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Mgc Event Thoughts

Bob Lipinski

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Not a writeup, but just some thoughts-

1. Grippers- Went as well as grippers do. I rounded out my gripper selection in the middle area and got a few less ties out of it. My upper range collection isn't great, but improving.

2. Hub- Oh boy, it was kinda fun in a silly way but never again. If you ever hold a hub lift, do it on a device. This was a more low key contest so it was kinda fun. Like Brouse though, I think I am done hubbing forever.

3. Vbar- Went well. I made the guys going for the bigger lifts do one pull/attempt because I didn't want any records questioned. I always have a few first time or very very part time grip guys at my events, so I try to be extra lenient with them.

4. Hammers- Went well. An event I will use again. You need to practice the slim lever to do it well, but the points heavily favored a strong front lever.

5. Rim lift- Went well on the trap bar. Fine event. Weight selection was good.

Overall- It was a relatively laid back affair. I tried to make it fun most of all. Went 6 hours I think- Not bad for 17 competitors.

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1. Agreed. I've always preferred MM set grippers in a contest to anything else.

2. It was a total circus but very fun. Seeing Dave pull 80lbs on that hub nearly vertical had me rolling.

3. Vbar sucks, but only because I suck at Vbar.

4. I love any hammer event and I just so happened to have been training front levers for over a year before this. I won the lotto on that one. The points should've favored a strong front lever. I always find that a maximum effort slim lever calls the same muscles into play at the end of the lift as the front lever.

5. The rim lift was painful but I would definitely do it again. The weights were just right I think.

I think it's worth noting that everyone who competed was able to hub lift that 45 by the time we were done with the event. The sub-70lb lifts were almost all pretty good lifts, sub-60lbs saw no crazy tilts or super front-loaded attempts. The hub wasn't a pathetically easy one either.

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In terms of legitimate recommendations I think I can only offer logistical crap.

1. Label the grippers? Mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing.

2. Maybe we require even loading of the hub when using a plate?

3. I realize several guys were new to the VBar but I like the idea of one pull per attempt. Four yanks. That's it.

4. Maybe even one more platform height could limit ties here. Maybe a ridiculous one for super-awesomer bonus points.

5. No recommendations on the rim. Save for maybe set it up in the main room.

Gods, I'm lame.

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bob, i thing that its cool that you take it easy on new guys at your contests, remeber we all do this for fun, if it wasent fun i wouldnt be involved because i have enough work to do, sometimes it takes a little wile for you to get some teqnique in your lifts, and a lot of your umph can be lost if you not holding an impliment the right way. well at least i think so.


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In terms of legitimate recommendations I think I can only offer logistical crap.

1. Label the grippers? Mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing.

2. Maybe we require even loading of the hub when using a plate?

3. I realize several guys were new to the VBar but I like the idea of one pull per attempt. Four yanks. That's it.

4. Maybe even one more platform height could limit ties here. Maybe a ridiculous one for super-awesomer bonus points.

5. No recommendations on the rim. Save for maybe set it up in the main room.

Gods, I'm lame.

agreed. I have to wonder if the single pull on the vbar would speed things up or slow things down. maybe a sheet with the gripper cal #'s listed for reference?

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Here goes.

1. Grippers- Went better than I've ever seen.

2. Hubs- Slow, rising bar would help. Either lift flat or with a non IM type hub device.

3. 2"V-bar- Went as well as could be expected.

4. Levers- Went well, better than rear levers. Max Slim style lever for weight would work out well also.

5. Plate Rim Lift- My fingers still hurt. :)

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Thanks guys.

I will either label the grippers or make a poster with their difficulties next time. Most of mine have been calibrated, plus I have squeezed a few grippers here and there so I can tell you how tough they are.

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Great comp, well run all around!

1. No probs!

2. Stronger guys still placed higher, an interesting mix of grip and ingenuity

3. Gave me a nice chance to rest and eat

4. Levers went very well, relatively quick and I think an interesting event to watch. I think the combo, front/slim made it more interesting, maybe some more options with a 5, 7, 9 or whatever for front lever. This was one of the cooler more interesting events of the day.

5. Finally a timed hold I could do well at!

Only suggestion for next year, more odd events! Levers and rim hold were that much more interesting because nobody knew where we would all place.

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1. grippers, no problems, very smooth

2. Hub, I would also use a hub device if contested again. The tilt was too much (I did it too)

3. V-Bar. The guys lifting first and the guys lifting last did not have enough time to recover between lifts because we would not want to load 190 and then 1 competitior later load 300 and then back off again. Since we had 2 v-bars, I would have used both, one set up for any lifts under 225 and one for 230 and up. This way we could still have gone in order and the most weight that would be coming off and on would be a couple 25s. I know we like to use the same impplement, but no one lifting 225 is competing with someone lifting 250, 275, 300 etc.

4. Hammers. loved this event, went great. I would specifiy next time though whether we could lay the hammer on the side for a slim lever.

5. Rim hold. My worst event but still a good one. I was curious though why when we had a stopwatch we only recorded times in one second intervals and not to the nearest tenth or hundearth.

Cant wait for the next one. Great job Bob!

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