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Your Crowning Achievement


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Greetings Gripsters,

I thought it might be fun to give us the opportunity to share with one another (brag) of that strength accomplishment of which we are the most proud. Maybe you prefer to limit your scope to grip feats, but listing an additional achievememt would be cool. I'll get the ball rolling by mentioning that 617 deadlift I pulled as a 181 lifter in the ADFPA back in 89'. As for gripping, I pinched 2 35's and an additional 10 pounds last week.

Look forward to hearing from yall!

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I am most proud of deadlifting more than 172 lbs on an Inch loadable. After that my best achievment has been wristrolling 200 lbs on an 1 1/4'' non knurled roller. A distant 3rd was closing a #3 gripper. This was somewhat of an anticlimax and I have yet to bother to get certified. It is good to see that more and more interest is being shown in thickbar and pinching and that grippers are not stealing the show so much as they used to.

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I must say that closing the #3 gripper is the most important feat I have done. No other feat has helped my self-confidence more. It is kind of funny how things evolve, just 6 months ago I didnt really liked the grippers and didnt train on them at all. I had strong doubts I would ever close a #3, I was convinced that my hands were too small and I couldnt get a good set on that #3. I thought this for a long time.

Now I love training grippers and feel like grippers is were my strength is. It is only natural to love training what you feel that you are good at and can progress the most. But I cant say, maybe my mind will change once more and I will start to train with thick bars like mad. Not that I hate training with thick bars or pinch gripping atm but I am not really focusing on setting records on those lifts. Going for the #4 is the ultimate challenge for me right now. And after I closed the #3, I really think I can do anything, no limit.

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Bent the IronMind Blue nail, 10 hours ago. It's been my proudest moment in my short gripping career.

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Seeing my son properly execute a full depth high bar squat with proper form at age 11.

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For me I would have to say breaking two 35's off the ground in a pinch grip. Just 2 weeks ago I was doing around 62lbs. with my right hand. Also adding almost 3 reps more on the #2 coc with my right hand for a total of 7 and just about 3 with my left.

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1. Pinching 2 45's together wiht no bar trough the middle.

2. Closing the #3 (even tough I will be more proud when I'll get certified).

3. Close to 300 vertical bar lift with a chromed, not knurled 2" bar.

Ultimate goal : plate curl with a 45.

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I guess closing Mr. Sorin's original #3, a few sliver BBE's, pinching half of the 100lb hex db, and making some great friends from here.........

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rafter chin at 145# bodyweight (thanks for the hints sjeff70 :) ...I hit that one last night after trying some of your tips)

vbar lift on a 2" unknurled bar- 210#

one hand db dl on 2.5" knurled db bar (ironmind's)- 135#

once i can do a couple rafter chins, im gonna try to run up the wieght (who know's? maybe someday i'll even catch up to my regular chins. ;) )


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Let's see for grip stuff:

plate curl 35lb

wrist plate curl 25lb for 8 reps

plate pinch: 2x35 5lbs for 8 seconds with my left hand only 3 with right

for other stuff:

I just cleaned and fairly strict pressed 200lbs today which is a new PR for me. 2 years ago I thought I'd never lift anything higher then 115lbs over head :)


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Grip is actually my weakest area by far. Despite this it intrigues me and part of the reason I came here was to devote more attention to my weak link.

As far as a grip "feat", I guess it would be doing a 200 lbs continental and press for 7 reps (only 1 continental) on a two inch thick bar. Certainly nothing compared to what others have posted here, but you asked.

Overall, it would have to be either benching 500 or doing two DB continental and press with 115 lbs in each hand. Again, only one continental but 5 presses. These were regular size db's.


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My crowning achievements have yet to come......

Rick Walker :yikes

Edited by Rick Walker
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My crowning grip achievement happened just yesterday. I was able to get my #3 down to 1/16th. I tried to close it about a dozen times and each time was just a hairs width away. I am so close I can taste it! Soon, very soon, I will be posting that I closed it.

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Apart from closing the #3, it would be meeting some of the "grip greats" at the AOBS. Guys like Heath, Pat, Steve, Greg, Richard Sorin, Tom Black and many more. I am so fortunate to have met and talked to Vic Boff before his passing - he was truly one of the masters of the strength game. Also meeting human monsters like Mark Henry and Bill Kazmaier and Greg Ernst. Wow! :yikes I feel like a kid in a candystore! Now you know why I call this place, "my home". ;)

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I ate 12 single cheeseburgers at McDonalds,2giant frys and a chocolate shake

3 triple cheeseburgers,a frosty,fries and a coke at Wendy's was enjoyable and satisfying also.Wendy's is expenive though...this meal wil set you back a bit.

