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The I.m List For Cocs


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Actualy sybersnotts post on the I.M. CoCs list got me thinking about this.

when the list gets to 100, i am trying to be one of them, that will still be pretty low enough to be impressive i think. to be able to say that you are one out of only 100 men in the world who can close a gripper is pretty awesome. it seems to be growing though. i was just wondering if the list ever got to be like 500-1000- would that start making it not as impressive?

is there NO number of people that could close a #3 to the point where it wouldnt be a world class feat anylonger? :ohmy

what do you guys think?


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Right now I think it's an impressive feat of strength to close a #3. But in a few years I think it will be more impressive to close the #4. Because for each year the COC list seems to increase more and more.

The day when I close my #3 I don't think it will be such a big feat...

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500lbs was a world record bench press at one point, but now even though it's more common now it's still huge IMO. I think the # of people closing the #3 will of course increase & become slightly less impressive like a 500lbs bench press but it won't change the fact that some have to train long & hard to be able to do it.

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The more I think about it, closing the 3 doesn't seem world class, I'd liken it more to a 400 pound raw bench press or so. Something difficult, but very acheivable with hard and specialized work. I believe most "strong" guys would close a #3 with a decent amount of specialized training, such as high level strongmen, powerlifters, o-lifters, offensive linemen, to name a few.

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If you study the list, it does seem that the list will grow bigger and more guys will get certified as each year comes and goes. In terms of simple grip strength, I do think that it is a world-class feat of grip strength.

The list started with Richard Sorin in 1991. Since that time, if you do the math... less than 8 guys per year have certified and become a COC. I know when I found out about "the list", I did want to become a COC - that gave me the drive to train to close the #3. I attended the 2000 AOBS and met Steve Weiner (a brand new COC at the time), and I was in awe of him; he was the only guy I knew that had officially closed a #3. To make me think I am in a strength fraternity with the likes of Sorin, Brookfield, Kinney, Horne.... AND Wannagrip! :blink .... puts a very BIG smile on my face! :D

You can think what you want about the COC list, or you can take Strossen's advice and "just have fun with the grippers". :)

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I think it is definately world class because alot of world class athletes cannot close it.

With proper training the #3 and pinching 2 45's is obtainable. Pinching 90lbs. is just a question of taking time to develop tendons and ligaments. IMHO :D

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The more I think about it, closing the 3 doesn't seem world class, I'd liken it more to a 400 pound raw bench press or so. Something difficult, but very acheivable with hard and specialized work. I believe most "strong" guys would close a #3 with a decent amount of specialized training, such as high level strongmen, powerlifters, o-lifters, offensive linemen, to name a few.

I agree. The old #3 that I have from the early days (metal handles, chrome) is a different story though. Also, I think about 480-500 inch-lbs (this is still a good relative range IMO) is world class.

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Well i like to believe it is still a world class feat. IMHO if the list is under 100 guys, it is still impressive. im pretty sure ill close it before the list gets to be over that. one thing i always look at is the fact that where ever i go ill have the strongest crushing grip in town. as long as it is not the home of any CoCs, and an AOSB dinner :laugh !!!! but realy,..i dont find many who can close my #1,..let alone the #2! so when i can close my #3- that will be pretty darn good.

whot do you guys think?

is tearing a phone book or a deck of cards, or bending a horse shoe concidered a world class feat?

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I think the reason why most people aren't able to close the grippers depends on lack of technique and strength. I have recently talked to a german armwrestler who came within 5-6 mm on a #3 on his first try. That's pretty good without no training with Iromnid grippers.

But, if you want to close a gripper you have to train. There are no excuses...

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That's so true. So many have tried the Inch and failed and instead of saying 'sod it I'm a gonna train and move that damn bell' they give up.

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My predictions: 1)In the coming year, we will see a flood of newcomers with the ability to start at the higher levels, as Wannagrip's work group, and 2) The number of CoC's will increase dramatically. <p>I base my predictions on the growing popularity of grip work, fed by the success and professionlism of this site and the grip competitions. I'm sure there are many out there who can achieve quickly, they simply don't realize there is a grip world out there. I also drew a rough hyperbolic curve on CoC achievement over the past 10 years.<p>Just so this post isn't a lot of smoke-blowing, I'd like to throw out some numbers. It took 10 years to reach 50 Coc's. I predict 59 by year's end, and an additional 26 next year, for a total of 85 Coc's by the end of 2002. The magic 100 will be reached in March 2003.<p>My third prediction is that I will be one of them. I'm hoping for this year, but maybe early next. At least I have some control over that one!<p>(Edited by AnimalCage at 5:22 pm on Sep. 20, 2001)

These were my opinions and predictions on Sept 20, 2001. According to www.ironmind.com, there were 65 CoCs by year's end (2001). They have 81 listed on the site per today. Isn't it amazing how the numbers come so close? I would love to see 85 at close-of-year, and 100 hit in March.

I've also noticed some who expressed opinions about defining world class, then reaching that level, and deciding it wasn't world class because they attained it. C'mon guys, less than a hundred out of a billion adult males?

Any standard is in jeopardy if enough people strive to attain it.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear. The entire first paragraph was a quote from a thread entitled "Grip Group at My Place of Work" by Wannagrip in Sept of 2001.

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Can we also factor in the number of #3 grippers SOLD by IronMind (probably thousands). That means thousands of guys have tried and thousands have FAILED... those that have succeeded total 84 (a number coaxed by IronMind to determine "skill" of the #3).

Again... IMHO, it is a serious, recognized feat of strength. :D

Now, if you'll excuse me... I haffta go bench press 600 pounds for reps! :stuart :yikes

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