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Monstrous Hg350?


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I know, grippers vary.

But I received my first HG gripper a few days ago, a HG350, and the thing is even harder then my #4. :blink

I was under the impression that a HG350 would be a nice gripper between #3 and #3.5 where the easy ones are around a #3 and the hard ones around a #3.5, but that surely isn't the case here.

Am I mistaken here or do I have a very strong HG350?

Edited by White Scorpion
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I know, grippers vary.

But I received my first HG gripper a few days ago, a HG350, and the thing is even harder then my #4. :blink

I was under the impression that a HG350 would be a nice gripper between #3 and #3.5 where the easy ones are around a #3 and the hard ones around a #3.5, but that surely isn't the case here.

Am I mistaken here or do I have a very strong HG350?

I have a HG 350 that feels like my #211 #4 but

I haven't had the thing calibrated.

Mighty Joe

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My friend has HG350 harder then CoC #3.5 ( 5 mm to close CoC3.5 and about 2cm for HG350). My own HG350 a bit harder my CoC#3. HG grippers vary :-)

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My friend has HG350 harder then CoC #3.5 ( 5 mm to close CoC3.5 and about 2cm for HG350). My own HG350 a bit harder my CoC#3. HG grippers vary :-)

I Had an HG300 that felt tougher than my #4!!

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I had one that I traded to Bob Lipinski that was a beast. I have come real close to closing a 3.5 in a choker, and this thing was immovable in a choker. I bet it was close to 200# easy. :blink

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Seems they're turning them out hard, recently. Gabriel also got one which he told me was almost as hard as his #4.

Mine is 168lb.

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Yup, that one is tough Jeremiah! I'll probably see what Dave Thorton thinks of it, I'm not too strong in grippers right now.

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So the HG350 can vary between #3 and #4.x, that's a huge difference!!!

Will it get easier if I chest crush it a few dozen times, or shall I wait until I can close the #4 :D?

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i've borrowed pauls and i can squeeze the hell out of it where the hg300 feels alot harder to me.. it's the handle set.. but both of the ones i have feel harder than a 3

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Will it get easier if I chest crush it a few dozen times, or shall I wait until I can close the #4 :D?

I can't speak from vast experience, but I had an HG300 that I guessed was at least #3 level when I got it...ha. Now I figure it's barely harder than my #2.5, and that's just from MMS attempts, not chest crushing or intentional seasoning.

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So the HG350 can vary between #3 and #4.x, that's a huge difference!!!

Will it get easier if I chest crush it a few dozen times, or shall I wait until I can close the #4 :D?

Give it a try, my HG350 seasoned right down.

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If this gripper seasons as much as mine did, it should season down to a #3.5 after some closes. In fact, be glad it's that hard at the moment. It may season A LOT. If it wasn't too hard and seasoned a lot you'd have another HG300 on your hands, totally defeating the purpose of buying the harder gripper.

Edited by Grippster
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At one point I had two HG350 (which I couldn't close either one of), in using them for heavy negatives one did feel a heck of a lot harder than the other one

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This is the reason why the better grippers are worth the extra money. In fact, you might even save money by not buying the cheap ones because if you buy 2 different grippers and they both turn out to have the same poundage rating after seasoning, then you have to buy another one which is a big waste of your time and money. Buy BB, COC, or Tetting and get something good the first time around.

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This is the reason why the better grippers are worth the extra money. In fact, you might even save money by not buying the cheap ones because if you buy 2 different grippers and they both turn out to have the same poundage rating after seasoning, then you have to buy another one which is a big waste of your time and money. Buy BB, COC, or Tetting and get something good the first time around.

Tetting makes BB's and the grippers for NutritionGeeks. ;)

Mighty Joe

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Tetting and BB are basically the same just marketed under a different name. I didn't mention said company because of rules against advertising on here unless of course it's one of the sponsors.

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