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Training Fingers


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I've only been gripping for about 6 weeks and I'm working on the COC #1.5 (almost there) and the COC#2 (2" to go).

Here's some of what I do. Maybe some of you more experienced guys can give me some clues if these routines are less productive than I hope they are.

There's a training room where I work and I've been doing one finger (both hands) lat pull-downs. I'm up to 176 lb with the long fingers and 132 lb with the index fingers, 55lb with the pinkies. (I'm in Europe. We use kilograms). (These are my 1 rep maxes).

Another ploy is to pull 198 lb (90kg) down with both hands, then do a static hold with one hand. (about 3 seconds is what I can manage).

I also do a chinup with one hand and the forefinger of the other hand. (I can manage exactly one. Two weeks ago, I could manage exactly ½ up).

Also pullups on two dangling ropes. I did 10 reps once. Still don't know how. Usually my hands slide after 3-5 reps and I have to let go so's not to get hurt.

Bear in mind that I'm kind of old (62), built like the late Jimmy Stewart and only started consistent physical training 3 years ago.

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Welcome aboard fellow "Geezer". It's good to see another grownup on here :tongue . Don't worry about your age - we "senior citizens" can still play the game with the young boys. Your routine is actually what I would consider somewhat advanced. Single finger hangs etc are pretty stressful - be careful with them. There are a couple "starter" workouts on the board - David Horne has a good one and I highly recommend a program called Power Forearms plus finger curls. Either might suit you well at this stage. I personally think a combination of isometric and dynamic exercise is better than either by itself.

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It seems that quite a few guys who get into grip get tendon injuries from going too hard in the beggining. I have also read here that single finger training can lead to injuries. If you continue as you are; I'd reccomend using a tad bit of caution with all the one-finger training you are doing.

Good luck with the training and welcome to the Gripboard.

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I've only been gripping for about 6 weeks and I'm working on the COC #1.5 (almost there) and the COC#2 (2" to go).

Here's some of what I do. Maybe some of you more experienced guys can give me some clues if these routines are less productive than I hope they are.

There's a training room where I work and I've been doing one finger (both hands) lat pull-downs. I'm up to 176 lb with the long fingers and 132 lb with the index fingers, 55lb with the pinkies. (I'm in Europe. We use kilograms). (These are my 1 rep maxes).

Another ploy is to pull 198 lb (90kg) down with both hands, then do a static hold with one hand. (about 3 seconds is what I can manage).

I also do a chinup with one hand and the forefinger of the other hand. (I can manage exactly one. Two weeks ago, I could manage exactly ½ up).

Also pullups on two dangling ropes. I did 10 reps once. Still don't know how. Usually my hands slide after 3-5 reps and I have to let go so's not to get hurt.

Bear in mind that I'm kind of old (62), built like the late Jimmy Stewart and only started consistent physical training 3 years ago.

62?! Right on brother! :rock

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Welcome to the Board!

Not sure why you're trying to isolate your fingers in chin-ups. I would say putting too much pressure on those digits can lead to injuries. So why not just practice, regular full range pull-ups (wide) and chin-ups (narrow) and try at first to go chin a bit higher than bar and all the way down until your arms are totally straight, then up it a bit as you get better and go all the way up to your chest on each rep. These will shape your body really nice, build nice back / bicep muscles and provide sufficient grip strength for the weight your pushing.

As far as grippers are concerned, can you close the #1?

If so, I really do suggest practicing Overcrushing (Holding it Shut w/ as much force as you can exert until it opens) it for as long as you can on each hand. You can work on doing some full-range repetitions with the #1 if you're able to - this will give some strength and should be a base for beginners. The best strength gains you'll ever get though will be from Negatives & Holds on a gripper that maxes you out at 1 Rep. Do these once you're more advanced.

Ex: Take the #1.5 (which you cannot currently close) and try to close it, then use your other hand to push it as close as you can for the handles to touch then release the hand and try to hold that position. These will push your hands to the limit and you will notice sore palms the following day. The strength gains on these are the best though.

I trained for 1 year straight just doing reps and have never gained what negatives or singles w/ holds on a max gripper has given me. When I started training, I was only able to close the Trainer & today I can close the #2.5 anytime. Work on a base then start doing those negatives & holds.

Good Luck!

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I am making gains with the finger training and it carries over onto the gripper. I'm now less than an inch away from closing the COC #2. 8 weeks ago, I was the same gap from the COC#1. I do practice these negs and overcrushes on the trainer as well as static holds on the #2

I have been neglecting my normal chinups/pullups. to some extent, except for the rope pullups and one arm pulldowns on the lat machine. I can just manage 65kg (145 lb) here and it takes every fibre and almost 10 seconds for me to do this.

Where the chinups/pullups are concerned, I tend to concentrate on them every few months to see if I still can. My max on chinups is about 16 and 12 on the pullups.

Never having had a trainer, I've developed my own repertoire of techniques. I have one called "Fives" I use on machines. I do 5 reps at a really easy weight, put on 5kg and repeat 5 reps, 5 kg more and so on until I can only manage 1 rep then reduce the added weight to 2.5kg and see if I can squeeze out one more rep. It seems to work for me. My 1 rep max on these machines has a clear upward tendency.

Welcome to the Board!

Not sure why you're trying to isolate your fingers in chin-ups. I would say putting too much pressure on those digits can lead to injuries. So why not just practice, regular full range pull-ups (wide) and chin-ups (narrow) and try at first to go chin a bit higher than bar and all the way down until your arms are totally straight, then up it a bit as you get better and go all the way up to your chest on each rep. These will shape your body really nice, build nice back / bicep muscles and provide sufficient grip strength for the weight your pushing.

As far as grippers are concerned, can you close the #1?

If so, I really do suggest practicing Overcrushing (Holding it Shut w/ as much force as you can exert until it opens) it for as long as you can on each hand. You can work on doing some full-range repetitions with the #1 if you're able to - this will give some strength and should be a base for beginners. The best strength gains you'll ever get though will be from Negatives & Holds on a gripper that maxes you out at 1 Rep. Do these once you're more advanced.

Ex: Take the #1.5 (which you cannot currently close) and try to close it, then use your other hand to push it as close as you can for the handles to touch then release the hand and try to hold that position. These will push your hands to the limit and you will notice sore palms the following day. The strength gains on these are the best though.

I trained for 1 year straight just doing reps and have never gained what negatives or singles w/ holds on a max gripper has given me. When I started training, I was only able to close the Trainer & today I can close the #2.5 anytime. Work on a base then start doing those negatives & holds.

Good Luck!

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