When kentucky fried Chicken had the chicken strips dinner on sale for 2.99 I ate three of them.No coleslaw in this guys army-so it was 6 servings of mashed potatoes/gravy,10 or 11 chicken strips? and 6 biscuits.Doubled up the biscuits order.

10 tacos and 4 bean burritos at Taco bell resulted in an explosive leg workout :cryTacos were going for .49 cents on sundays.it was a bargain.

Strength?nothing really worth talking about YET.Ditto grip.Doing power cleans and snatch pulls at Golds in venice,ca. got some looks..it was an achievment to continue doing them when all these monsters weren't.I used to think I was a strong guy-things i did as a kid seemed strong at the time and to people around me- until a few events that transpired in 98('survival of strongest' and 'SMA') changed my opinion of what being strong is.I met some rather large individuals....Humbling and inspireing at the same time.

Don't worry i won't repeat the stories...

I guess gaining 60lbs in the last 5 years-essentially as lean as i started- is encourageing and i think i have room for more.How did i do it?See above...plus 4 or 5 protein shakes a day....

Man now I'm Hungry again :yikes

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Guest CalvinP

As for me:

-N Virginia white pages (about 2.12") in half cleanly, several times

-One armed extended pushup, left or right for 10 or more reps in 1996

-body raise (off or on bench) 35 reps or more 1996 like in Rocky 4 movies by Sylvester Stalone

-Grip feat? nothing worth mentioning yet. Give me 6 more months may be.

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No grip feat, no real achievement but i felt very happy when i :

-closed my #2 gripper,

-deadlifted 132 lbs on my 2.5" Husky Handle DB.

up-coming enjoyment: bending ironmind yellow, repping the #2.

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Gosh Heath!

you have done alot man! how long you been training?

well i havnt done anything great yet.

this mite sound funny, but wheni got my #4 gripper, i remember saying that one day i just wanted to get the handles half way. well. today i did that!! i am still 2/4 inch from my #3. you know- sometimes i forget just how cool it is to close a #2. i am always remided of it when i let others try.

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With the utmost humility :blush , I have doubled my strength in

my right hand. BIG DEAL! one might say. Well it has been a big deal

for me.

Several years ago I was in a horrific accident. Among my myriad

of injuries, my right hand and wrist were devastated. The surgeons

recommended amputation to my wife. I was unconcious for 4 days

and did not know this. My wife said no! try to fix it first, and if it

does not heal, then take it off.

Well, with titanium plates, collars and screws and neuro-surgery to

repair my severed carpal tunnel nerve and carpal wrist tendon, I

was lucky and it healed. To the amazement of the surgeons.

It took 2 yrs. before I could pull 60lbs. on a dynamometer. Fast forwarding to this year, ( I joined the Gripboard last Dec).

I wanted to get this hand stronger. I was able to close the IM T by

April 2002. :blush

Wannagrip at this time was posting about his experimental KTA

program and asked for guinea pigs to participate. I emailed Wanna

and was put on the program.

The KTA is a Butt kicker :yikes . It took my "Monkey Paw" and

doubled it's strength. I can now close my #2, BBM and cheat close

a PDA 502ip for a 15 sec. negative crush. I can negative crush 115lbs.

on my Gripanator for 15 sec. I can not close the #3 but can get it

down to 3/4 inch.

I only have 80% neural pathway to this hand but I am satisfied with

how much I have improved it's strength.

Thanks Wannagrip for you tuteledge and patience. KTA kicks azz!

A special thanks to the other fellow KTAers, reading ya`lls posts

was a kick-in-the-head!!


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zcor (Rick),

Do you have full range of motion in that hand? What other kinds of physical therapy are you going through for that hand? Man, that's a great story! Glad you're here and grip training - continue to prove those doctors wrong!! :D

Edited by Sybersnott
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You're amazing.Incredible will power....What a story.I generally don't take things too seriously but your story touched my heart.

God bless you sir.

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Tom of Iowa2... Thank-you for your sentiments :blush .

Syber. My radial forearm bone is sandwiched with titanium

plates and screws at the wrist junction. My ulna forearm bone

is encased with a titanium collar/tube and screws at the wrist

junction. I have about 30 degree flexion and about 60 degree

supination abilities. I believe normal flexion and supination is

90 degree. I can not do a flat hand pushup. I have to use

those tubular pushup bars.

Gripster.. The KTA is Wannagrip's program. In order to participate

I promised not to divulge it's details on the board here. I will

say it is a very innovative and result producing training program.

I can honestly say that without the injury to my right hand (it

is my dominate hand) I would be closing the #3 at this time.

I could not even move the handles of the #3 in April. Now I

can at least get it to 3/4inch of close. My apologies for being

encryptic :ninja about the KTA, but a man has to keep his word.

In communication with Wannagrip, I get the feeling the KTA will

soon be revealed. Have patience ;)

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