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5,5mm X 7" Bright Nail


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Well done i like how you stuck with it even tho it was hurting.

As you get stronger cut the towel down and one day you will bend them barehanded with minimal pain.

You look much stronger in your DU style continue with all styles it will make you a better all around bender.

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Well done i like how you stuck with it even tho it was hurting.

As you get stronger cut the towel down and one day you will bend them barehanded with minimal pain.

You look much stronger in your DU style continue with all styles it will make you a better all around bender.

Thanks very much :). DO-style seems to be hard with minimal pads.

After this video I tryed couple 6mm square HRS and 7" nail with reverse in single pads, but front arm was little bit higher and straight in front. I almost got 7" nail to 90deg.

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Well done i like how you stuck with it even tho it was hurting.

As you get stronger cut the towel down and one day you will bend them barehanded with minimal pain.

You look much stronger in your DU style continue with all styles it will make you a better all around bender.

Thanks very much :). DO-style seems to be hard with minimal pads.

After this video I tryed couple 6mm square HRS and 7" nail with reverse in single pads, but front arm was little bit higher and straight in front. I almost got 7" nail to 90deg.

I mean that the front arm wasn't straight, arms was front of the body. In video arms are little bit in front arms side. Sorry, bad english skills :blush.

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Your doing great just stick with it and it will come in time.

With the reverse style if you use 2 much wrapping you cannot feel the bar as you pull it down you need to be able to crush through the wrapping/padding so the bar does not move or twist in your grip if this happens especially in Reverse style power is lost in the wrists and the bend becomes alot harder or impossible.

Dont worry to much about the padding if the pain is stopping you from doing the bend then you will not be able to do the bend unless you have a high pain tolerance and can learn to block out the pain this will come with time alot of time and conditioning the hands adding etra wraps will not help this it needs to be a 2 part process continues bending coupled with trying to reduce your wrapping/padding as you get stronger.

If your hands are hurting from the pain of bending use some more wrapping but dont cheat yourself and put on alot more wrapping just for the sake of it use just enough to allow yourself to complete the bend but only enough so that you still have to work for that bend otherwise the brain receptors especially the ones that controll pain and adrenaline release will not be triggered and you will not get stronger nor will your hands and mind adapt.This is what you are trying to cultivate over time a conditioning of the hands/wrists and bending muscles and tendons and a MINDSET that can deal with and overcome bending PAIN!

You can get good at bending useing lots of padding and with a strong upper body use the DO folding style technique thats great it will allow you to bend steel even some big steel to the untrained eye but to me thats not a true bender or what bending is all about.

In my eyes and others may disagree[thats there choice] :D a bender is someone who is like a Samuri sword maker a craftman that knows his art the Samuri sword maker ,makes a sword by hand for his Emporer to bestoe upon a person desiving of the privilege its not just haded to anyone willy nilly that to me is like a real bender and one thats not,one thats not will often use the fastest way to get to a certain bar big big wraps and a DO folding style then hit a cert or 2 then is gone like a thief in the night.

Now a real bender is like the Samuri sword maker a craftman the samuri sword maker individually makes each sword first prepareing the furness makeing shure the heat is right then getting the right piece of steel hand selected for the particular sword then he uses his expertise that hes learnt handed down from his father and his father before him etc learning from a very early age about steel and perfection "For the EMPORER nothing else but PERFECTION will do"

I see myself like the Samuri sword craftman a man that is into learning his craft thats been passed on from generation to generation,i learned from people like Pat,Big Steve,Greg and Dave,Clay,the Holles,Eric.Tommy,Tom Black,Steve Weiner,David Horne,Slim,Brookfield,Stanless Stan etc and also men like the Mighty Atom,Alexander Zass,Brietbart,Sipes,Dayton,Pearl etc etc.

I took what each of these men have to offer and combined it in my learning and bending thats why i dont sell dvds etc apart of all these mens routines and bending styles/habits is inside of me i dont think its fair to sell things thats others have had a say or influence in its one thing to make a knock and use it but its another thing to make knock offs and sell them i feel the same with bending who gives me the right tro use these other mens knowledge for my own gains and greed buit i probably think alot different than most.

Bending to me is a craft an art not something were you just slap on some mega wraps slam a bar and think thats it that to me is not what bending is all about infact that right there has probably done more harm than good as far as traditional bending goes!

