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Mo Town Grip Down Countdown


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Where's everyone at in their preparation? No secrets here. I post my workouts sometimes on my WordPress training log but I thought it might be good fun to motivate each other for the contest. I don't have any standout strengths right now but I hope to be well-rounded enough to snag some points and make up for my pinch and what is sure to be my drastically reduced bending strength.

In terms of single-day performances, here's what I've managed to put together in the last few days:

-MMS GRIPPERS: 170lb SE-rh, 158lb custom GM-lh

*Notes: Gripper strength is obviously down a lot on the right hand. Bummer - but I know what's causing it and that exercise is more important than the grippers so I'll just try to hold on to whatever I can for the contest. On the other hand I'm really pleased with my left hand. The custom GM only calibrates at 158lbs but it's much harder than it sounds. Closing it was a big deal and I'd love to repeat it at the contest. My everyday left hand gripper performance has been Bob's 154lb #3 that he just loaned me (thanks Bob!). I've closed my 174lb #3.5 only twice since closing my 182lb #3.5 in late March. And both of those closes haven't been in a while so the more my right forearm gets banged up, the lower my gripper strength on the right hand will fall. Glad it's only 12 days away. If it was a few months away I'd be lucky to close a hard #3 probably.

-2HP: 171lbs

*Notes: My nemesis. I recently pulled 180lbs on my Mouse Pinch but I think I'm being reasonable in hoping for at least a 180lb 2HP at the contest on Josh's full-size setup.

-AXLE: 345lbs

*Notes: This was my converted Axle but it feels much the same as the real Axle does. We'll see what kind of carryover it has at the contest I guess. Just pulled 380lbs on my converted Axle last night and I'm very excited about that! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8spsRET-s2E

-2" VBAR-FBBC: 251lbs-rh, 260lbs-lh

*Notes: These numbers aren't bad, but they're down from what they'd be without the previous events, which is of course what I was going after.

No bending in a good while, so nothing to report on that. I know I can do a Huge Bastard if my forearm tweak doesn't become unmanageable during the contest. If not I'll do a 60D and walk away. By this point I expect to know my overall fate for the final placings anyway.

Good luck guys and peak well! :rock

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Here are my predictions for the event winning performances...

-MMS GRIPPERS: Josh-195lb #4-rh, Me-158lb Custom GM-lh

-2HP: Josh-220lbs

-AXLE: Josh-375lbs

-2" VBAR: Josh-275lbs-rh, Me-265lbs-lh

-BENDING: Cberg-6" Edgin-Triangle

#1: Josh

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No problem on the gripper Ben!

Cool shit Ben! Hell, my contest is coming up, since we share some lifts I'll throw down my bests (and since we had an aborted gripper challenge)-

MMS Grippers- Smacked a 165 narrow BBSE, solid close. Hit my cert 3 (?155ish+/-) for 6 minireps, haven't done that in a while. I will likely get my 167 "easy" elite, and if heaven and stars align my 160.

Hub- Did 65 on Dave's hub. My best on my home hub was 58.5 till yesterday, did 60 LEFTY! 67.5-70 for the contest.

2"Vbar- Did 240 on my galvanized pipe. With a 225-230ish PR, I did 245 on Zach's FBBC. I am thinking 250-260.

Hammer medley- Will suck. If I am lucky, I will get 8 to the low platform, maybe high. Slim lever the 16 on a good day, 12 is cake.

Rim hold- God only knows. Did a few half ass lifts with 330ish. Held a 45 in each hand for 2 minutes 30 seconds on my last workout.

I will place 3rd-5th. Thorton and Durniat will kill me. Brent Barbe and Matt Brouse could beat me, though I would say Brent has a better shot cause MATT DOESN'T TRAIN!

One more workout, maybe some grippers.

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wow you guys impress me with yor vbar, could you give me a tip or too?


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Here are my predictions for the event winning performances...

-MMS GRIPPERS: Josh-195lb #4-rh, Me-158lb Custom GM-lh

-2HP: Josh-220lbs

-AXLE: Josh-375lbs

-2" VBAR: Josh-275lbs-rh, Me-265lbs-lh

-BENDING: Cberg-6" Edgin-Triangle

#1: Josh

Way to put the pressure on :D

I should be pretty close to that #4, we'll see though, my grippers are on when they want to be on. Hopefully they'll cooperate on contest day. As far as training, last session, I hit it choked at 13/16" for a 10 sec overcrush then held it shut for another 7 secs before it opened. I moved it out to 15/16" for this week and if I hit that, I'm going to be super close. I'm going about 1/4 powersetting my rb365 and setting my nasty GE with ease. LH I went 3/3 on my #3 so that was a nice surprise. My pinch has been down the last two sessions but I think that has to do more with the humidity lately as it's just felt slimy no matter what I do. Prior to that I hit 209 to full lockout. I pulled 265#..finally...on my last 2"vbar session so if John's bar is seasoned better than mine and I'm sure it will be, 275# is doable. I have no idea on the axle. I've been doing a decent amount of RT training for AW, a crapload of weighted hyperextensions, plenty of pause squats without a belt, and my pinch has gone up, so we'll see. Regardless, it's going to be a great time and I'd encourage anyone in the area to come on out!

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Haven't been able to prepare much specifically for this contest, though I've been training very intensely overall for powerlifting. Grippers, which I actually do train.... I'll definitely be good for a 2.5 RH and a 2 LH from parallel set. With a few pointers, I could probably hit a "very easy" #3 RH (when fresh, I can get my #3 to about 1/4" to 3/8" apart) and a 2.5 LH. Don't worry Josh and Ben, I know you're losing lotsa sleep over this and as such, I'll try to find some good sedatives to calm your nerves.

