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? For Gripper32001

Guest woody36

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I'm glad that you clarified that it was an Ironmind loading pin, because if it had been with, say, with a PDA loading pin I wouldn't believe it :getlost . I'd like to now why the odd precision in your number "312" seems a very accurate reading. I rarely would report a weight like that unless I put it on my digital scale. As far as the lift is concerned, the fact that the handle doesn't roll wouldn't put you 60-pounds over a guy like Pfister.

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Well, if this is the case, I suggest you go to IL and lift the MB like it was a paper weight and show up all the 300lb guys like Brian S who will be there trying it!


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There is no chain involved in a deadlift.

The deadlift involves bending over and picking up the

bar from its floor resting position. And the hand grasps the bar with the plates on it, the hand does not grasp a handle attached to a chain

attached to the bar with the plates on it.

At least that has been the definition for several decades until more

recent participants have decided to redefine terms.

So, part of the confusion was the terminology.

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Another case of setting up equipment to make the lift as easy as possible. If you use a non revolving RT style handle and use a long chain to connect to a loading pin, you can start the lift almost upright, and indeed raise a lot of weight from the floor.

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I'd love to be as kind and genorus with the truth as Oldguy. Never a kind word - not even for a friend 'call yourself a mate - why I could make one out of cardboard better than you...'

Not one to encourage anyone esp on a day when he gets out of bed on the wrong side.

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I have previously posted that I hoped that you or Chris James would be the first to lift the millennium bell. I Often say kind things and am often encouraging and helpful. Your estimation of me is no more accurate than is Scott Essery's.

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312? In my view thats one of the most impressive grip feats - ever. I dont personally buy it, but if you can I'd suggest dropping the quest for the #4 and sticking to thick bar lifting. Skepticism will always come from lifts like that. Unless you're getting paid to do it PR's should be the only thing that matter.

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