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My Trip To Fastenal

Dan Cenidoza

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After the suggestions I got here last week, I put an order in to Fastenal for some drill rod, 1045 CRS and G5's, which I picked up today. After speaking to the guy on the phone I had a feeling I might be demonstrating what the steel was going to be used for so I took my wraps and a couple bolts I picked up from Home Depot. As he was ringing me up, the question was asked...

"What are you using all this for?"

"I'm gonna bend it."

"For what?"

"For grip strength."


"Let me show you."

So I wrap up one of my Home Depot bolts and kill that as a warm up and then grab a G5 - absolutely destroyed it!!! Fastest one yet! Then I asked him if he had any G8's, figuring with the authority I bent the G5 and the fact that I had an audience, I might be ready for one. He grabs a bag of 25 out from the back and pulls one out for me.

Some of the discussions that have taken place here over the last couple days ran through my mind (in particular everyone's agreement about the mind being the most important factor in bending). I thought about the times I've seen Pat bend and that look that he gets in his eyes. I thought about how pain is "nature of the beast" in bending.

And then I killed it.

:rock :rock :rock

Thanks for the discussion over the last couple days everybody! It's done more than just educate me.

Edited by Dan Cenidoza
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Awesome. At one time, Fastenal had my account name as "Strongman"! The guys that worked there came up with it! :D

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Awesome!!! :rock:rock

I have a feeling this might be a similar case when the guy from my bible study that works at Mcmaster-carr picks up some bolts/steel for me. I tried explaining it to him and his wife but its much better to demonstrate in person

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I stopped by my local fastenal today as well to see if they had any 5/16x7 G5s or G8s, no luck for me. All they had was little stuff.

- Aaron

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Awesome :rock How did he react after your bending the bolts?

I guess his reaction could best be summed up as "holy shit!" Actually, those were his exact words.

There were 3 guys there and we hung around and talked grip strength and strongman for a while. I told them about this forum, Ironmind grippers and what some guys are doing in the realm of feats of strength.

I even wrapped up one of the Home Depot bolts for the guy who rang me up and he got it to about 15 degrees.

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That's about the same thing I get when I go into Ken Davis to get my horse shoes. They always ask me to bring stuff when I come. When I order stuff they tell me I need to bring it back in next time I come so they can see it.

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