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Ring Finger Chins


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tried some ring finger chins after workout tonight. They are only difficult because of the pain, but check it out.

We also got a little creative and tried something different.

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Casey, not trying to be a dick, but have you ever thought about losing some weight? :laugh

Nice work. Wasn't David Horne talking about how difficult ring finger pull ups are supposed to be? I guess they aren't too difficult for a certain someone in Dallas-Forth Worth.


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That is awesome.

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tried some ring finger chins after workout tonight. They are only difficult because of the pain, but check it out.

We also got a little creative and tried something different.

The second video is seriously impressive. Casey how close to a one arm chin are you? You have to be right there man, because your not getting much help from the hub side.

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Thanks guy's.

Rex - I'm a hulking 152 lbs, the camera makes me look a tad thin though.

Adam - thanks man, I was talking to Paul tonight about this, I am curious to know if I could pull off some chins with two hub devices. I have tried one arm chins but it feels miles away, maybe if I attacket it with a better attitude HAHA.

Omari - I am going to have to try some weighted middle finger chins. . how much do you weigh ? I will add enough weight to equal you if i can.

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I think doing a chin on two hubs is world class ........................ uh oh - don't let Rex read this.

I said the WC word

Awesome once again Casey!

Edited by Paul Knight
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At his weight it would not be world class, 2 hubbed chins would be galaxy class :D

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The first video is way moore inpressive then the second. Most light climbers can do the ringfinger chins, and the realy gifted ones can do several one pinkyfinger onearm chinups :bow

The feat in the second video is not that hard to do acctually. If you rigd the things in my climbing gym i would say that 75% of the advanced climbers could do at least one chinup, probably moore. Im not trying to belittle anybody, just a little perspective.

That being said, for most people who DONT climb it is awsome strenght! Keep up the good work.

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Also, i know at least 3 climbers of good standard, not top swedish but still, able to do a one arm chin of a roling thunder handle :rock

Two hub-chins is a different story, possible for the realy gifted but unobtainable for most of us heavyer guys. I would like to see a chin up from two hubs performed of somebody over 65 kilograms of bodyweight, that would be truly inpressive!

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Wow Casey that was sick!!! I need to get a hub to try out that second one now :D Off to steal one from Aaron ;)

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There is no way I could do any of that. Very impressive.

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Very nice! :rock Does that Tetting hub have knurling on it? I saw a pic on here somewhere of a hub he made that had knurling.

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Thanks again amigos.

Capt Sam - years ago me and Paul went rock climbing in Mineral Wells, i was amazed at the strength involved. I have absolutely no doubt that most good rock climbers - heavy or light - could do this and much more, but im no climber for sure. :D

Derek - you will have no problem with these buddy.

Luke - I bet you could if you tried bro.

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Very nice! :rock Does that Tetting hub have knurling on it? I saw a pic on here somewhere of a hub he made that had knurling.

no knurling on that one, but the texture of the paint is better that the new IM hubs. My bro got it off the nutritiongeeks web site i think.

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For a little more perspective...

This blew my mind! in 1941 a guy called R Weeks lifted 760 ibs from the floor using only one finger :bow

If you are intressted in bodyweight feats and "finger feats" pleas visit www.johngill.net, the inventor of modern bouldering. Thers alot of information dating back over a hundred years ago.

Ps at the beginning of my climbingcareer i tought i was strong, it turnd out i was simply uneducated and quite week compared to what had already been achived...

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Thanks guy's.

Omari - I am going to have to try some weighted middle finger chins. . how much do you weigh ? I will add enough weight to equal you if i can.

I'm 185 right now. I'm working on trying to do them with my ring and index fingers. It's easy with my middle finger since its longer, but my index finger is still stronger since its the one I always use.

For a little more perspective...

This blew my mind! in 1941 a guy called R Weeks lifted 760 ibs from the floor using only one finger :bow

If you are intressted in bodyweight feats and "finger feats" pleas visit www.johngill.net, the inventor of modern bouldering. Thers alot of information dating back over a hundred years ago.

Ps at the beginning of my climbingcareer i tought i was strong, it turnd out i was simply uneducated and quite week compared to what had already been achived...

Call me gullible but I don't believe that...

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Omari, everybody has a right to their own belifs.

I know that something from 1941 is at best a little shady and we can never really know the truth about that feat.

I personaly belive John Gill and i know that he has put a lot of effort and reasearch in to logging streanghtfeats related to climbing. Also, the tendons and sinews in the fingers can fysicaly (medicaly) tolarete more force so somebody with much training and a very high paintolarance would be able to do this.

Again, loook at john gills website, it will blow your mind! My point is that sometimes we tend to hype up our own recent acivements without first looking back through history. The Human body was not weaker 100 years ago, if you belive that you are simply very ignorant...

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Yeah, that one is "master of the universe"-class :bow That feat is actualy on J.G list!

The torque on his hands must have been unbelivable....

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For a little more perspective...

This blew my mind! in 1941 a guy called R Weeks lifted 760 ibs from the floor using only one finger :bow

If you are intressted in bodyweight feats and "finger feats" pleas visit www.johngill.net, the inventor of modern bouldering. Thers alot of information dating back over a hundred years ago.

Ps at the beginning of my climbingcareer i tought i was strong, it turnd out i was simply uneducated and quite week compared to what had already been achived...

Cap'n Sam, ok man, I'm trying to figure out if you are saying now that I am weak AND ignorant ? I told you i agree - there are many others from past, present and future that are stronger than I am, but I dont give a shyt about it, I just did something I'm kinda proud of, and I posted it to show my friends on the GB. THAT IS IT !!!! If you want to keep rambling about this. . . . start a thread and talk your ass off. . . . . Sorry if I'm taking this the wrong way, but I have read three posts from you telling me how easy this is, and I guess your giving examples of what WORLD CLASS bodyweught feats really are. It is starting to offend me.

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For a little more perspective...

This blew my mind! in 1941 a guy called R Weeks lifted 760 ibs from the floor using only one finger :bow

If you are intressted in bodyweight feats and "finger feats" pleas visit www.johngill.net, the inventor of modern bouldering. Thers alot of information dating back over a hundred years ago.

Ps at the beginning of my climbingcareer i tought i was strong, it turnd out i was simply uneducated and quite week compared to what had already been achived...

Cap'n Sam, ok man, I'm trying to figure out if you are saying now that I am weak AND ignorant ? I told you i agree - there are many others from past, present and future that are stronger than I am, but I dont give a shyt about it, I just did something I'm kinda proud of, and I posted it to show my friends on the GB. THAT IS IT !!!! If you want to keep rambling about this. . . . start a thread and talk your ass off. . . . . Sorry if I'm taking this the wrong way, but I have read three posts from you telling me how easy this is, and I guess your giving examples of what WORLD CLASS bodyweught feats really are. It is starting to offend me.

If its offending you then just get stronger and prove him wrong :rock

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I think that was just nasty! Great work, bro! :rock

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