get later.

Never be ashamed of what you can lift. When I first started training grip I could not lift 2-25's with my left hand. Now I can break 3-25's off the ground about 4 inches with my left.

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I'm a lot better narrow like this than wide. No idea why. I'd bet plenty I can't even get air with 3-25's. Nice work guys!

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