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Do Captains Of Crush Grippers Give All Four Fingers A Good Workout?

Victor Chetta

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Hello, i've been using an Ivanko super gripper for over 6 months now and have been making good progress on it but I want to change now to using the captains of crush grippers for my grip workout,(and I will stop using the Ivanko super gripper) my first target will be to close the #2 which I already have. I am probably going to order the COC trainer and #1 grippers and start working them for reps twice a week before getting the KTA programme in few months.

I am aware that the range of motion for the little finger and the ring finger is substantially more when using a COC gripper than it is for the index and middle fingers and that the leverages are different for each finger with the little finger having the most and the Index the least.

Do these differences then mean that some fingers get a good workout on COC grippers and other fingers get a poor workout on them and if so which fingers get which, or do all the fingers get a good workout?

I want to know because I want to ensure that all my fingers will get a good workout. I also do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls as well as using a telegraph key for my thumbs.



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If it's captains of crush, BB's, RB's or HGs then you're going to get the same rom, so you could also look at other brands of gripper. Anyway.....

I've only ever used COC style grippers and I'd say that all of your fingers do get a workout but the pinky gets hit least for me. I may be an exception to the rule but I feel that I may as well not have a pinky because it's so weak. I know for a fact that when I go for big gripper closes that it's my other 3 fingers that do all of the work.

You can't take what I say as the norm though, just look at Temmu, he's able to hold a #3 closed with just ring and pinky fingers!! Err, I don't know how it's possible but he'd be able to tell you the best way to get ring pinky workout from grippers. Maybe doing inverted closes hit's other parts on the hand and fingers better?

Sorry to ramble, good luck going for the #2.

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Thanks Lloyd!

I'd realised after i'd made the first post that the little finger doesn't get so much work because from waht i've read (and watched on youtube)the best way of using the gripper for best leverage is to have the little finger only half way on the gripper to maximise the leverage of the big three fingers so perhaps i should have re-phrased my question as do the COC -style grippers give the BIG THREE fingers a good workout, judging from your reply they do get a good workout.

Do you find you get a good pump in your forearms(and burn) when you do them for reps?

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Thanks Lloyd!

I'd realised after i'd made the first post that the little finger doesn't get so much work because from waht i've read (and watched on youtube)the best way of using the gripper for best leverage is to have the little finger only half way on the gripper to maximise the leverage of the big three fingers so perhaps i should have re-phrased my question as do the COC -style grippers give the BIG THREE fingers a good workout, judging from your reply they do get a good workout.

Do you find you get a good pump in your forearms(and burn) when you do them for reps?

I find if I rep out on a lighter gripper (4 sets x 20 reps and do one set to fail) I get a great burn and forearm pump, my hands will also feel it the next day. I don't really do that very often though as I don't feel it gains strength, it's more of a wake-up call for the hands every now and then.

When I go for hard grippers and just do a couple of reps or singles I don't find it ever pumps or hits the forearms, although this is where strength is built ;)

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I suppose the main reason I asked about getting a pump and burn is that I find that feeling reassures me that the muscles are getting a good workout, but if low reps without the burn are best for increasing grip strength, the increase in strength more than makes up for the lack of burn and besides I hardly think that lower reps will cause my forearms to shrink!! :D

I looks like I'll be giving pullum sports a call tomorrow morning to order the grippers.

Like i said i'll do reps on them twice a week for a few months to get used to them before getting the KTA program and moving on to singles, the KTA sounds incredibly effective!

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It's funny how you find it works your index finger the least and your pinky the most, because with me my index finger is in fact quite large, even larger than my middle finger and thumb.

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It's funny how you find it works your index finger the least and your pinky the most, because with me my index finger is in fact quite large, even larger than my middle finger and thumb.

Do you mean that the thickness of your fingers has increased from doing grip exercises? I know that other parts of my hand have thickened such as my thumb-pad and the muscle in between the thumb and the index finger knuckle, but i didn't realise that the fingers themselves got thicker as a result, I thought it was mainly the muscles that move the fingers in the forearm that get thicker as a result of grip exercises, are there muscles in the fingers too?

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It's funny how you find it works your index finger the least and your pinky the most, because with me my index finger is in fact quite large, even larger than my middle finger and thumb.

Do you mean that the thickness of your fingers has increased from doing grip exercises? I know that other parts of my hand have thickened such as my thumb-pad and the muscle in between the thumb and the index finger knuckle, but i didn't realise that the fingers themselves got thicker as a result, I thought it was mainly the muscles that move the fingers in the forearm that get thicker as a result of grip exercises, are there muscles in the fingers too?

The furthest they insert is the centre of the proximal phalanges(between the 2nd and 3rd knuckle of each finger(counting back from the nail)).

The skin will thicken though as will bone, tendons and ligaments, to a small extent.

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Thanks Lloyd!

I'd realised after i'd made the first post that the little finger doesn't get so much work because from waht i've read (and watched on youtube)the best way of using the gripper for best leverage is to have the little finger only half way on the gripper to maximise the leverage of the big three fingers so perhaps i should have re-phrased my question as do the COC -style grippers give the BIG THREE fingers a good workout, judging from your reply they do get a good workout.

Do you find you get a good pump in your forearms(and burn) when you do them for reps?

Even though the pinky is halfway off of the handle, it still plays a big role in closing the gripper. Having it halfway off does not decrease its usefulness.

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