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1/4 X 7 Crs


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New to the forum but needed some to tell (brag) some one. After bending 8 ft of 3/16 cut in lenghts of 6" 5" and 2 in 4" I decided to give 1/4 a shot. So I bought 4 ft of crs and 3 ft of hrs and just incase I got 1/4 aluminium (to salvage my pride). First shot at 6" hrs no budge, 7" crs bent it alittle, 6' aluminium, well you know, atleast my wife was impressed. ;) Got up this morning watched a few videos tried a different grip and bent the 7" the 6" still no luck. Thanks for taking the time to read I'm just tickled with myself

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Haha, the best of us started out with 3/16 and 1/4 stuff man ;) I remember a time I couldn't barely budge 3/16 sq :rock Just keep at it and you'll shoot up the bending line in no time! Keep a close watch on what others do and follow along.

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Nice bending! When I started, 1/4" stock seemed indestructable. I am sure you'll get the 6" soon enough.

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Nice job and a great start!


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No worries bro I couldnt make the slightest dent in 1/4 CRS when I first started. Any damage at all is a great start. Just work hard at it, keep watchin those videos, and scour the gripboard for any info you need

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Nice job!! :rock I remember when a 1/4''G2 kicked my butt! :blush Keep at it, it'll melt in no time. :cool

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Welcome to the addiction! You're doing good for just starting out. We've all been there and when you kill that first 60d nail you'll feel like a king. It won't be long. :D

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Heh, nothing wrong with bragging. After all, no one would post here if they didn't want to prove their mettle... yes, pun intended :dry

Good job!

Edited by easyWeight
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Great work - keep at it! Surfing the net for videos can be very helpful, as mentioned above. I just got a technique tip tonight on YouTube and bent my first IM yellow nail. I was so stoked that I bent two more, just to make sure. :cool

Edited by Reverend Linus
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Congrats on your yellow nail bends guys :rock I know too well how you feel :D:D

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Well I read the rules for bending and found I didn't do it right, as I used my knee to brace my right hand to get the bend started. I said to myself this will not do, cause I already said I could bend the 7". So I did it again last night and followed the rules. Wow alot harder, but I got it bent. I realize I need to work on technique so should I keep on working with 1/4" or would it be better to drop down to 3/16" for volume. 3/16 rnd seems fairly easy to me but I can't find 3/16 sq is there something else inbetween 3/16" rnd and 1/4" rnd for difficulty? Or do I just need to quit being cheap and buy a bender bag? I hope my question makes sense. Thanks in advance for for all replies.

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I have never been into volume bending, myself, and I think if you just keep working on your form with 1/4" stock, a few bends per session, you'll be fine. A bender's bag sure is nice, though :cool I'm on my 3rd one.

1/4" Grade 2 bolts might be easier than 1/4" CRS, if you can find those in a hardware store. The Home Depot near me has a large selection of them.

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After my success with the IM yellow last night, I decided to try the blue today. It took about 5 minutes, but I finally got it done! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

O.K. Took alittle time off to build wrist up with sledge hammer and free weights. 1/4"X6 down!! :D Seriously need to get form down before I move on. Will post a video this week to get advice. I think flexibility is a major problem but I will let wiser minds then mine to tell me my problem areas.

Thanks for the encouragement

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