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Regarding the Millennium bell, what are the rules

for the one hand lift?

You want to be the first, Schoonveld wants to be first,

but just so we are on the same page- what exactly are

we talking about?

Full standing one arm deadlift?

Hand allowed on other knee or not? etc


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OK. What is acceptable:

The basic rules for the one handed deadlift apply with the free hand or elbow allowed to rest on the knee. Some have tried to lift the bell outside but I prefer the bell between the legs, left foot alongside (if lifting right handed as I do) and the right foot/leg set back a little. My left hand or elbow rests on the left knee and I pull the weight up. Ideally, as per Oldguy, the bell will be level but I'd be happy if both ends come clear off the floor (see the grip gallery for me lifting the inch and my 212 thick handled dumbbell lift). One end my come up first but both ends must be clear of the floor for it to be a lift.

Tie breakers: height. Highest from the floor wins. I lift my practice bell on to phone books.

Cheats: not to be rolled or dragged while gripped on to books. Not to be one end and then the other onto books. No other part of the body other than the lifting hand is to touch the dumbbell to stop or ease rotation.

Tips: don't hook. It just saps the strength. Give yourself five minutes between attempts. Use chalk: the handle may be knurled but only very lightly and with the primer its barely worth mentioning. I prefer to have my hand off-centre with the opposing side of the palm to the thumb chalked and touching the rear globe. Don't let the arm turn or swivel once (if) the weight clears the floor - it irritates the nerve that passes over the elbow. Squeeze with the whole hand and esp with the thumb and finger tips.

More questions please!

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No one has lifted it - free - one inch. Myself and Dvaid Horne have managed one end off the floor (2001 OH dinner) and Alan Radley has jerked-rolled it onto a single 2" thick telephone book. Myself and others inc a certain Mr James, have two-handed it many times and Chris even tried to jerk press it. But 'lifted it' nada. So the announcer can say that, in accordence with the rules, no one has lifted it.

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Just for fun, I am going to load my 2 3/8'' bar up to the weight of the millenium bell and try to break it from the floor a little. I have been able to lift 188 1/2 lbs in the past, but have not attempted more than that. A jump of around 36b lbs would be required and a small miracle. Recently I  switched over to suitcase style lifting with my loadable, instead of from between the feet. I am considering Wannagrip's dumbbell row style as it should be easier on my middleaged back.  :D

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Next Thursday, as a motivator for you, I will load the 2.5 inch handled bell to 276 pounds and get my training partner (he uses 180 pounds and can do a 103 kilo Rolling Thunder) to take a pic of me pulling it on the low res web cam I have.

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I'm glad to hear Schoonveld is going to give it a go- but- what about Big Tony?does he have ANY interest in it?I read that he would be competeing in the 'Snowman'contest....I know schoonveld is the better all around strongman and all-but I think Big Tony has him by about 15+lbs?-or more- on the Rolling Thunder AND Tony DID do an actual deadlift with the 172#inch-BOTH hands......or-come to think of it?- I'm may be ruining the suprise and he's keeping his 'cards'close to his chest....and IS just going to show up and try it???

Anybody let the Gillinghams know yet?I don't think a trip 'down'to Illinois is too far :D

If you should get a chance ask John if a few hicks from Iowa can come up to try them out...we'll be happy to sign our lives away..no problemo.(Josh has Tony and Schoonveld by a few lbs.on the Rolling thunder...but doesn't have their brute strength...yet.... :blush )

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John Beatty has joined the grip board, so hopefully he will

see your message, Tom.

Big Tony will be there, and is certainly welcome to try the

Terrible Trio- hopefully there will be many who try. :)

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'Brian Schoonveld followed with 233.5 ,and as he did last year,bombed out,which is very puzzling..........'This was in Hawaii,before the contest with $1000 on the line.Article by J.V.Askem.

I believe at this years(2002) Nationals he may have hit a 225#...?if someone has the data from the nationals....?BTW

Johnny Perry-may he rest in peace-WON the 2002 Nationals...he had really brought up his grip....he also won the Hercules Hold.They indicated(i missed the RT contest but went down the next day)that the RT was oily and slick...everybodies poundages(gillinghams?pfister?etc)wer down so Johnny still beat some 'bad boys'of grip..

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