Anything thumb-intensive (every event besides bending and grippers) I'll probably do lousy. Based on an earlier thread, I figure I'll be around 300 +/- 10-15 on the axle. With some pointers, I might do okay for me, but certainly nowhere close to threatening for a lead.

Bending... due to my PL training, I do this VERY infrequently. Sometimes I can go on short rest and bend well, and other times... The Force isn't strong in this one. Hopefully, adrenaline will really give me a boost here. My best 6" bend within the last month or so was a DU kink of 19/64" grade-01 drill rod.

So, I'm gonna drive 3 hours each way to get my ass kicked, but I will have a great time because of the after-party. I intend to break as much steel as possible after bending some tough horseshoes. The big question there is the order of feats to try. The most difficult, technique-wise, is the 3-piece break of a 60d. Both times I did it, I cut the hell outta my right ring finger. Endurance-wise, the breaking of a SCF-UltraLite will take the longest. When I did it, it took me an hour. None of the intervals were particularly tough, it's just about the type of steel. The most impressive feat to try, by far, is the breaking of the 80d. Gotta thank Josh and Ben for taking me up to MGC for knowing this. Ever since I saw Larkin's forearm tattoo and Zach bend an 80d, I was on a mission to see if I could bend an 80d for myself. Didn't think it was possible for a big guy like me to do it. Once I figured out how, I wanted to see if it could not only be bent, but broken. Having done this feat twice now, I can say that this feat has the worthy honor of being a gravedigger.

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looking strong Josh! ........................ shryuken biotch!

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Thanks for the confidence Ben :D.

To be honest, I have no idea where my lifts are at. I've only practiced the events a couple times and I don't have any official grip training stuff. Pretty much all I do is bending :D. I would be shocked if I didn't get at least a huge shiny. Maybe a tough edgin will go down if I have a great day, but with the bending event being last I don't know if my hands and wrists will hold up. Can't wait to drive 15 hours to get my ass kicked though :D

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looking strong Josh! ........................ shryuken biotch!

Don't you have a youtube vid to make? :D I'd like to put a request in for you armbarring a Zeta, barefoot of course :D


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Good luck to everyone at the Mo Town Grip Down!

Ill be at Bobs contest, here is how I think I will do

149lb NE

60lb hub

210lb 2"vbar

8lb hammer to the 1" if Im having an AWESOME day, but probebly not. slim lever the 12.

no idea on the rim. Hopefully I can get at least 2 seconds.

One prediction i know will be true..

I will place ahead of anyone that does worse than me and behind anyone who does better than me, and I will HAVE FUN doing it!

Edited by Strongmantobe
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looking strong Josh! ........................ shryuken biotch!

Don't you have a youtube vid to make? :D I'd like to put a request in for you armbarring a Zeta, barefoot of course :D


that was a low blow! I'm real sensative about people making fun of my youtube addiction


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Make sure to get a video of Josh's #4 close :D

Arturo, you should fly out to the contest and film it yourself man. :D

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Jeez, dude, if that's how it is.... then a picture will suffice :cool

I wasn't teasing you man...I was inviting you!

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Josh, I finally got a video of a lefty close of your GM!!! Hope I can knock this out of the park too at the contest. Shouldn't be a problem now that it's happened 3 times. Got 2 solid closes in my last training session yesterday. My left hand must be sucking the soul out of my right hand. I barely managed a 170lb gripper close on the right and it took 4 attempts:(


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That was wider than parallel too :rock Great close man, I think that'll win LH on contest day. For those that don't know the story: I got tired of hearing how hard the old #3's were so I had Warren make me a custom GM to see for myself. It was ordered with 1/8" mounting, 3.25" spread, and chromed steel handles. It seasoned down to 3" I believe but those handles make it slick as snot.

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Josh, I finally got a video of a lefty close of your GM!!! Hope I can knock this out of the park too at the contest. Shouldn't be a problem now that it's happened 3 times. Got 2 solid closes in my last training session yesterday. My left hand must be sucking the soul out of my right hand. I barely managed a 170lb gripper close on the right and it took 4 attempts:(


Real nice left hand close :rock

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Hey Josh-

Next time you make it up to MI, take a crack at my silver elite, which is supposed to be as tough as the old #3's (basically same gripper). 3.25 spread or so after seasoning. I'd like to see what you would do with it.

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Hey Josh-

Next time you make it up to MI, take a crack at my silver elite, which is supposed to be as tough as the old #3's (basically same gripper). 3.25 spread or so after seasoning. I'd like to see what you would do with it.

Is it an elite spring or a #3? Not to be a smartass but was just curious as to how they could be the same. Thanks in advance.

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I am pretty sure it is a #3 spring. Bought it from weightlifter's warehouse back when they sold the chrome spring grippers, probably in 1999. Never have taken calipers to it or anything. Looks like the same size.

Come to think of it, Sorin told me that they were the same gripper on the old ezboard gripboard.

Edited by Bob Lipinski
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I am pretty sure it is a #3 spring. Bought it from weightlifter's warehouse back when they sold the chrome spring grippers, probably in 1999. Never have taken calipers to it or anything. Looks like the same size.

Come to think of it, Sorin told me that they were the same gripper on the old ezboard gripboard.

Got it, that's not confusing at all :D Thanks for clarifying that, I honestly had no idea and just assumed the two were different. Is this the right time table?

1. Silver Spring Elites/#3s made by WT for IM

2. steel handled IM grippers

3. single stamps, aluminum handle

4. double stamps, aluminum handle

Also: are "silver spring" and "silver crush" the same thing/term?

Edited by jad
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Yeah, time table is right.

I have heard people call the steel handled grippers "silver crush", I thought it was just the chrome spring but who knows. Just describe the gripper I guess!

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