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How Dedicated Are You To Gripping?


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If you didn't have to ever rest or worry about getting injured, how much time would you dedicate to grip training? I would probably go at least an hour straight every day and whenever I'm bored with nothing better to do. I find grip to be a good boredom buster as well as a good stress reliever. How into grip are you guys?

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I stopped weightlifting at one point so my hands would be fresh for Blob lifting trained blocks 5 days a week

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I train grip very little except right before a contest and not even for every contest.

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I am relatively new to grip training, but it is very addictive. If I never would get injured I would definitely train grip every day. I would use that time to work on all aspects of grip and try to get my hands as strong as humanly possible.

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Grip training is cool, if it weren't for injuries I'd train it quite often. But I've realized through personal experience that the best way to build a stronger grip, is to get stronger overall!

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If you didn't have to ever rest or worry about getting injured, how much time would you dedicate to grip training? I would probably go at least an hour straight every day and whenever I'm bored with nothing better to do. I find grip to be a good boredom buster as well as a good stress reliever. How into grip are you guys?

If overtraining/injuries did not exist, 6+ hours a day. Any free time i have outside work.

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I do so form off grip training everyday gripper's twice a week pinch,hubbing,blob's once a week just got back to bending agian once a week ! And I work my kettlebell almost everyday that's a hell of a grip workout flipping that 35 and 52 pounder around for a half and hour to and hour !

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I think for me it's more about the palms/forearms being sore or tired that would stop me from training all the time, not so much injuries. Let's say, there was active recovery and the muscles never fatigued then I would train grip everyday for a bunch of hours whenever I had free time. I do Singles throughout the day though when I'm fresh and then the next day my hands are sore - my body's way of telling me to back off for a day or two.

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If you didn't have to ever rest or worry about getting injured, how much time would you dedicate to grip training? I would probably go at least an hour straight every day and whenever I'm bored with nothing better to do. I find grip to be a good boredom buster as well as a good stress reliever. How into grip are you guys?

If overtraining/injuries did not exist, 6+ hours a day. Any free time i have outside work.

right on brotha! Id probably do the same :rock

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For me the answer would be enough, for my friends + family this may differ. ;)

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i love grip but probally 2wice a week would still be enough, because i like squats and strongman so much, three days for that and 2 days for grip training.


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My training revolves around KB's, DLs, Squat, Sledgehammers... so I do grip 2x a week minimum. Once I get my FBBC DB's and Pinch Block I'll probably be gripping 3x a week focusing on grippers, pinching, and 2.5" and 3" DB lifting. If it wasn't for recovery I'd train every day. :D

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I would do at-least a hour a day if I did not work with my hands all day. Right now I do a hour three times a week, just started a few months ago. I am moving to FT Worth area in a month, any grip contests to embarrass myself at down there?

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I would do at-least a hour a day if I did not work with my hands all day. Right now I do a hour three times a week, just started a few months ago. I am moving to FT Worth area in a month, any grip contests to embarrass myself at down there?

DFW has many top grip guys there, I'm sure if you put forth the effort they will help you.

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Back in college and when I lived in Boulder I would climb 6 to 7 days a week. Anywhere from a couple of hours at the local gym to all day every weekend. I also started doing a lot of supplemental grip work when at home. If I had the time I would still train this way.

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I'm so "dedicated" my hand hurts constantly. :\

I feel that every other day to every other two days, I could put in a good 30+- minutes of gripper work. I'm still a newbie, so my hand and forearm is not used to it yet.


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I do some form of grip training 5-6 days a week, no set days for anything, and not every lift on the one day either....one day might be front and rear weaver or sledge equiv, and grippers, the next day maybe one or 2 hand pinch and hubbing, the next maybe hammer curls and vbar. I usually do some form of overall body lift on those days too. I then rest a day or two whenever I need it. I may cycle a particular lift and not do it for a week or two, or drop it completely til my interest in that lift comes back. I rarely get bad hand injuries anymore cause If i feel a slight tweek in a thumb for example, I stop right away and dont stress it out with lifts that use alot of thumb like hubbing and go back to something I can do like rear weaver and grippers (involves thumb pad but doesnt stress the knuckle that much). My patience for injuries are much greater than when I first started grip.

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If i never got injured or tired i'd be gripping every day for hours on end because i just enjoy it so much. Even on days like today when i'm resting i've been cleaning and re-oiling springs and cleaning handles etc, just can't get enough of them :D In response to the dedicated question, i have two AS level physics exams tomorrow and i've been gripping more than revising lately :whistel

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It will wane, I assure you it will wane, like a new girl who seems like shes your life itself...its the dogged, slow, but honest progression over years that is the attitude! Set yourself goals!

When I first got into it, six days a week!

Now it consumes Sundays, all Sundays, lets call it my religion...


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I try to train once a week with Twig but despite our best efforts it is not 100% consistent. Then once in the week most weeks but sometimes I don't do anything for 2 weeks solid, other times I will do 3 times in a week.

Prefer it when at home as I can play in the garage whenever I like.

In answer to the question, at University, I am not that dedicated, at home I am more so but not crazy for training like Sam - easy to see by Sam's stature and world class feats...

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I agree with this,my hands get worked hard at work before grip days and after

I think for me it's more about the palms/forearms being sore or tired that would stop me from training all the time, not so much injuries. Let's say, there was active recovery and the muscles never fatigued then I would train grip everyday for a bunch of hours whenever I had free time. I do Singles throughout the day though when I'm fresh and then the next day my hands are sore - my body's way of telling me to back off for a day or two.
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In answer to the question, at University, I am not that dedicated, at home I am more so but not crazy for training like Sam - easy to see by Sam's stature and world class feats...

Sometimes i think i'd be doing better if i did less. In the past i have done a bit too much - things like 150 #3 closes in the space of an hour, done in sets of 5, 100 chalkess #3 closes thoughout a night at work under the counter inbetween serving customers etc... good for mental toughness and so on but i think i over did it slightly.

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