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First Try With #3


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I was awoken to find my CoC #3 on my porch this morning. And like a kid on Christmas morning, I tore it open and began to play. After seasoning it, I managed to close it on 5 nickels (3/8 inch). Obviously much more of that play time is needed :tongue , but it was encouraging nonetheless. By the way, my best with the #2 is 9 reps, and that #2 has a spring set 3/16 inch deeper than my #1 and 3. Question: Shouldn't the springs all be set to the same depth on the various strengths? The bottom of the #3 spring is about 1/16 inch above an imaginary line drawn from top inside of one handle to the top inside of the other. How does yours compare?

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I was at 3/4 on my first try with the #3. No warm up, straight out of the bag. Too excited to do a warm up. About 1/2 in a regular workout. Almost two years later, I close it at times. I got ti in april 2001. In june 2001, I was at 1/8. Then, I stopped training n it fro about 6 months. Don't do that. I had to start all over again.

As Wannagrip told me many times, consistency is the key.

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I have also closed it and then took a few month off-it is just like starting over again-like I have mentioned before, I find I lose about 20% after only a week off. 20% means I dont shut the #3. Sadly, I lose 20% in a week and it takes a month to get it back!!!

Also-keep in mind, you #3 may only take 150 IP to get the handles parallel, but to close them it may be 420 IP! :yikes:blink

Good luck, stay persistent and consistent-

Rick Walker :yikes

Edited by Rick Walker
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When I got my #3 gripper, my best reps with a #2 was 11 reps, and my first try with the #3 saw the handles about 3/8" away, so I was right where you were. Don't get so hung up on measurements. Just be determined to close the gripper that you got. Same thing as dealing with your own genetics. Push it as far as you can with the cards you have been dealt. Experiment to see what works best for you as far as workout frequency, strap holds, negatives, volume, etc. goes. When you find something that works, stick with it for as long as it works, and when it stops working, move on. But importantly, you must give something a chance to work, so I suggest a 3-4 week window for a routine. It took me almost two years to move from the #2 to the #3, and I worked very hard, and thought very hard to accomplish this. Most people are not as determined as I am (not bragging, just what I've observed), and you should decide right now whether you want it badly enough that you will be patient, hard working and persistent enough to see the handles of the #3 touch. Most importantly, do plenty of work with your #3, and like Wannagrip said-stay consistent. Good luck.

Steve Weiner

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Thnx for your words of encouragement guys! I'm more determined than ever after reading your posts. Combine all the support given on The Grip Board, with the fact that I'm the stubborn, hard headed type that's willing to train a whole year to put 5 lbs on my deadlift, and it'a only a matter of time before I conquer the big three!

Thnx again guys

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