When i bend i see the steel as ALIVE an opponent ready to be fought and fight back thats why i use minimal wrapping so i can feel my adversary when he twists i want to be there to counter his move then as he tires i like a wrestler or Judo player put him in a choke hold and crush till i here his breathe expelling his last breathe like a PYTHON crushing its victim to death! the STEEL becomes my victim.

The steel is my craft like the Samuri sword craftsman i hone my skill over years with sometimes daily practise over and over through repetition i learn about the steel the various steels,bolts.nails and bars like the sword maker folding his heated metal over and over again beating out the steel imperfections till the blade cannot get any better.Thats what i do with the steel Stainless to be precise i hammer and beat it and forge it with my will till like the samuri sword craftsman i become its master!

The Sword maker uses fire,steel,a hammer tongs and a bellows and hours upon hours of time and skill to make and hone those swords into perfection,perfection fit for an EMPORER!

I see myself like the sword maker who has been passed down this skill over centuries from his fathers father and so on.

I have been passed the bending skills i possess both physically and mentally from all the great benders who were and are on this board and also the men long gone people like the ATOM and ZASS etc ive taken a part of all of these men a little here and a little there like Bruce Lee who once said use what is essential disregard the rest! thats what ive done took a little here and a little there and applied it to my craft and in the fires forged by the sword maker to make his swords ive forged my MIND and BODY to bend STEEL no shortcuts,no cheating just like the sword craftsman ive applied my trade like the sword maker who has been handed these skills down over centuries ive taken these same skills built by my fellow benders,true benders and Legends like the Atom and Zass long gone men that did it the hard way men that were true warrirs of steel!

If you want to be a true bender then dont just slap on a pair of wraps with the intention of just bending a piece of steel and thats it?

Learn about yourcraft,the different Alloys,bars,bolts and nails how each one bends,the curve radius,the kink,the middle,the crush zone.the meaning of the symbols on the bolt heads,the different threads on the bolt legs,the 60d head markings,diferences in HRS and CRS,what is work hardening,which metals work harden,different steel grades,different stainless grades,different brass grades,the length of steel,the steel thicknesses.Imperial and metric what can you get and not get in each.were to get your steel,nails,bolts etc,reinforceing bars and there grades,short,medium and long bar bending,odd object bending axes,hammers,screwdrivers,pinchbars,wrenches,spanners,horseshoes etc,availability and price,wrapping and padding,how wrapping and padding affect your bends and hands,what type of wrapping to use and how much,were to get available supplies of wrapping,how often to bend,how different steels and the thicknesses effect what and how much and how often you bend,developeing the mindset,Your familly and its positive and negative affects on your bending,Your job education and its positive and negative affects on your bending,Medication and its positive and negative affects on your bending,Nutrition and its positive and negative affects on your bending,conditioning the hands,conditioning the bending muscles and tendons,repetition bending,bending and breaking/snapping,warm ups,going straight into a bend,bending for certs,how to train to bend a certain piece of steel or object,how often to bend,when not to bend,Do style,DO folding style,Slim Style,Heslep Style,Brookfield style,Terminator style,Du Style,Ostlud style,Vertical style,seated bending,bending behind the back,bending in handcuffs,bending whilst holding other objects,bending in the teeth,isometrics and bending there frequency and how to apply and how often etc,recovery and what to use to aid recovery,your job and the way it does and does not impact on your bending,were you train and how it has a positive and negitive affect on your bending,bending alone or with a training partner or group of people and what positive and negative affects they have on your bending,Competition bending and the positive and negatives,cert and how to and what to look for,traditional vs none traditional bending,Bending for yourself,Bending for fun etc etc i could go on and on?

If you are a Traditional bender or even a person that wants to do other thinks but amungst the other things bend but take it a step further than a cert or 2 then you need to start assessing how you as a person and bender are going to fit this into your life style!

the above is just some of the things i looked at and continue to look at as a bender and how these things have a positive and negative affect on me as a bender this is not a definitive by any standards just trying to show a few people that sometimes there is more to bending steel than just slapping on some wraps and letting rip!

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Nice bend Johnsson! Keep the videos coming!

Incredible post from Gazza as well, i feel like im reading some sort of ancient scroll of wisdom in the art of bending right there...!

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Nice bend Johnsson!

Gazza, thanks for posting your thoughts. I really can see you as a sword craftsman with the passion you show for steel and bending.

Edit: typo fix

Edited by tja
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