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Thick Bar

the swiss

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maybe you thick bar pros all already know about this, but here goes anyway:

discriminator bar

it's on JV Askem's page, and he says the lift by J. Marunde is much harder than lifting an inch. And he lifts it overhead?!?! :whacked

what do you guys think?

(I suppose it'd be much tougher if it was loaded to 172 lb?)

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I think he just means in general a 3" bar is harder than a 2.5" bar. Still, I think that Jesse Marunde would be very close to lifting an Inch replica in the same style if he could get 140 with that monster.

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I wonder how someone could lift that much on a 3" bar but still only manage 27lbs on the blockbuster pinch block? Isn't there some correlation between wide pinch and thick bar? I always thought there was. No disrespect or flame intended, but I would have expected twice as much on the pinch block.

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People have so far not performed well in competition with the new Ironmind grip block. Probably due to being outside in the heat and the hands not being clean and dry, and aslo beat up from previous events. None of the pinchblock numbers seem impressive even to a weak pincher like myself. Those guys are capable of far more in more favorable circumstances.

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Also to a certain degree, perhaps not as securely as one might like, the hands and fingers can curl a little ways around a 3" bar but not at all on a pinch block.

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I know before they took the thick bars out of the gym , I was about 100 lbs lighter on a 3" bar than I was on a 2 3/8 " doing overhand deads. The 3" really brings you back down to earth.

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I was told that Marrunde has..without much fanfare and with just a few other strongmen around kicked up the INCH and push pressed it.It was at one of the stronman contests that had an INCH on display..

There is someone on this forum from the northwest perhaps they could ask??? :huh

I believe it frankly...in fact i think he did it after Pfister but before Mark did it...and yes i know mark power cleaned it..different animal.

Everybody has said that new Iron Mind Big block is tough.i posted all the winning lifts here a while back...and they were all strongmen known for their grips(Gillingham,Pfister-both BLOB lifters-schoonveld etc.) and everyone said it was tough,slick,smooth whatever....They actually did it BEFORE they competed in the Strongman NAtionals.

I guess were going to order one just to see what the problem is... :whacked

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I have done VERY little pinching. And my pinch is not good at all.But I tried one of these blocks and I agree fully that they are very slick. But as long as everybody has to use the same one, who cares ?I for one am the type of person that will never make excusses about being beat on a leval playing field. So I don't care if it has oil on it, or sandpaper as long as it's the same.

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Guest Mikael Siversson

As you all can see from the latest Löddeköpinge Grip Challenge results, the correlation between thick bar lifting (RT) and relatively wide pinching (69 mm) is not very strong. Mattias Mattisson pulled 98 kg righty in the RT and I pulled 82 kg. He pinched 34 kg righty and I pinched 41.

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