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How To Set A Gripper

Paul Knight

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Several of my friends keep asking how to set a gripper and a couple have asked for a vid - John Eaton has already made one that I was going to post in Adams thread, but when I tried to dig it up, I couldn't find it, so I made one. hope this helps

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Very nice video!!

There is a couple of things in the video i have never thought of and that i will try as soon as posible. Thanks.

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The definitive gripper set tutorial video!

Excellent work Paul! :rock

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Outstanding tutorial Paul! :D You gave a few tips I may be able to use to help me get the #3 (and I've been using grippers for 2 years). The key pinch position on the setting hand and using your chest to help are ones I need to try out. My chest is weak but I may be able to get a little help out of it.

Anyone not closing grippers as big a Paul should save this video and use it for reference. ;)

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super video. I bookmarked it and know I'll be going back to it.


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Thats a really good video. I'm one of those guys that can't set a gripper worth a dime. While the hand placement you recommended actually seems to make me even weaker than with no set I'm going to continue to play with it and see if I can adapt your techniques in a way that will work for me.

Thanks for posting the video.

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guess it was Smitty's video I was thinking of from DieselCrew - just watched it , got it confused w/John's vid - oops

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Thanks Bro! Valuable tips-I will put them to use this afternoon.

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Paul, what advice could you give on setting grippers with a very wide spread - where it's a big stretch to get the index finger round the non dogleg side? Thanks in advance :)

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Great video Paul, creating that wall to stop the gripper slipping out of position is something i haven't looked at properly i shall from now on, and also stretching the thumb to tighten the skin, thanks a lot!

Edited by Pete1006
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Excellent vid! I'm horrible at setting. I'll be using a couple of those tips during my workout tomorrow.

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Thank you for taking the time to make that video. Definitely a good reference.

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Well I put it to the test last night after viewing. Not in workout mode, just sat in my recliner with the cat on my knee. Tried a few reps with the T, then the #1. Felt a bit strange compared to what I normally do, but there you go.

Anyhow, time I thought to try it on the #2 which, with every vein bulging I usually get to within 2-3mm. This time, set it properly to I guess CCS and just shut the damned thing! No grunting, straining, cat still on my knee! Not only that I did it several more times as well. Sooo, I wheeled out the #3 I got for xmas and got this down below parallel under the same conditions. So what I've seen is: setting makes all the difference between closing and not closing, so learn how to do it!

Cheers, Lol

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Well I put it to the test last night after viewing. Not in workout mode, just sat in my recliner with the cat on my knee. Tried a few reps with the T, then the #1. Felt a bit strange compared to what I normally do, but there you go.

Anyhow, time I thought to try it on the #2 which, with every vein bulging I usually get to within 2-3mm. This time, set it properly to I guess CCS and just shut the damned thing! No grunting, straining, cat still on my knee! Not only that I did it several more times as well. Sooo, I wheeled out the #3 I got for xmas and got this down below parallel under the same conditions. So what I've seen is: setting makes all the difference between closing and not closing, so learn how to do it!

Cheers, Lol

Glad to hear it helped! ............. and yes it will feel a little weird and un-natural, but the more you practice it, the more natural it will feel and then it will feel strong, so repetition is the key

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Great video Paul. I need to show this to a my buddy at work. He's been about 1mm away from the #2 for a while. I just watched him do it the other day, and he doesn't use a set at all. He just mashes it. I'm sure with a few minutes practice, he'll get it for sure.

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