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Good/interesting Session Tonight


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Had a great PR session today, but went down an interesting way. Lately I've been noticing I can kink the bar alot easier when I bend reverse style, but I've been trying to do the majority of my bending twice a week DO with one day doing either DU or reverse. Before tonight my max was 6.5" DO bend. I'll post my workout here then comment:

warmed up with a couple timber ties and 4 5" 3/16" squared bars

Then I went to the following

7" DO 1/4" HRS

2x 6.5" 1/4" but I switched to reverse here. I couldn't get a good kink DO. Reverse it just seems like I can bend anything I look at (well at least the stock I have at my house atm)

Due to a cutting error 5.5" 1/4 HRS - I hit this one DO got a strong kink and finished it. (PR)

Finished with a 5" 1/4" HRS reverse style. Timed myself here got it done in under 40 seconds. (PR!)

I guess I have a couple of questions/observations here. It seems like the shorter bars I have an easier time going DO. I wish I had a camera to record my bends, hopefully in a few months I will, this is a great board and I think this is one of the best features is having everyone critique your form. And, as I said before my kink seems really strong going reverse style. Should I focus on this for the majority of my bends?

Thanks in advance fellas

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Are you're having trouble getting the longer bars in a good position for DO? Or is it that you can get them up under your and crank on them, but they don't move?

What are you doing March 7th? We're having a get-together in Three Rivers, MI. If you're interested, I'll PM you the info. We could get you're form sorted out there for sure. Myself and David Thornton are Edgin+ benders, I'm sure we could give you a few pointers ;)

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Are you're having trouble getting the longer bars in a good position for DO? Or is it that you can get them up under your and crank on them, but they don't move?

What are you doing March 7th? We're having a get-together in Three Rivers, MI. If you're interested, I'll PM you the info. We could get you're form sorted out there for sure. Myself and David Thornton are Edgin+ benders, I'm sure we could give you a few pointers ;)

I'm assuming its a positioning problem, I think once I get the bar up there it doesn't stay up there and I lose leverage or something. That weekend is going to be tough for me. Its my sister's last senior year ensemble thing so I don't think I'll be able to make it. You guys are doing a comp up there in may though aren't you? I'm planning on blocking out that weekend for sure.

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Are you're having trouble getting the longer bars in a good position for DO? Or is it that you can get them up under your and crank on them, but they don't move?

What are you doing March 7th? We're having a get-together in Three Rivers, MI. If you're interested, I'll PM you the info. We could get you're form sorted out there for sure. Myself and David Thornton are Edgin+ benders, I'm sure we could give you a few pointers ;)

I'm assuming its a positioning problem, I think once I get the bar up there it doesn't stay up there and I lose leverage or something. That weekend is going to be tough for me. Its my sister's last senior year ensemble thing so I don't think I'll be able to make it. You guys are doing a comp up there in may though aren't you? I'm planning on blocking out that weekend for sure.

That happens to a lot of guys. Some guys have the problem that they can get the bar up under their chin, but once they apply force the bar shoots down again to clavicle level or lower and the kink becomes much more difficult. If that's the case, it's just a matter of getting used to the long stocks. The more 7" stuff you bend, the looser your shoulders will get. Here's something to try, get an 8" long bar, wrap it up, grab it with your normal bending grip and try to touch the bar to your neck. Very effective when done right ;) Also try "

". Every single person I have suggested these to has nearly kissed me for doing so. I showed it to several older gents who had been benching for years and never done any flexibility work. They were super tight and had chronic pains in their shoulders from the tightness. Immediately after doing the dislocations they all felt a difference for the better and they've all kept on doing them since.

The comp is in May, the 9th. C U THERE!

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I pretty much agree with MalachiMcMullen. It would be very helpful to have a bending session/sessions with experienced benders especially at their levels. I think you would be impressed at what the guys can teach you. If the drive is not too far, this is the best way. I learned by watching experienced benders and trying it on my own. It also helps to bend around someone that might give you a little competition, it helps get around the Pain barrier. I would certainly keep on bending in the other 2 styles, but inevitably, I believe after you get your groove, your DO will end up being dominant. Good luck Man!!!!!

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