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It's Been Awhile

big nasty

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It's been awhile been dealing with some personal issue's I have limited access to a computer but just wanted to pop in and say hi to everybody. Ben came by a few week's ago and hung out with me that gave me a good boost he said he posted about it. Biggest change for right know is I have lost more than 50 plus pound's in April I weighed 323 and know Im between 265 and 270. I have been able to maintain some power my arm strength is still there my bending is close but lacking alittle horsepower but all in all doing well. AND YES JOSH I CAN STILL DO THE TRICK. I have only lost about 3 inches of my chest and about 1 inch off my arm's and about 9'' off my waist. I will try to check in from time to time hope everyone is doing well later.

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Great to hear from you Jason! Been pulling any? Not sure if you saw the strict curl thread but we'd all like to know what you can one arm db curl, strictly, arm to the side and not braced into your hip. Seems nobody can find a video of anybody doing 100lber.

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whats up buddy!? i hope you lost the weight because you wanted to diet down and not because you're stressed out or not getting enough food!

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Nice to hear from you. Good to have you back, bro :rock

Great to hear from you Jason! Been pulling any? Not sure if you saw the strict curl thread but we'd all like to know what you can one arm db curl, strictly, arm to the side and not braced into your hip. Seems nobody can find a video of anybody doing 100lber.

Yeah :mosher

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Congratulations my friend!!! :rock

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Welcome back Jason. Congrats on the weight loss. I myself was around 320 and am down to 275 as we speak. Keep up the good work.

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I promised I would check in from time to time thank's for the nice word's good job Brad that's great Im floating between 265 and 270 closer to 265. To answer your question Josh a guy was running his mouth the other day at the gym and I did a 90lber cold I would call it strict I did have my left hand on the rack to steady my self to stop any lean. I did a 105er awhile back but I was still weighing around 280ish but im not sure what your guy's rule's where. Im not sure if I have 100 in me now but I

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I promised I would check in from time to time thank's for the nice word's good job Brad that's great Im floating between 265 and 270 closer to 265. To answer your question Josh a guy was running his mouth the other day at the gym and I did a 90lber cold I would call it strict I did have my left hand on the rack to steady my self to stop any lean. I did a 105er awhile back but I was still weighing around 280ish but im not sure what your guy's rule's where. Im not sure if I have 100 in me now im getting pretty light in the short's but I can give it a try 90 is a long way's from 100 I will have my buddy bring his camera to the gym see what happen's. To answer the question on armwresting yes I have been pulling but not as much as i would like my training partner moved about 45 minute's away and our schedules are different so it make's it hard get together I still use my spring loaded table to stay in pulling shape but it's not the same well guy's will talk at you later keep up all the good work. :D

Edited by big nasty
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