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Do Not Let The Wrap Stuff Get You Down


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Hi Guys :D I have been reading all this wrap stuff and it started getting me down and was thinking that if I had to be subjected to this negativity I would not have been able to progress nearly as much as I have or perhaps even quit. I'm sure other benders that have been around for a bit would/are in the same boat and are getting tired of the haters. Keep your spirits high and keep plugging away. We will help you, we have been there and are there, just been around for a while :)

I like what ever types of wraps you choose to use and I am proud of all of you guys that have the courage and will power to even take up this sport. New Guys, lets see your Vids :rock:rock There are 4 places for certs. They cover a number of variables including wrapping and time :D




http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showforum=18 (The Nailman's Top 20 Bending Lists 5,6 and 7" Stock)

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Good post Mike! Bending doesn't have to be so serious all the time. It's just something that you can have fun with and see how far you can progress with.

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Great post Mike :bow:rock if I remember correctly--THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN--And thats what Matters to me the most. :cool

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I don't know why the discussion we had would bring anybody down (some people must have thin skin - better lose that fat pads! LOL!).

Just kidding. It was a good thread until people started taking shots at Pat and playing the whole "my way is the best" card. There's a lot to be learned in that thread... I know I picked up a few things.

Edited by Dan Cenidoza
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I don't know why the discussion we had would bring anybody down (some people must have thin skin - better lose that fat pads! LOL!).

Just kidding. It was a good thread until people started taking shots at Pat and playing the whole "my way is the best" card. There's a lot to be learned in that thread... I know I picked up a few things.

It would bring some down (especially the new guys) because some of the comments in that thread bring down their accomplishments, mainly by making it sound like their bends dont measure up because they dont use thin pads. Mike, being an elite bender, and a standup guy, saw that something needed to be said about the matter, and he did...

We established that padding plays into the difficulty and impressiveness of the bend. Fat pads are different than thin pads, which is different then barehanded bends.

If newbies are "brought down" by the reality of that (which I don't think they are), I would hope they would train harder, not sulk. Steel bending is not for wussies.

People should feel empowered to have such knowledge.

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As for me, I agree with you, my Psychotic Bending Brother!!! :rock :rock :rock I just wanna see the steel die; it doesn't matter what's around it, or if nothing's around it. I want steel to pee a little when I walk by. :D

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Yep Mike im pissed off with it all myself as well bro seems like everytime we get a meaningfull discussion going it goes south.

seems like most are not interested in traditional or barehanded bending it seems like all the clicks start sticking together to defend there hurt feelings about thick wrap haters etc yet the same agument the other way around doesnt get the same approval.

I started a topic asking a good variety of questions 2 suit both sides of the debate so that we could all try and reach some mutual ground there infact were 3 topics going the other 2 became a Pat subject so that effectively stopped that but i felt we were getting somewhere as no name calling etc was used which is a first but know it seems like people are still spitting there dummies out.

I would of thought that people would off at least been interested in the history and tradition off the sport as well as the modern stuff but obviously todays modern bender is not so in affect thats it for me i dont see much point in persueing something were people are not involved in how it started and evolved etc.

Just like to say for the few that were intersted in both sides and could see both sides off the argument well done and maybe we will one day bend together in the afterlife.

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Few things in the grip community are more controversial than short unbraced bending.

Styles, wraps, techniques, time. . . . .they all make for "lively" discussion. :whacked

Personally I couldn't care less how thick a benders wraps are. . . .tough steel requires strong wrists. The less wrapping you manage to use, the more impressive I consider the feat to be.


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Thanks for the support My Psychotic and not quite so Psychotic Bending Brothers :rock

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Well said Mike! Great post from a great bender.

I guess I don't put as much thought into my bending as some do. I have lots of different pads from cheap hankies on up to good leather. Few nights ago I ran acrossed some 5/16 HRS so I cut some to 7 inches and wrapped a hanky around it after getting the idea from one of Jeremiah's posts. I'm proud of the fact that I bent it in a hanky but does that mean I'm a "pad convert"? No. It was what I wanted to do at the time and it was fun, albeit painful. Could I bend high volume like that? Doubt it without some reprocussions.

In short, I too appreciate all the styles and such of bending. I'll continue bending the way I want to bend.



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